China Carbon Credit Platform

Dalian Jinpu New Area Sustainable Development Dual-linked Loan to Help the Development of Distributed Photovoltaic Industry

Release Time6 months ago

Recently, under the guidance of Dalian Ecological Environment Bureau of Liaoning Province, Jinpu New Area Ecological Environment Branch and People's Bank of China Jinpu New District Branch, Industrial Bank Dalian Branch successfully implemented a climate investment and financing pilot sustainability-linked loan to help the development of distributed photovoltaic industry in Jinpu New District, providing 16.3 million yuan of medium and long-term financial support for the new distributed photovoltaic project of Huicheng Aluminum Industry in Jinpu New District, Dalian. CCXGF Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. provided professional third-party independent appraisal and certification for the loan.

As one of the important tools for climate investment and financing, sustainability-linked loans can promote and support more financing for projects that contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation, and broaden financing channels for enterprises.

It is understood that the loan interest rate will be linked to the borrower's cumulative installed capacity of distributed photovoltaic projects and the number of projects that have obtained the "Renewable Energy Green Power Certificate" issued by the National Energy Administration as a performance indicator, and if the enterprise fails to meet the established target, the loan interest rate will be raised during the subsequent interest-bearing period.

It is expected to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 10,296.78 tons, save fossil energy by 3,560.49 tons, reduce sulfur dioxide emissions by 1.25 tons, reduce nitrogen oxide emissions by 1.88 tons, and reduce soot emissions by 0.27 tons per year after the completion of the target, which will play an important supporting role in promoting Jinpu New Area's active response to climate change. At the same time, Jinpu New Area will rely on the opportunity of climate investment and financing pilot construction to gather more high-quality financial resources, effectively reduce the financing cost of climate projects, promote regional green and low-carbon transformation, and help achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality.
