China Carbon Credit Platform

Xuancheng: "Four-wheel drive" accelerates green and low-carbon transformation

Release Time5 months ago

The first "zero-carbon wharf", "zero-carbon ship" and "zero-carbon village" in Anhui Province have been built to achieve zero breakthroughs in forestry carbon sink trading in Anhui...... In recent years, Xuancheng City has closely followed the "double carbon" goal, adhered to the four wheels of "reduction, adjustment, innovation, and anchoring", and accelerated the green and low-carbon economic and social development.

Driven by carbon emission reduction in key industries. The "Xuancheng Carbon Peak Implementation Plan" was promulgated, and the province took the lead in launching the preparation of relevant plans for carbon emission peaking, formulating special plans for energy, industry, transportation, agriculture and rural areas, urban and rural construction, and building a "1+N" policy system for carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. Implement the emission transformation project of heavily polluting industries, promote cleaner production of enterprises, start the preparation of annual greenhouse gas emission inventory reports as soon as possible, and complete the compilation and reporting of carbon emission reports of provincial key industries for five consecutive years, so as to realize the normalization of greenhouse gas emission control and strive to build a green and low-carbon industrial system. Ningguo Economic and Technological Development Zone is characterized by the recycling and comprehensive utilization of bulk industrial solid wastes such as phosphogypsum, sand-resistant and construction waste, and implements the "low-carbon + recycling" green development model to achieve the coordination and efficiency of pollution reduction and carbon reduction and waste utilization, and has been successfully selected as the first batch of national industrial park collaborative innovation pilots for pollution reduction and carbon reduction, and Zhongding Group in the park has built a 32MW distributed photovoltaic project, with an annual power generation of 33.6 million kWh and a reduction of about 26,000 tons of carbon emissions.       

Adjust the energy structure to drive the transformation. Xuancheng City implements renewable energy substitution actions, promotes the implementation of a large number of photovoltaic, wind power, and pumped storage power generation, and makes every effort to build a green energy guarantee base in the Yangtze River Delta. There are 26 pumped storage power stations built, under construction and planned for construction in the city, with a total installed capacity of about 19.2 million kilowatts, ranking first in Anhui Province and becoming one of the prefecture-level cities with the most pumped storage power stations in the Yangtze River Delta region. Strictly implement the "dual control" system of energy consumption, promote carbon emission trading in the power generation industry, and assist China Coal Xuancheng Power Generation Co., Ltd. to complete carbon emission reporting, verification, quota verification, and carbon emission trading, and trade a total of 230,400 tons of carbon dioxide in two batches in 2023.

Driven by innovative forestry carbon sequestration trading. Vigorously implement the carbon sink forest action, and Xuancheng City released the two achievements of "carbon sink background measurement" and "three-dimensional real forest" earlier in the country. Carry out innovative practice of carbon sink trading, issue the "Opinions on Promoting the Development of Low-carbon Society in Xuancheng Forestry" and "Forestry Carbon Ticket Management Measures", and successfully complete the "first order of Anhui forestry carbon sink trading" in Miaoshou Forest Farm in Jingde County, and achieve "zero breakthrough" in Anhui forestry carbon sink trading. It launched forestry carbon sequestration credit loans and carbon sequestration value insurance, explored "subscribing to carbon sinks" for alternative restoration civil litigation, and was successfully selected as the third batch of national low-carbon city pilots. The establishment of the province's first "two mountains bank" and state-owned forestry development company, the introduction of "green water and green mountains" loans, "carbon sequestration pledge" loans, "green energy-saving" loans and other credit models, a total of 81 village-level "two mountains banks", the city to achieve a total forestry output value of 80 billion yuan, effectively promote the transformation of forest "carbon pool" to "money bank".

Anchor the green energy-saving industry drive. Xuancheng City will include new energy, energy conservation and environmental protection industries in the "6543" plan of a strong industrial city, and vigorously develop green and intelligent manufacturing industries. The establishment of Xuancheng Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Industry Association, the establishment of a professional advisory committee, the construction of more than 500 full-time foreign investment team, focusing on new energy and energy conservation and environmental protection industry to carry out provincial and municipal joint investment, a number of investment of 10 billion yuan of new energy projects and energy conservation and environmental protection listed company Bosch Branch Company has settled in Xuancheng. In 2023, the number of new energy and energy conservation and environmental protection industry projects in the city will be 118, ranking second in the province, with an investment of 120.5 billion yuan, ranking fourth in the province. There are 6 new national green factories and 11 provincial green factories, and it has been successfully selected as one of the key development cities of the province's new energy, energy conservation and environmental protection industries, which has rapidly improved the contribution of strategic emerging industries to the city's green, low-carbon and circular development.
