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This year's National Two Sessions, these highlights are worth looking forward to!

Release Time6 months ago

The 2024 National People's Congress and the National People's Congress are about to begin.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and a crucial year for realizing the goals and tasks of the 14th Five-Year Plan. Focus on the critical year and plan the key strategy. What are the highlights of the event in the spring that are worth looking forward to? The "Xinhua Vision" reporter will take you forward.

【Aspect 1】

How to determine the expected economic development target for this year?

At present, the basic trend of China's economic rebound and long-term improvement has not changed. At the same time, it is also facing challenges such as insufficient effective demand, overcapacity in some industries, and weak social expectations. This year, how China focuses on the central work of economic construction and determines its development goals has attracted much attention.

The economic growth target for the 14th Five-Year Plan is set to "remain within a reasonable range and be proposed on a case-by-case basis". Judging from the information released by the two sessions not long ago, many places have set the expected target of economic growth this year at no less than 5%.

"It is necessary to comprehensively consider the needs of stabilizing employment, protecting people's livelihood, and preventing risks, and connect with the requirements of the 14th Five-Year Plan, and put forward economic growth targets that meet the potential level and belong to a reasonable range, and pay more attention to the quality and quality of growth. Han Baojiang, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and a professor at the Central Party School (National School of Administration), said.

Recently, a series of policy measures to stabilize economic growth in the fields of industrial economy, foreign trade and foreign investment, and consumption and investment have been intensively introduced. More new forms of consumption and new hotspots are emerging, and major projects in advanced manufacturing, artificial intelligence and other fields have been accelerated......

How to support the construction of a modern industrial system, promote a new round of large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade-in, expand profitable investment, cultivate new momentum for foreign trade, and strengthen the escort of the real economy, the representatives and members of the National People's Congress and the National People's Congress will actively make suggestions and suggestions.

Zhang Junkuo, former deputy director of the Development Research Center of the State Council and member of the CPPCC National Committee, said that it is necessary to continue to lay a solid foundation and accumulate momentum for progress. Give full play to the role of the "ballast stone" of the industrial economy, focus on promoting industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation, support leading enterprises to optimize and integrate the industrial chain, innovation chain and value chain, and guide small and medium-sized enterprises to develop in a specialized, special and new way. It is necessary to strengthen the coordinated efforts of fiscal, monetary, employment and other policies, grasp the strategic basis of expanding domestic demand, and make greater efforts to promote the smooth circulation of the national economy.

[Aspect 2]

How to promote the reform of key areas?

Accelerate the construction of a unified national market, further optimize the business environment for private enterprises, deepen and upgrade the reform of state-owned enterprises, and implement the reform of the financial system...... This year, the reform tasks in many key areas will become the focus of attention of the deputies and committee members.

Speeding up the construction of a unified national market is an important starting point for unleashing the potential of domestic demand and consolidating the foundation for economic recovery. Recently, the State Council has made arrangements for the construction of a unified national market on many occasions.

"There is an urgent need to break down local protections and market segmentation. Jin Li, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and vice president of the Southern University of Science and Technology, said that it is necessary to speed up the establishment of unified market system rules from the aspects of property rights protection, market access, fair competition, and social credit. In response to prominent problems such as restricted transactions and discriminatory regulations, which have strong reactions, increase the intensity of law enforcement crackdowns.

How can we further boost confidence in the development of private enterprises? The public expects the deputies and committee members to put forward practical and feasible opinions and suggestions.

Gao Zicheng, deputy to the National People's Congress and president of the All China Lawyers Association, said that it is necessary to further optimize the development environment and stimulate the endogenous motivation and innovation vitality of private enterprises. Accelerate the legislative process of the Law on the Promotion of the Private Economy. Focus on the core concerns of private enterprises, such as protecting the property rights of private enterprises and the rights and interests of entrepreneurs in accordance with the law, fair participation in market competition, equal use of production factors, fair law enforcement and impartial justice, and governance of small and medium-sized enterprises' account arrears, and establish and improve relevant systems.

In 2024, the deepening and upgrading of the reform of state-owned enterprises will usher in a critical year for comprehensive advancement. "The reform of the three systems of labor, personnel and distribution is the 'hard bone' in the reform of state-owned enterprises. Zhou Lisha, research director of the China Modern State-owned Enterprise Research Institute of Tsinghua University, said that it is necessary to speed up the improvement of the flexible and efficient market-oriented operation mechanism, and create a number of reform models with new mechanisms, vitality and strong motivation. State-owned central enterprises should strive to increase the proportion of income and added value of strategic emerging industries, continuously enhance their core functions and improve their core competitiveness.

【Aspect 3】

How can new quality productivity continue to be "new"?

From the first time proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping during the local inspection and investigation in 2023 to the frequent appearance of the word "new" in the government work reports of many places this year, "new quality productivity" has become a hot word with high social concern, and will continue to arouse heated discussions during the two sessions of the National People's Congress and the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China.

"The development of new quality productivity is to lay out the future, create the future, and compete for the future. Pan Jiaofeng, dean of the Institute of Science and Technology Strategy Consulting of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that the new quality productivity conforms to the general trend of industrial structure transformation and upgrading, and has formed and demonstrated a strong driving force and support for high-quality development in practice.

Deputy Zhang Li, president of the China Electronic Information Industry Development Research Institute, believes that the key to developing new productive forces lies in scientific and technological innovation. It is necessary to focus on building an innovative and safe technological ecosystem, improving an open industrial scientific and technological innovation system, and promoting the emergence of original and disruptive innovation achievements.

The development of new quality productive forces is in the direction of industrial upgrading, and strategic emerging industries and future industries are the main positions. Since the beginning of the year, many places have anchored the cultivation and development of emerging industries and future industries.

Anhui will speed up the construction of three major scientific and technological innovation highlands of quantum information, fusion energy and deep space exploration, Changsha will make every effort to build a global R&D center city, and Beijing will focus on building an international science and technology innovation center......

Zhang Li said that all localities should base themselves on their own technological strength and industrial foundation and build characteristic productive forces in accordance with local conditions. At the national level, we should strengthen systematic planning, strengthen investment in basic, public, and general fields, and strengthen policy guidance in market-oriented, competitive, and personalized fields, so as to avoid duplicate construction and excessive competition at the local level.

Han Baojiang suggested that while developing new quality productive forces, we should also make good use of traditional productive forces, so that the upgrading of traditional industries and the cultivation of emerging industries can go hand in hand and promote each other.

【Aspect 4】

How to make people's livelihood protection more powerful and warm?

Focusing on the concerns of the people, how to ensure people's livelihood more vigorously and warmly will be an important topic of the two sessions of the National People's Congress this year.

Employment is the foundation of people's livelihood. This year, the pressure on total employment has not decreased, and groups such as college graduates and migrant workers are the top priority to stabilize employment.

The number of college graduates in 2024 is expected to reach 11.79 million, an increase of 210,000 year-on-year. A number of deputies and committee members suggested that it is necessary to further implement policies such as social security subsidies and employment subsidies to encourage business entities to consolidate the "stock" of employment and expand the "increment" of employment. At the same time, we will strengthen vocational skills training, improve the quality of apprenticeships, enhance the employability of graduates, and focus on strengthening assistance to graduates with employment difficulties such as poverty alleviation families and low-income families.

Deputy Ma Yinping, secretary of the general party branch of Xigouquan Village, Linjing Town, Zhenyuan County, Qingyang City, Gansu Province, suggested that the labor market or gig market should be developed in accordance with local conditions. Pay close attention to the demand for labor in the fields of manufacturing, modern service industry and rural revitalization, and carry out order-based and project-based training to effectively help migrant workers find employment.

"Accelerating the improvement of the birth support policy system" is an important task of the Central Economic Work Conference to deploy the people's livelihood work in 2024. He Dan, director of the Chinese Population and Development Research Center, suggested that support measures such as fiscal taxation, medical care, insurance, and education should be comprehensively used to reduce the burden of family birth, upbringing, and education.

There are nearly 300 million elderly people aged 60 and above in China, and the aging of the population continues to deepen. Member Bai Tao, chairman of the board of directors of the Chinese Life Group, said that it is necessary to focus on solving the urgent problems of home care for the elderly, medical medicine, and health care, promote the construction of a basic old-age service system, and vigorously develop the silver economy.

In addition, how to provide better education and more convenient medical security will also be a hot topic.

【Aspect 5】

How to promote a higher level of opening up?

Zhang Junkuo said that in the context of the rising trend of anti-globalization and the intensification of geopolitical games, it is particularly important for China to respond to the uncertainty of the external environment with a higher level of certainty in opening up.

Recently, a series of policy measures have released a clear signal that China is unswervingly expanding high-level opening-up. We will implement five measures to facilitate foreign investment in China to further break through the blockages related to foreign investment in China for business, study and tourism, revise the national version of the negative list for foreign investment access, and completely remove the restrictions on foreign investment access in the manufacturing sector......

"One of the core features of high-level opening-up is institutional opening-up. Gu Xueming, president of the Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation of the Ministry of Commerce, said that this year's National People's Congress and the National People's Congress will be concerned about how to steadily expand the opening up of rules, regulations, management, standards and other institutions.

Promoting high-level "going out" and enhancing the ability to participate in international circulation will also become a hot spot of concern at the National People's Congress and the National People's Congress and the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China.

In October last year, China announced eight actions to support high-quality Belt and Road cooperation. Gu Xueming said that the next step is to do a good job in implementation, deepen trade and investment cooperation with the co-construction countries, and coordinate the promotion of major landmark projects and "small but beautiful" livelihood projects. While improving the level of its own opening-up, it will create new opportunities for mutual benefit and win-win results for the development of the world economy and all countries.
