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To promote the comprehensive new energy transformation of vehicles in the public sector, Beijing's energy work points in 2024 have been released

Release Time5 months ago

The Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission and the Beijing Municipal Urban Management Commission recently jointly issued the "Key Points of Beijing's Energy Work in 2024" (hereinafter referred to as the "Key Points of Work"), which clarified the overall requirements, main objectives and key tasks of energy development throughout the year.

In recent years, Beijing's energy structure has been continuously optimized. The reporter learned that in 2023, the scale of Beijing's external green power transfer will increase to 27.9 billion kWh, accounting for more than 30% of the city's external power transfer for the first time, and the annual green power consumption will be 33.04 billion kWh, and the weight of renewable electricity consumption responsibility will reach 24.3%. The proportion of renewable energy has increased to more than 14.2%, the proportion of high-quality energy consumption such as natural gas and external power transfer has reached more than 99%, and the energy consumption per unit of GDP and the carbon dioxide emission intensity per unit of GDP continue to maintain the best level among provincial-level regions.

This year's "Key Points of Work" focuses on 8 aspects, including "improving resilience, promoting transformation, emphasizing energy conservation, promoting innovation, strengthening regions, benefiting people's livelihood, ensuring safety, and deepening reform", and puts forward 50 annual key tasks, striving to promote the development and utilization of renewable energy to account for 14.8% of energy consumption, the proportion of high-quality energy consumption to exceed 99%, and the cumulative installed capacity of renewable energy to about 3.1 million kilowatts, solidly promote the construction of a strong, resilient, green and low-carbon smart energy system, and cultivate new momentum for energy development in the capital.

The "Key Points of Work" proposes to make every effort to promote the management of energy conservation in key industries, adhere to the priority of energy conservation, promote energy conservation and consumption reduction in key areas such as industry, construction, and transportation, orderly promote the withdrawal of general manufacturing industry, transformation and quality improvement, effectively promote the utilization of waste heat in data centers, vigorously implement new and renovated building energy-saving projects, and continue to promote the low-carbon transformation of transportation energy consumption structure.

At present, the energy transition in the transportation sector has become an unavoidable topic, which is also reflected in the "Key Points of Work". The "Key Points of Work" proposes to adhere to innovation-driven, focusing on new energy vehicles, new energy storage, In key areas such as hydrogen energy, we will strengthen the research and demonstration application of key energy technology equipment and core components, vigorously promote the promotion and application of new energy vehicles, promote the comprehensive new energy transformation of vehicles in the public sector, and improve the service capacity of energy replenishment facilities; improve the top-level design of new energy storage, promote diversified technological innovation, promote user-side demonstration applications in different regions, and strengthen the safety management of energy storage facilities; take the construction of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei fuel cell vehicle demonstration application city agglomeration as an opportunity to accelerate the production, storage, transportation, processing and processing of hydrogen energy. Use scientific research and pilot demonstrations in all links to promote the multi-scenario application of hydrogen energy in transportation, industry, power generation and other fields.

At the same time, we must continue to improve the resilience of energy facilities. Adhere to the moderate advancement, do a good job in the combination of "power introduction, strong network, and intelligence", build a strong power grid of digital intelligence in the capital with high standards, accelerate the implementation of 500 thousand volt power transmission and transformation projects such as Yizhuang, and start the 500 thousand volt power transmission and transformation project in Science City. It is necessary to adhere to the safety as the foundation, continue to do a good job in the safe and stable supply of energy during key periods and major activities, solidly improve the level of stable energy supply and concealment, accelerate the construction of energy reserve capacity, and systematically study the implementation path of natural gas reduction in the city from power generation, heat supply, technology upgrading and other aspects, and do a good job in ensuring the city's energy supply.

It is worth mentioning that the "Key Points of Work" emphasizes that it is necessary to solidly improve the energy benefits to the people, implement the national large-scale equipment renewal requirements, actively strive for national financial support such as ultra-long-term treasury bonds, focus on the implementation of old pipeline renewal and ventilation of residential buildings, continue to promote the remaining rural areas to convert coal to clean energy, and improve the people's sense of energy use, happiness and security.
