China Carbon Credit Platform

Shandong's installed capacity of new energy exceeded 100 million kilowatts

Release Time1 month ago

According to a recent press conference held by the Information Office of the Shandong Province Government, as of the end of June this year, the installed capacity of new energy power generation in Shandong Province has historically exceeded 100 million kilowatts, becoming the first province in the eastern coastal area to have installed new energy capacity exceeding 100 million.

As an important province with major energy consumption and carbon emissions in the country, Shandong Province accounts for nearly 1/10 of the country's total energy consumption and total carbon emissions. Under the background of the carbon peak and carbon neutrality strategy, accelerating the large-scale and high-quality development of new energy sources can not only "reduce the pressure and reduce the burden" on the energy structure of Shandong Province, but also "add bricks and tiles" to the national realization of the "double carbon" strategic goal. The province's installed capacity of new energy exceeded 100 million kilowatts, equivalent to saving 54 million tons of standard coal and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by more than 140 million tons every year.

Shandong Province has solidly promoted the leapfrog development of clean energy. The construction of large-scale clean energy bases such as Jiaodong Peninsula nuclear power, offshore wind power, and Shandong North Wind and Solar Energy Storage and Transportation Integration has been accelerated. The installed capacity and power generation of new energy and renewable energy have doubled in three years. As of the end of June this year, installed capacity reached 100.7 million kilowatts, accounting for 45.6%, and will historically exceed coal power by the end of the year. The installed capacity of photovoltaic power is 63.537 million kilowatts, ranking first in the country for seven consecutive years; the installed capacity of nuclear power is 11.8 million kilowatts under operation, the Shidaowan high-temperature gas-cooled reactor is put into commercial operation, the Guohe No. 1 Demonstration Project has been successfully implemented, and the first phase of the Shidaowan expansion project is about to start; the new scale of offshore wind power has ranked first in the country for two consecutive years, with a total of 4.81 million kilowatts built, ranking third in the country; the scale of new energy storage is 5.216 million kilowatts, ranking first in the country.

Shandong Province has solidly promoted the clean and efficient use of fossil energy, accelerated the transformation and upgrading of the coal and electricity industry, coordinated the planning and construction of large-scale coal power, shut down and transferred backward small coal power, and clean replacement of heating coal-fired boilers, and promoted the proportion of coal-fired power installed capacity. The proportion continues to decline, from as high as 80% to 48.2%, and is transitioning from a main power source to a supporting regulatory power source. The planning and construction of gas turbines were promoted in an orderly manner. Huadian Qingdao's 2× 505,000-kilowatt demonstration project was completed and put into operation, achieving a "zero breakthrough" for heavy-duty gas turbines.
