China Carbon Credit Platform

The blue sky and white clouds reflect the green city! Hohhot makes overall plans to promote the prevention and control of air pollution

Release Time4 months ago

Every morning, Uncle Wang, a resident of Hetang Moonlight Community, Saihan District, Hohhot City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, jogs along the East River with his wife for half an hour. According to Uncle Wang's words, the air in Hohhot has become better now, and it is perfect to go out for a run in the morning.

Data from the Hohhot Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment confirms Uncle Wang's statement. In 2023, the total number of good days in the city will be 292 days, and the rate of good days will be 83.5%, PM2.5The average concentration was 29 micrograms per cubic meter, and the ratio of heavily polluted days was 0.8%, both of which were better than the assessment target of the autonomous region.

Air quality is stable and improving, thanks to continuous governance. In recent years, Hohhot has adhered to the problem-oriented, adopted the method of treating both the symptoms and the root causes, and combined prevention and control, coordinated the promotion of air pollution prevention and control, and focused on solving the outstanding problems of air pollution.

Today, Hohhot has been selected as a pilot city for clean heating in the northern region supported by the central government, the number of good days in the city has steadily increased, the number of polluted days has been greatly reduced, and the city's parks are full of greenery, and the suburbs are full of trees...... An ecological picture of clear water and blue sky is displayed in front of you.

Precise implementation and strengthen top-level design

The achievement of good results not only requires the implementation of various guidelines and policies, but also the precise implementation of governance measures to win the battle to defend the blue sky. In recent years, Hohhot has adhered to the prevention and control of air pollution as the number one project in the battle against pollution, revised and actively promoted the "Hohhot City Air Pollution Prevention and Control Management Regulations", formulated 4 action plans, 6 special implementation plans and 3 supporting assessment methods for coal combustion control, dust prevention and control, motor vehicle exhaust control and volatile organic compounds prevention and control, and built a "1+10+3" policy guarantee system for air pollution prevention and control.

At the same time, the "14th Five-Year Plan for Climate Change in Hohhot", the "Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory of Hohhot" and the "Action Plan for Peaking Carbon Emissions in Hohhot" have been compiled, and 11 power generation companies have entered the national carbon market to fulfill their obligations. The "Hohhot City Air Pollution Prevention and Control Management Regulations" was revised and included in the chapter on regional coordination of air pollution prevention and control in Hohhot, Hubei and Wuhan, and the "Greenhouse Gas Emission Accounting and Reporting Requirements for Polysilicon Production Enterprises" autonomous region standards and the "Data Center Carbon Emission Accounting Methods and Management Specifications" Hohhot local standards were formulated to promote and improve the legal system in the field of "big ecology".

In addition, the whole city clearly establishes high standards of environmental protection requirements, strengthens confidence, strengthens concentration, and pays close attention to the usual. Municipal departments of ecology and environment, public security, housing and construction, transportation, urban management, market supervision and other departments in accordance with the division of labor in the prevention and control of air pollution, conscientiously implement the management of environmental protection in development, environmental protection in production, and environmental protection in the industry.

Take multiple measures to promote pollution control

In the past year, Hohhot has played a set of powerful pollution control "combination punches", forming a high-pressure situation of all-round, three-dimensional and continuous promotion of air pollution prevention and control, which has effectively promoted the continuous improvement of air quality.

We will make every effort to promote the comprehensive management of coal-fired loose burning. Winter coal-fired heating pollution is an important factor affecting the air quality of Hohhot, taking the opportunity of the pilot city of clean heating in winter in the northern region (receiving 2.1 billion yuan of central financial awards and subsidies) to vigorously promote a series of projects such as "heat diversion", "networking", "furnace dismantling" and "coal control". The second phase of the Jinshan Power Plant was put into operation, and 11 boilers in the urban area were connected to the grid; coal-fired heating boilers of 35 steam tons/hour and below were eliminated, and 19 coal-fired heating boilers of 65 steam tons/hour and above were renovated for ultra-low emissions, of which 5 main projects have been completed and 14 have been connected to the grid; urban villages have been connected to the centralized heating network, and those that are not connected to the heating network have been converted from coal to gas and coal to electricity, and 45,300 households have been transformed into clean energy, and soot pollution has been effectively controlled.

Implement PM2.5Synergistic control with ozone. List management of key industries and enterprises for volatile organic compounds control, and promote 25 key enterprises in packaging and printing, pharmaceutical manufacturing and other industries to formulate and implement the "one factory, one policy" compliance plan in accordance with source replacement, process control and end treatment; All 6,003 heavy-duty diesel vehicles in use in the city are equipped with remote online monitoring equipment and networked.

Continue to strengthen the control of construction dust. Strictly implement the "six hundredth" requirements, and all 195 dust control construction projects in the city are included in the intelligent dust video supervision platform, and the whole process of construction waste collection, removal, dumping, and disposal is supervised. Strengthen the control of straw burning ban. The use of drone inspections and other scientific and technological means to carry out normalized supervision of straw burning, the comprehensive utilization rate of straw "three modernizations" reached 91.49%, and 416 million yuan of straw open burning funds were deducted from various banner counties and districts.

Scientific layout helps green development

In order to achieve precise policies and quantitative management of air pollution prevention and control, Hohhot has carried out the construction of a grid monitoring system for air pollution hotspots. Combined with the principle of grid division and the city's heavily polluted areas, 60 grid-based air quality micro-monitoring stations have been built, forming a micro-sub-station monitoring and distribution at intervals of 2 kilometers, and implementing 24-hour real-time monitoring. Using scientific and technological means such as satellite remote sensing, intelligent supervision platforms and unmanned aerial vehicles, we will focus on strengthening the control of non-point source pollution such as straw, wild grass and open burning, and push it to the territory for treatment as soon as possible, so as to basically eliminate the phenomenon of smoke generated by large-scale open burning.

This year, Hohhot will establish an ecological safety barrier monitoring linkage mechanism, strengthen ecological quality supervision and monitoring, strengthen docking with relevant departments such as the Big Data Bureau, accelerate the integration and sharing of data resources and comprehensive development and utilization, formulate an ecological safety barrier monitoring plan, and accelerate the construction of a "sky and ground" integrated and refined ecological environment monitoring network covering environmental quality, pollution sources, natural ecological conditions and other elements.

A good ecological environment is the most inclusive of people's livelihood and well-being. Hohhot will closely focus on the goal of ecological environmental protection, solidly promote the comprehensive management of the ecological environment, systematic management and source management, fight the battle of pollution prevention and control, continue to promote the improvement of the quality of the ecological environment, and let the people enjoy more blue skies, white clouds and twinkling stars.

RegionInner Mongolia