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Closely focus on the main line of building a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation and promoting high-quality economic development

Release Time2 months ago

General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly proposed that building a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation should be the main line of the party's ethnic work and all work in ethnic areas in the new era. When it comes to economic work, we must deeply understand that economic issues are not simply economic issues for Inner Mongolia, but the dialectical unity of political issues, economic issues, social issues, people's livelihood issues, and ethnic issues. To promote high-quality economic development, we must closely focus on and not deviate from this main line. We must implement this main line completely, accurately, comprehensively, in-depth and concretely, and use the guidance of building a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation to inspire cadres and the masses of all ethnic groups to work together to unite and work together. Strive for common prosperity and development, and strive to write a new chapter in Chinese-style modernization of Inner Mongolia with the close unity of all ethnic groups in the northern border of the motherland.

--Deeply understand the care and care of the Party Central Committee, and promote high-quality economic development with strong gratitude and determination to forge ahead. Inner Mongolia developed with the support of the Party Central Committee. It is thanks to the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee in different periods and the country's great support in economic construction and other aspects that Inner Mongolia has moved from poverty to prosperity and prosperity, and the people of all ethnic groups in the region have moved from lack of food and clothing to a moderately prosperous society in all respects. General Secretary Xi Jinping has always cared deeply about the people of all ethnic groups in Inner Mongolia. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, he has visited Inner Mongolia three times, stood for the election of deputies to the 13th National People's Congress in Inner Mongolia and participated in the deliberations of the Inner Mongolia delegation for five consecutive years. He has made important instructions on related work in Inner Mongolia, pointing out the way forward, providing fundamental compliance, and injecting strong impetus into the development of Inner Mongolia in the new era. Under the careful guidance of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the care and support of the Party Central Committee, Inner Mongolia has multiple superimposed policy advantages. It is the only province in the country that enjoys the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China, the development of the western region, the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin, and the "Three Norths" project. It is also a province that also enjoys the national support policies for underdeveloped areas, resource-based areas, border areas, and ethnic minority areas. The State Council specially issued the "Opinions on Promoting High-Quality Development in Inner Mongolia and Striving to Write a New Chapter in Chinese-Style Modernization", which continues to send the deep love of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Party Central Committee to the land of northern Xinjiang. We must abide by the instructions, work together, educate and guide the people of all ethnic groups to keep in mind the "facts and truths of the six sentences", form a high degree of consciousness of feeling the party's kindness, listening to the party's words, and following the party, and closely follow General Secretary Xi Jinping's new journey.

--Actively shoulder Inner Mongolia's important responsibilities and responsibilities in the overall development of the country, and anchor the goal of breaking new roads and entering the middle reaches to promote high-quality economic development. General Secretary Xi Jinping asked us to actively explore new ways of high-quality development oriented by ecological priority and green development, and build an important national energy and strategic resource base in accordance with the construction of Inner Mongolia into an important ecological security barrier in northern my country and a security and stability barrier in the northern border of the motherland. Important agricultural and livestock product production bases, creating an important strategic positioning for my country to open up to the north, and writing a new chapter in the development of Inner Mongolia on the new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country. If Inner Mongolia has completed these tasks well, it will not only demonstrate greater responsibility in serving and ensuring the overall situation of the country, but also build strong support for the region's modernization drive. Based on our resource endowments, development conditions, and comparative advantages, we must make every effort to complete the five major tasks assigned to Inner Mongolia by General Secretary Xi Jinping, accelerate the development of new productive forces, comprehensively promote rural revitalization, continuously enhance the endogenous driving force of development, and strive to promote Inner Mongolia's modernization in China. We must break new paths and enter the middle reaches of the country, and use the practice and performance of breaking new paths and entering the middle reaches to build a strong sense of the Chinese nation's community and promote the construction of the Chinese nation's community.

--Coordinate the promotion of "rich pockets" and "rich heads" to promote high-quality economic development while coordinating the construction of material civilization and spiritual civilization. As early as 2014, when General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Inner Mongolia, he asked us to comply with the new expectations of farmers and herdsmen for a happy life and help farmers and herdsmen make their lives prosperous both material and spiritual. High-quality development must aim at the yearning for a better life of the people of all ethnic groups, start from the issues that the people of all ethnic groups are most concerned about, make up for the shortcomings of social undertakings, narrow the gap in public services, consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation, and steadily promote common prosperity. However, we must also deeply realize that economic and social development does not automatically bring about ethnic unity and the sense of community for the Chinese nation. We must adhere to the principle of "managing the stomach" and "managing the brain" with both hands, and reflect the common goals of all ethnic groups in economic planning and layout. The common goals of all ethnic groups, the common interests of all ethnic groups in formulating economic policies, the common struggle of all ethnic groups in the process of promoting economic development, and the realization of economic policies and ethnic policies working in the same direction. Give all reforms and development the significance of demonstrating the Chinese nation's sense of community, maintaining unity and opposing division, and improving people's livelihood and uniting people's hearts.


Focus on the overall situation and shoulder important responsibilities in completing the "Five Major Tasks", and contribute more Inner Mongolia's strength to the overall development of the country.

Inner Mongolia has a glorious tradition of turning its heart to the Party, the Party Central Committee, and Beijing, and has always strived to contribute to the overall situation of the country. At the beginning of the founding of New China, in order to build Baotou Steel, the people of Baiyun Obo gave up the Holy Mountain of Aobao; in order to develop the aerospace industry, the herdsmen of Ejina Banner moved to their homes three times; during the three difficult years, Inner Mongolia handed over more than 1 billion kilograms of grain to the central government, supported tens of thousands of farm animals to sister provinces and cities, and also created a historical story of national unity that "3,000 orphans entered Inner Mongolia." The title of "Model Autonomous Region" was first named by Premier Zhou Enlai when he praised Inner Mongolia for its contribution to the country's grain delivery; Since the 1990s, Inner Mongolia has thoroughly implemented the national strategy of "transmitting electricity from west to east" and made every effort to promote "transporting coal from the air and transmitting electricity to Beijing City", making important contributions to ensuring the power needs of the economic and social development of Beijing and even North China. Cadres and the masses of all ethnic groups have formed a profound consensus and valuable qualities of understanding the general situation, taking into account the overall situation, emphasizing style, seeking dedication, and being responsible. Entering a new era, Inner Mongolia shoulders important responsibilities in ensuring national energy and strategic resource security and food security, and also plays a special role in serving and integrating into the overall situation of the country's opening up to the outside world and promoting the joint construction of the "Belt and Road". In the process of comprehensively building a modern socialist country, different regions shoulder different tasks. The "five major tasks" were proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping based on the actual situation of Inner Mongolia and focusing on the overall situation of the country. They are not only the development direction of Inner Mongolia, but also the important responsibility and important responsibility of Inner Mongolia in the overall situation of Chinese-style modernization. To promote economic construction with building a strong sense of the Chinese nation's community as the main line of work is to inherit the red genes of the people of all ethnic groups in Inner Mongolia, consistently talk about politics, take into account the overall situation, and shoulder missions, and build "two barriers" and "two bases" with high quality."A bridgehead", further advance the "six projects", accumulate a thicker material foundation for building a strong sense of the Chinese nation's community, and cultivate more proactive spiritual power for enhancing the "five identities".

Deeply explore the potential of resource development, transformation and utilization, and continue to be a pillar in ensuring national energy security. Inner Mongolia's coal, scenery and other resources are among the best in the country. In 2023, it will produce 1.22 billion tons of coal and ensure supply of 945 million tons. The total installed capacity of electricity will exceed 200 million kilowatts. The installed capacity of new energy will reach 93 million kilowatts. The volume of coal transportation and supply guarantee tasks, the total installed capacity of new energy, new installed capacity, new installed capacity, power generation capacity, total installed capacity, new installed capacity, power generation capacity, external power transmission capacity, and coal-to-gas production capacity all rank first in the country, ensuring the energy demand of 29 provinces. We must focus on the country's major deployments such as accelerating the development of new energy sources, building a new power system, and improving oil and gas security capabilities. We must adhere to the simultaneous development of coal, electricity, oil, gas, wind, light, hydrogen, and storage, continue to tap the potential of ensuring supply, and strive to provide for the country. Provide a more stable, safer and greener energy supply. In terms of traditional energy, we will speed up the reserve of a number of coal and coal-fired power projects, vigorously promote the high-end development of coal-based new materials, and increase efforts to explore and develop oil and gas resources and increase reserves and production to ensure that they can be supplied and sustained at critical times. In terms of new energy, we will thoroughly implement the new energy doubling action, step up the construction of a large-scale base of tens of millions of kilowatts, promote the development of the entire industrial chain of key materials, equipment and parts in the new energy industry, and carry out large-scale research on wind and solar hydrogen production and new energy storage technologies. Green electricity is produced and exported as much as possible. In terms of strategic resources, while striving to build the country's largest rare earth new material base and the world's leading rare earth application base, we will implement a new round of mineral prospecting breakthrough strategic actions to form a number of strategic mineral and advantageous mineral exploration and development reserve areas and strategic continuity areas as soon as possible to continuously improve the contribution to the security of key national mineral resources.

Accelerate the breakthrough of bottlenecks such as land, water, and planting, and continue to serve as the vanguard in ensuring national food security. Inner Mongolia has 172 million acres of cultivated land. It is one of the five provinces and regions in the country with more than 100 million acres of cultivated land. The grassland area accounts for 1/5 of the country's. It is an internationally recognized high-quality animal husbandry area and a golden milk source belt. In 2023, the grain output will reach 79.16 billion kilograms, ranking sixth in the country, and more than 50 billion kilograms have been transferred externally. The output of beef, mutton and milk ranks first in the country. It is the country's "granary","meat warehouse" and "milk can". As a major grain-producing area, stabilizing grain production and increasing grain production capacity are Inner Mongolia's political responsibilities. They are also inevitable requirements for people of all ethnic groups to build a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation and contribute to ensuring national food security. We must do everything possible to protect and give full play to the enthusiasm and potential for increasing grain production in key grain-producing areas, implement the grain yield increase project, make good use of the inter-provincial horizontal interest compensation policy mechanism of the national grain production and marketing areas, and improve the accuracy of the implementation of support subsidy policies. Let grain-producing Daqi County have political honor and financial benefits, so that the income of grain-growing farmers can increase and production and living conditions can improve. Efforts should be made to promote the high-quality development of agriculture and animal husbandry, closely adhere to the six key points of "land, water, seeds and grain, meat and milk", adhere to the overall planning of grain, economy and feed, and promote the simultaneous development of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, accelerate the construction of high-standard farmland, black soil protection, and saline-alkali land Comprehensive transformation and utilization, steadily promote moderate scale operations, deepen the comprehensive reform of agricultural water prices, vigorously promote water-saving technologies such as sprinkler irrigation, drip irrigation, and integration of water and fertilizer, and water recycling technologies, and increase local grain species, livestock species, grass seeds, potato seeds, etc. R & D efforts, Focus on improving standards and quality, optimizing the supply structure of beef and mutton products, improving production efficiency, accelerating the development of facility agriculture, house feeding and captivity, and courtyard economy, focusing on expanding quantity, improving quality, and increasing production, and striving to provide more high-quality green agricultural and livestock products to the country. Promote the in-depth processing of agricultural and livestock products throughout the chain, create a number of regional public brands that can be established and well-known, improve the interest linkage mechanism of agricultural enterprises, and stabilize the "grain bag" for the country, while allowing farmers and herdsmen to have the "money bags" also bulging up.

Continue to expand opening up internally and externally and continue to build an important bridgehead for my country's opening up to the north. Inner Mongolia is connected to eight provinces and regions and Russia and Mongolia externally. It has unique location advantages. Historically, it has been an important hub and channel of the "Grassland Silk Road" and the "Thousand Miles Tea Ceremony". It is now an important node of the China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor and an important gateway to the country's new land-sea corridor. There are currently 20 ports open to the outside world. Two of the country's three China-Europe freight corridors exit through Inner Mongolia. In 2023, the port's cargo volume will exceed 100 million tons. The total import and export volume of foreign trade increased by 30.4%, ranking third in the country. The arrival and dispatch China-Europe freight trains increased by 73.7%, becoming the province with the largest number of ports in the country and the largest freight volume at border land ports. We must play a greater role in connecting the domestic and international dual circulation, firmly establish the concepts of "Inner Mongolia is located on the border but not remote","opening up to the north but not limited to the north", and "deepening regional cooperation is also opening up", and internally Deepen exchanges and cooperation with the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, Yangtze River Delta, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the three northeastern provinces; Externally, we will continue to target Russia, Mongolia, Japan, South Korea, Europe and the United States and other countries and regions to expand economic and trade exchanges, and strive to build a global open platform that connects inside and outside, radiates to surrounding areas, gathers and distributes resources, and integrates factors. At present, it is necessary to take the establishment of the free trade zone as a guide, continue to improve the functions of various open platforms, accelerate the launch of a number of basic reform matters and high-level opening measures, and solidly promote the construction of the China-Mongolia Erenhot-Zamenwu Economic Cooperation Zone. Actively develop the deep processing of major imported products such as copper, iron, coal, wood, and grain, coordinate the expansion and reconstruction of ports, the construction of distribution centers, the increase in the number of China-Europe freight trains originating in the zone, and the processing of goods on the ground. Make great efforts to solve the problem of "wine and meat penetrating the intestines", effectively make the total volume and quality of foreign trade bigger and stronger, continuously enhance the economic adsorption and regional influence on neighboring countries, and allow people of all ethnic groups to continue to strengthen in the development comparison. The centripetal cohesion of the great motherland and the sense of pride and belonging to the Chinese nation community.


Dare to innovate and act bravely in developing new productive forces, and work together to build a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation by breaking new roads and entering the middle reaches.

In the long-term historical process of exchanges, exchanges and integration, the people of all ethnic groups in Inner Mongolia have formed an spirit of inclusiveness, daring to venture, daring to try, and innovating and entrepreneurship; in the magnificent journey of developing and building the northern border of the motherland, they have formed two distinctive spiritual symbols: the Mongolian Horse Spirit of "hard work, selfless dedication, perseverance, and long-term achievement". Historically, the prosperous Guihua City and Baotou City have become economic hubs for communicating with various places. Strong firms such as Dashengkui and Fushenggong have spread their business footprints all over the desert and the north. At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, with the support of the Party Central Committee, cadres and people of all ethnic groups in Inner Mongolia worked hard and worked hard. During the "First Five-Year Plan" period, they started the construction of major projects such as Baotou Steel, No. 1, No. 2, and the Daxinganling Forest Industrial Base, producing nuclear fuel for the Republic's first tank, first anti-aircraft gun, first atomic bomb and hydrogen bomb, cultivating the "new productive forces" of that time. General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out that "Inner Mongolia is the earliest ethnic autonomous region established in my country. It has broken new paths in Chinese-style modernization and has important influence nationally and internationally." We must keep in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping's earnest instructions, establish ambitions, abandon the idea that "I am inferior to others", strengthen our confidence and determination, make a difference in the development of new productive forces, combine the implementation of the scientific and technological "breakthrough" project, coordinate scientific and technological innovation and industry Innovation, strive to make a good first move, take the initiative, constantly open up new industries and new tracks, create new driving forces and new advantages for development, create new achievements and hand over "high scores" on the journey of breaking new roads and entering the middle reaches, Continue to cultivate a high degree of "empathy" for the people of all ethnic groups in northern Xinjiang to strengthen the sense of the Chinese nation's community, and continue to maintain the lofty honor of the model autonomous region.

Based on resource endowments,"something grows new", transform and upgrade traditional industries. Inner Mongolia's traditional industries such as energy, metallurgy, building materials, and chemicals are the foundation for development. Industries that have been built hard must not be small or lost, let alone simply withdraw as "low-end industries." We must aim at the direction of high-end, intelligent and green, do everything possible to solve problems, make up for shortcomings, and strengthen the foundation, strive to improve the gold content, intelligence content, and green content of traditional industries, and form more new productivity that meets the requirements of high-quality development. Accelerate the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries and the conversion of old and new kinetic energy, implement large-scale technological transformation and upgrading projects, promote equipment updates, process upgrades, and digital empowerment, vigorously implement new infrastructure projects, promote the construction of the industrial Internet, and play a good role in the "green power card"."One enterprise, one policy" and "one park, one policy" promote coupled development and green power substitution, create more low-carbon and zero-carbon parks, actively undertake industrial transfers, and attract more advanced and high-energy-carrying industries to settle down.

Grasp the development trend of "new growth and strong growth" and cultivate and expand emerging industries. Inner Mongolia has some "trump cards" in the development of emerging industries. The key point is to effectively leverage its comparative advantages to make existing ones bigger and stronger, make individual ones into clusters, and make emerging "sparks" as soon as possible. Build the scale and increase the proportion. It is necessary to target market needs such as new materials, modern equipment manufacturing, biomedicine, commercial aerospace, and low-altitude economy, accelerate the research and development and manufacturing of key core technologies and core components, thoroughly implement high-quality development actions in key manufacturing industrial chains, and concentrate on building dairy products. World-class clusters, three national-level clusters of rare earth new materials, modern coal chemicals, silicon crystal new materials and photovoltaic manufacturing, wind power equipment, hydrogen energy manufacturing, new energy storage, biomedicine, fine chemicals, Nine autonomous region-level clusters, including alloy materials, promote high-quality enterprises, resource elements, innovative talents and other matching facilities, leading the industrial chain to extend to the middle and lower reaches, and the value chain to the middle and high end. Vigorously develop the digital economy, thoroughly implement the "Eastern Digital and Western Computing" project, promote the construction of the Inner Mongolia hub node of the national integrated computing power network and the Linger data center cluster, accelerate the digital transformation and intelligent upgrading of the industry, and strengthen the integration of computing power, data, and algorithms Integrated application, integrated integration of computing power and green electricity, and promote the in-depth development of new industrialization and the digital economy. Build "two rare earth bases", strengthen the research and development of high-performance magnetic materials, promote the high-end development of polishing, catalysis and other materials, use permanent magnet motors as the leader to promote new breakthroughs in the rare earth application industry, and accelerate the move towards the world's leading rare earth application base.

Adhere to the perspective of "creating nothing out of nothing" and lay out and build future industries. The key to Inner Mongolia's creation of new advantages and new engines lies in forward-looking layout and developing future industries. It must actively seize the market layout and take the lead in making breakthroughs at one or two points. It is necessary to focus on five major areas: low-carbon energy, cutting-edge materials, future networks, aerospace, life and health, as well as new energy storage, hydrogen energy, high-performance composite materials, high-efficiency catalytic materials, third-generation semiconductors, computing power networks, satellite communication navigation, and biological breeding, planning forward-looking, identifying points, and seeking breakthroughs. Accelerate the development of the hydrogen energy industry, expand application scenarios coupled with transportation, chemical, metallurgical and other industries, vigorously develop the hydrogen energy equipment manufacturing industry, and create a "one district, six bases" hydrogen energy industry cluster. Focus on future materials industries such as carbon-based, semiconductors, and superconductivity, organize basic research on new materials, new processes, and new equipment and the industrialization of key technologies to seize the commanding heights of future development. Vigorously develop commercial aerospace, actively promote the construction of Hohhot Aerospace Economic Development Zone, Dongfeng Aerospace City Commercial Aerospace Innovation Demonstration Zone, and Ejina Banner Commercial Aerospace Assembly Park, accelerate the construction of general aviation equipment and supporting industrial chains, and build a national-level demonstration base. To develop new productive forces, we must strive to overcome the prominent bottleneck of shortage of talents. We must strengthen the training of local talents and the introduction, cultivation and retention of talents at home and abroad with greater intensity, more practical measures, and higher efficiency, and promote the "return of geese to Mongolia" and "peacocks to the north. Flying to the north", making Inner Mongolia a hot place for talents of all kinds to come from afar and a fertile ground for displaying their talents, allowing talents of all ethnic groups to deeply practice the concept of "the Chinese nation is one family" and mutual help in the land of northern Xinjiang, and build a bright Inner Mongolia. Realize the great Chinese dream together.


Promote income increase and strive for common prosperity while comprehensively promoting rural revitalization, and ensure that no ethnic group is left behind in the process of modernizing Inner Mongolia.

Inner Mongolia integrates ethnic areas, border areas, old revolutionary areas, ecologically fragile areas, etc. In the 1980s, 6 million people in rural and pastoral areas of the region did not have enough food and clothing problems. More than half of the flag counties were labeled as poverty, and there were 8 The country is concentrated in contiguous poverty-stricken flag counties, with a high incidence of poverty and a deep level of poverty. With the support of the Party Central Committee, planned, organized and large-scale poverty alleviation and development have been carried out throughout the region, and the poverty area has gradually narrowed. Especially since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has made a solemn commitment that "to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects, one nation cannot be less; to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, one nation cannot be less." General Secretary Xi Jinping personally deployed and promoted and guided ethnic areas to fight against poverty and win a comprehensive well-off society. Ethnic areas have ushered in a period of most benefits and fastest development, and the overall appearance of ethnic areas has undergone earth-shaking changes. By 2020, all 57 poverty-stricken flag counties in the district will be lifted, all 3681 poverty-stricken Gacha villages will be withdrawn, and 1.57 million poor people who have registered and registered will be lifted out of poverty, completely tearing off the label of absolute poverty for thousands of years. People of all ethnic groups have lived a happy life without worrying about food or clothing, fully realizing compulsory education, basic medical care, housing safety and drinking water safety. In the new era and new journey, we must take building a moderately prosperous society in all respects as a new starting point, comply with the farmers and herdsmen's yearning for a better life, do a good job in comprehensively promoting rural revitalization, continue to improve the quality of life in rural and pastoral areas, narrow the development gap between urban and rural areas, and let modernization The results of construction benefit people of all ethnic groups more and more equitably.

We will not relax our efforts to consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation and ensure that large-scale return to poverty does not occur. Consolidating and expanding the results of poverty alleviation is not only an economic and social development issue, but also a major political issue. It is not only a work for Inner Mongolia, but also a major event that has an impact on the overall situation. We must resolutely adhere to the bottom line of preventing large-scale return to poverty and continue to enhance the endogenous development motivation of poverty-stricken areas and people who have been lifted out of poverty. We must firmly focus on the primary task of increasing income for residents in rural and pastoral areas and people who have been lifted out of poverty, strengthen monitoring and early warning of people suffering from serious illnesses, long-term chronic diseases, and people who have been impoverished and return to poverty due to natural disaster risks and production and operation risks, so as to ensure that there is a problem, it is time to incorporate management and additional guarantees. We must also establish a regular assistance mechanism for marginal low-income people, so that people of all ethnic groups can truly feel that the care of the party and the government is always around them and that no one will be left behind on the road to common prosperity. Organize and implement the "Six Doubling Plans" for Beijing-Mongolia Cooperation, coordinate and make good use of employment channels such as assistance workshops and public welfare positions, organize people of all ethnic groups, vigorously develop rural characteristic industries, promote local and nearby employment of farmers and herdsmen, and actively promote Work for relief, especially encourage participation in major projects such as the "Three North" Project, high-standard farmland construction, desertification prevention and control, and wind power and photovoltaic integration projects through various forms to encourage them to achieve a better life through struggle.

Improve the development level of rural industries according to local conditions and strive to build agriculture and animal husbandry into a modern large industry. The key to doing a good job in rural industries is to thoroughly understand the three words "local specialties" and effectively do a good job in the "big issue" of management, so that agriculture and animal husbandry operations can be profitable and become a more promising industry. It is necessary to vigorously develop the in-depth processing of agricultural and livestock products, focusing on chain replenishment, chain extension, chain upgrading, and chain construction, highlighting regional characteristics, reflecting local customs, looking beyond the local area, and creating characteristic industries that are recognized by consumers and can form competitive advantages. Strive to maximize profits. Promote the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, fully tap the multiple functions of agriculture and animal husbandry and the diverse values of rural areas, strengthen leaders, develop business formats, and build brands, encourage the development of new models such as direct e-commerce procurement, customized production and joint distribution, and instant retail, Make new business formats such as rural tourism and e-commerce bigger and stronger, and accelerate the construction of a modern rural industrial system that integrates production, processing and sales and integrates agriculture, culture and tourism. Strengthen industrial development to link farmers with farmers, promote enterprises and farmers to complement each other's advantages and division of labor and cooperation in the industrial chain, link the support policies for new agricultural and animal husbandry business entities and agricultural and pastoral enterprises with increasing the income of farmers and herdsmen, and strengthen the whole process of capital going to the countryside. Supervision allows farmers and herdsmen to participate more in industrial development and share value-added benefits, and cannot enrich their bosses and poor their fellow villagers.

Strengthen the guidance of rural planning and implement rural construction actions in a solid and steady manner. Inner Mongolia has a vast territory and long borders. Especially in rural and pastoral areas, people are scattered, and there are still many debts in infrastructure and public services. To improve the level of rural construction, the first thing is to adapt to the changing trend of rural population, adjust and manipulate our own layout, and make overall plans for where people are gathered and where people are moved out. The general direction is to transfer more population in rural pastoral areas, adhere to the organic combination of new urbanization and comprehensive rural revitalization, increase the concentration of population and industries, accelerate the construction of an inter-embedded social structure and community environment, and create co-living, co-learning, co-construction and sharing, The favorable environment of working together and enjoying together allows people of all ethnic groups to make close friends, be harmonious neighbors, and have a happy marriage. Learn and apply the experience of the "Ten Million Project", focus on the goal of "basically having modern living conditions in rural areas", and proceed from the actual situation and the needs of farmers and herdsmen, coordinate and promote the construction of rural water, electricity, roads, gas, housing, information and other infrastructure, and improve education, medical care, elderly care and other rural public service systems, first solve the "yes" problem, and then solve the "good" problem, and continuously improve the completeness of rural infrastructure, the convenience of public services, and the comfort of living environment. Strengthen education on modern civilization, actively guide the change of customs among farmers and herdsmen of all ethnic groups, especially the young generation, and advocate and consolidate healthy and civilized ideas, spiritual tastes, and lifestyles. Coordinate and promote the development of borders and enrich the people, stabilize and consolidate the borders, carry out the actions of "Private Enterprises Entering the Border" and "Hundreds of Enterprises and Chambers of Commerce Pairing 100 Rural Revitalization Demonstration Villages", promote the construction of the "Four Common" corridors at the border, and create a number of solid border development Demonstration Banner Cities, Demonstration Sumu Township, and Demonstration Gacha Village, Attract more people of all ethnic groups to settle and start businesses on the front line of the border, increase subsidy standards for border residents and border guards, and strengthen the national awareness and national awareness of people of all ethnic groups in border areas., Education on national defense awareness will promote people of all ethnic groups in border areas to live a richer life and strengthen their ability to patriotic and border defense.


In promoting the high-quality development of the cultural and tourism industry, rejuvenating culture and displaying image, tangible feelings can effectively promote exchanges and integration among all ethnic groups.

Inner Mongolia has magnificent natural scenery, beautiful history and culture, beautiful folk customs, and beautiful social customs. Natural landscapes such as grasslands, forests, rivers and lakes, wetlands, mountains, and deserts constitute the beautiful scenery in the northern border of the motherland. Hongshan culture, Khitan Liao culture, Great Wall culture, Hetao farming culture, Yellow River culture and other cultures have a long and colorful history. The people of Inner Mongolia have a good image of simplicity, innocence, boldness and unrestrained, enthusiasm, kindness, honesty and trustworthiness. Developing and utilizing these unique cultural and tourism resources can not only create growth points for economic development, but also provide a new window for showing a good image of the model autonomous region. It can be said that it is a tangible and tangible living education that builds a strong sense of the Chinese nation's community., a hot ground for tangible feelings and effective. We must regard promoting the high-quality development of the cultural tourism industry as an effective means to develop the economy, increase employment, and improve people's living standards. We must serve as an important starting point to promote exchanges, exchanges and integration, an important driving force for building the shared spiritual home of the Chinese nation, and enhance the "five identities"."An important carrier to enrich the connotation of cultural tourism, expand the extension of cultural tourism, give it sufficient economic, political, cultural, and social functions, and thoroughly implement the plan for tourism to promote exchanges, exchanges and integration among all ethnic groups. Guide people of all ethnic groups to deeply understand the continuity, innovation, unity, inclusiveness, and peace of Chinese civilization, let the consciousness of the Chinese nation's community moisturize things silently and realize the sublimation from freedom to consciousness, and promote extensive exchanges and comprehensive exchanges among people of all ethnic groups., in-depth integration.

Create a cultural brand in northern Xinjiang and inject new connotations of culture and tourism. Comprehensively establish and highlight the Chinese cultural symbols and image of the Chinese nation shared by all ethnic groups, infiltrate into tourist scenic spots, cultural service systems, cultural tourism festivals, mass cultural and sports activities, various exhibitions and exhibitions, etc., and integrate into the development and employment of the tourism industry. The whole process of personnel training and interpretation of scenic spots focuses on showing how all ethnic groups jointly develop a vast territory, jointly write a long history, and jointly create a splendid culture. Jointly cultivate a correct view of the Chinese nation's history with the great spirit as the main content. Tell the story of northern Xinjiang culture well, deepen the project of exploring the origin of Chinese civilization, strengthen research on cultural relics, ancient books, intangible cultural heritage, etc., vigorously promote major "Archaeological China" projects such as research on settlements and society in the Hetao area and research on the process of civilization of Hongshan society, and do a good job in applying for Hongshan Cultural Sites for World Cultural Heritage and building a National Archaeological Site Park for key sites. Use the history of physical evidence and history to increase trust, and explain Inner Mongolia's role and contribution in the diverse and integrated pattern of the Chinese nation. Continue to stimulate national self-confidence and cultural centripetal force.

Integrate various resources and develop new cultural tourism routes. Fully tap the endowment of cultural tourism resources such as Inner Mongolia's historical culture, natural ecology, ethnic customs, regional characteristics, and rural homestays, give full play to the comparative advantages of tourism resources in the east, central and western regions, promote the rational flow and efficient agglomeration of various cultural tourism elements, and form complementary advantages and reasonable division of labor. Regional tourism development pattern. Relying on central tourist cities and transportation trunk lines, we will raise bids to create scenic spots above 4A and newly-Jin Internet celebrity scenic spots, vigorously develop characteristic cultural tourism, eco-tourism, red tourism, border tourism, and "three-way" tourism among various ethnic groups, and strive to create a batch of high-quality cross-regional tourism routes that are customized and fully reflect the consciousness of the Chinese nation's community. Strengthen tourism cooperation among league cities and across provinces, break administrative boundaries and regional limitations, and innovate cooperation methods and cooperation mechanisms driven by resource combination, scenic spot alliance, route integration, brand marketing, mutual transportation of tourists and infrastructure interconnection. and cooperation mechanisms to create an integrated regional tourism pattern.

Adhere to integrated development and develop new formats of culture and tourism. Highlight the education of patriotism and the awareness of the Chinese nation's community, integrate and develop emerging business formats such as leisure vacations, physical fitness and wellness, adventure amusement, study tours, emotional experience, and business exhibitions, and vigorously develop grassland tours, cross-border tours, desert tours, ice and snow tours. High-quality cultural tourism projects such as self-guided tours and self-driving tours, and continue to promote brand tourism activities such as the Heroes 'Festival, Populus euphratica Festival, Ice and Snow Festival, and Folk Song Festival. Deeply dig deep into folk culture, people's wisdom and people's strength, introduce commercial resources, gather the overall image of the Chinese nation's culture, and fully display the wonderful elements of each ethnic culture. Organize grassland Nadam and ice and snow Nadam in key areas throughout the entire tourist season to carefully create "I and Grassland have a deal" cultural tourism brand. Drawing on the establishment models of mass cultural and sports activities such as Guizhou's "Village Supermarket" and "Village BA", we will regularly organize mass cultural and sports activities that promote cultural exchanges and mutual learning. cleverly leverage the traffic-driving role of innovative creativity, target the new blue ocean of eye-catching industries such as concert economy, live broadcast economy, and variety economy, focus on building key areas, and continue to attract attention, attract traffic, gather popularity, and attract business sentiment to form a "city brand" and "brand city", changing "temporary Internet celebrity" into "long-term popularity".

RegionChina,Beijing,Inner Mongolia,Guizhou