China Carbon Credit Platform

Grow up with "Keke Frog" and do interesting science on climate change| Carbon Road Pioneer

Release Time1 month ago

Comic author Guo Xiaoyu created a cartoon image "Koko Frog" in April this year. She has steadily maintained the frequency of two shifts a week, and has updated 29 drawings so far. Click on her to update Keke Frog's account, and people can't get enough of the eye-catching green. Guo Xiaoyu laughed and called this "Keke Green".

In order to conceive such a cartoon image with the theme of popular climate change knowledge, she almost "soaked" in the park. The green trees and shades she saw in front of her and the energy she gained from contact with nature flowed through the brush in her hand, creating the "Koko Frog Crog".

Comic author Guo Xiaoyu

Fresh green, full screen of knowledge

Why is climate change concerned by a frog?

"Koko Frog"

Before starting to create, Guo Xiaoyu conducted a period of research. By reading through materials and consulting experts, she gradually learned a lot about carbon emission reduction, sustainable life, and climate change from a zero-based "little white" in the field of climate change. Relevant knowledge in the field.

It turns out that more than 44000 species in the world are being threatened with extinction, of which 41% are on the verge of extinction. "Amphibians rely on both freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems, coupled with the lack of outer protection of their skin, making them very vulnerable to habitat destruction and environmental changes caused by climate change." Guo Xiaoyu said: "I was deeply impressed by this vulnerability and loss of diversity."

Thinking of the strong sense of urgency and smallness and powerlessness she felt when facing climate issues, she couldn't help but imagine that if amphibians launched self-rescue operations-just like every small human being responds to climate change through individual actions--What kind of story would happen during this process?

Therefore, the cartoon image "Koko Frog" is like a reflection of Guo Xiaoyu's inner heart. The author and the characters together started a pleasant journey of exploring and addressing climate change.

In the story of "Koko Frog", it learned about the survival threats faced by its own group and joined the "Save Amphibians Alliance". After learning about climate issues, biodiversity and other knowledge, it passed the final exam and was sent to live in human society. The most important thing is to complete the action task of letting more people understand climate change and choose a low-carbon and sustainable lifestyle.

The responsibility Guo Xiaoyu entrusted to "Koko Frog" is the same as the goal she set for herself. "I hope that through 'Koko Frog Crog', combined with popular knowledge of climate issues, we will promote sustainable lifestyles to the public, attract the general public, especially young people, to pay attention to and understand climate issues, and try to solve the problem of complex knowledge and understanding in the field of climate change. The problem of breaking through the circle caused by the characteristics of high thresholds."

Make interesting content and share sincerely

In about 4 months, Guo Xiaoyu updated a total of 29 issues, with themes covering rich content such as International Rare Animal Protection Day, carbon emission reduction, greenhouse effect, World Earth Day, extreme weather, and low-carbon life. However, she is most satisfied with the 19th issue of science popularization on marine plastics that she created, and she likes it from the entry point, development level and picture. The inspiration for this issue mainly comes from observations during daily painting.

"The acrylic pigment used when painting contains plastic particles. If it is washed directly with water, it may eventually be discharged into the ocean. If it is sorted and recycled after it solidifies, will this problem be effectively solved?" With this idea in mind, Guo Xiaoyu set out to check the information and conceive the copy.

Guo Xiaoyu follows this creative process in almost every issue. She also sets some basic rules for herself. For example, for each issue of creation, there are 4 pictures and a summary,"It's like '4 and a half sentences'", Guo Xiaoyu said,"This way we maintain a stable rhythm and explain one theme clearly in each issue."

The 29th issue of Guo Xiaoyu's latest update.

As an image narrator, Guo Xiaoyu has tried various methods such as strips and picture books to express his attention to more social issues in his past practice. "I think this attempt is like building a bridge between the issue and the public, and using a more relaxed and interesting way to attract audiences can spread through circles." In Guo Xiaoyu's view, the first difficulty in the bridging process is that no matter which topic, it will carry educational expectations of loosening consciousness and behavioral change. Interesting content and sincere sharing are particularly important.

In the updated daily routine of "Koko Frog", in addition to the popularization of small knowledge points on climate issues, there are also advocacy of sustainable lifestyles, publicity of important issues at time points, and stories combined with daily life. In order to achieve continuous updates, Guo Xiaoyu is also constantly learning about climate change.

Now, almost all of her family and friends are her "iron fans" and often "chase after updates". Being able to influence more people around him to pay attention to climate change, Guo Xiaoyu is feeling that he has gradually changed from being interested and "wanting to paint" to a more professional and rigorous science popularization state.

Guo Xiaoyu designed an emoji for "Keke Frog".

Fit the aesthetics of contemporary young people and popularize climate change through resonance

As the protagonist of the entire series of comics, what kind of personality portraits and characteristics does the "Koko Frog" Ben Frog have?

In the appearance of "Keke Frog", Guo Xiaoyu gave it the identity of "working frog". In terms of visual design, slightly different from the more cartoon and younger images,"Koko Frog" appears more adult. In addition to being more in line with the aesthetics of contemporary young people, Guo Xiaoyu said frankly that there is another consideration behind it,"I think climate change is related to the acceleration of social and economic development. More energy consumption brings more carbon dioxide emissions, plus Global warming. And many times young people laugh at themselves as 'workers' and are caught up in the times, and many things are accelerated. I think this state has some similarities with climate issues."

Resonance brings better communication effects and allows every public who is aware of climate change issues to go from initially being confused to gradually finding answers. Faced with more frequent extreme weather and data that seems to be not optimistic about the prospects, it is easy for individuals to feel the grandeur of climate change issues and their own insignificance. Guo Xiaoyu once had a powerless moment when "my small actions can make any difference". However, as more people realize that climate change issues are closely related to everyone and strive to become more environmentally friendly and responsible people, small actions can also bring about huge changes.

This summer, Guo Xiaoyu, who was sitting at her desk and painting, was often interrupted by lightning and heavy rain outside the window. At this time, her heart would urgently want everyone to look out the window and pay attention to the climate change phenomenon around her. Every hot heat wave or storm outside the window brings a sense of urgency to deal with climate change.

From the grand knowledge system of climate change, extract content that is closely related to everyone's lives, lower the threshold for understanding complex professional knowledge, and present lightweight short content. Guo Xiaoyu will insist on painting the story of "Koko Frog", and she will also grow up with the characters in her writing.
