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Contribute China's strength to the world's energy transformation (Harmony)

Release Time2 weeks ago

Based on high-quality development, focusing on the construction of ecological civilization, and serving the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, the "China Plan" for energy transformation answers questions of the world and the times, and demonstrates China's governance and responsibility as a major country.

On August 29, the Information Office of the State Council of China released the white paper "China's Energy Transformation", which demonstrated China's efforts and contributions to continuously deepen international cooperation in green energy and promote sustainable global energy development, and elaborated on China's commitment to joining hands with other countries to build a clean and beautiful world. Firm proposition. Under the guidance of the new energy security strategy of "Four Revolutions, One Cooperation" proposed by President Xi Jinping, China's new energy industry has provided green power to the world, created new opportunities for deepening international cooperation in clean energy, and contributed China's strength to the world's energy transformation.

In today's world, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation are advancing in depth, and green and low-carbon, digital intelligence, and sustainable development have become the themes of the times. It has become the consensus of all countries to accelerate energy transformation and development, achieve sustainable use of energy, continue to improve people's livelihood and well-being, and provide inexhaustible power to the world economy. In line with the general trend of global development and the requirements of the times, China has embarked on an energy transformation path that suits its national conditions. Based on high-quality development, focusing on the construction of ecological civilization, and serving the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, the "China Plan" for energy transformation answers questions of the world and the times, and demonstrates China's governance and responsibility as a major country.

The "green" content of China's energy continues to increase, pushing clean energy development into the fast lane. Over the past 10 years, China's new clean energy power generation has accounted for more than half of the increase in electricity consumption in the whole society, and the new installed capacity of renewable energy accounts for more than 40% of the world's new installed capacity of renewable energy every year. China has become one of the fastest reducing countries in global energy consumption intensity, saving energy consumption by approximately 1.4 billion tons and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 3 billion tons; The added value energy consumption of industrial units above designated size has dropped by more than 36%, and the cumulative elimination of backward coal and electricity production capacity has exceeded 100 million kilowatts... China continues to promote its own energy transformation, achieved historic breakthroughs in green and low-carbon development, and effectively guaranteed high-quality economic and social development. The "Renewable Energy 2023" report released by the International Energy Agency pointed out that China is a global leader in the field of renewable energy and the main driving force for the rapid and large-scale growth of global renewable energy.

China has carried out extensive international cooperation in energy and injected "Chinese power" into global green development. China has actively integrated into the global clean energy industry chain and continuously shared high-quality clean energy products with the world, enriching global supply, promoting the reduction of global energy transformation costs, and alleviating global inflationary pressures. The International Renewable Energy Agency reported that in the past 10 years, the average electricity costs of global wind power and photovoltaic power generation projects have dropped by more than 60% and 80% respectively, a large part of which is due to China's contribution. China and other countries have made "green" the background for energy cooperation in the Belt and Road Initiative, and have cooperated with more than 100 countries and regions in green energy projects. A large number of landmark energy projects such as the Karot Hydropower Station in Pakistan, the Adama Wind Power Project in Ethiopia, and the Gauchari Photovoltaic Power Station in Argentina have taken root, providing clean, safe and reliable energy supply solutions for the host countries.

China has expanded high-level opening up to the outside world in the energy sector, creating new opportunities for deepening international cooperation in clean energy. China continues to create a market-oriented, legal and international first-class business environment, actively promotes energy trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, shares the dividends of China's energy transformation with foreign-funded enterprises, fully implements a pre-entry national treatment plus negative list management system, and introduces Encourage foreign investment industry catalog and increase policy support for foreign investment in clean energy and other fields. Multinational companies such as General Electric, Bibi, and Siemens have steadily increased their energy investment in China. Foreign-funded projects such as EDF's offshore wind power project, Shanghai Tesla electric vehicle manufacturing project, and Nanjing LG new energy battery project have successively been implemented in China. "In order to adapt to the strong demand in the Chinese market for new energy, circular economy, etc., the company is expanding a new base." A relevant person in charge of Germany's Heraeus Group said that the company's growth benefits from China's open policy and continuously improving business environment.

A world with bluer skies, greener mountains and clearer water is the common aspiration of all mankind. China is willing to work with the international community to continue to deepen international cooperation in green energy, actively be a promoter of global energy transformation, jointly promote the harmonious coexistence of man and nature, and jointly build a clean and beautiful earth home.

(The original text is published in the People's Daily, August 31, 2024, page 03)
