China Carbon Credit Platform

The "National Carbon Peak Pilot (Xixian New Area) Implementation Plan" was issued

Release Time1 month ago

Recently, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province issued the "National Carbon Peak Pilot (Xixian New Area) Implementation Plan"(hereinafter referred to as the "Plan") to thoroughly implement the major strategic decisions of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on carbon peak and carbon neutrality, comprehensively promote high-quality industrial development and resource recycling, and create a carbon peak pilot demonstration with the characteristics of Xixian New Area.

The "Plan" proposes that by 2025, the economic system for green and low-carbon cyclic development in Xixian New Area will be basically completed, and the proportion of non-fossil energy consumption will reach about 16%, laying a solid foundation for carbon peaking. By 2030, Xixian New Area will widely form green production and lifestyle, with the proportion of non-fossil energy consumption reaching about 20%, successfully achieving carbon peak, and forming a number of operational, replicable and generalizable experience and practices.

In terms of scientific and technological innovation, the "Plan" proposes to strengthen the research and development of low-carbon technologies in key industries. Focus on high-efficiency smart photovoltaic modules, new thin film solar cells such as cadmium telluride, comprehensive utilization of shallow and mid-deep geothermal energy heating and cooling, interaction with new energy vehicles and vehicles, hydrogen fuel cells, and carbon dioxide resource utilization. Core technologies, enhance scientific and technological leadership and breaking capabilities, focusing on key pain points such as basic materials, core components, key industry technologies, low-carbon, zero-carbon-negative equipment research and development and large-scale application, Strengthen the high-level supply capabilities of "hard technology". By 2030, the proportion of industrial enterprises above designated size with R & D activities will exceed 50%.

In order to promote the industrial application of low-carbon technologies, the "Plan" proposes that by 2025, the number of national high-tech enterprises will reach 3500. Strengthen innovation capacity building and talent training. By 2025, a total of 25 new R & D institutions and 25 innovation consortiums at or above the municipal level will be built, and a total of more than 30 enterprise R & D centers will be cultivated. Promote the research and formulation of cutting-edge technical standards, support qualified small and medium-sized enterprise characteristic industrial clusters to develop group standards, and participate in the application demonstration of advanced group standards.

In terms of policy innovation, the "Plan" proposes to strictly enforce project access standards, accelerate the elimination of backward production capacity, and actively promote the construction of supporting energy storage facilities for projects with high electricity loads. Improve the statistical accounting level of characteristic carbon emissions. Build a pilot for direct trading of clean electricity, promote the participation of energy producers and consumers in clean electricity trading, and explore the establishment of a clean electricity trading mechanism suitable for new districts. Comprehensively create a "zero-carbon" model, combine the low-carbon and near-zero carbon pilot construction of Fengxi New City and Airport New City, explore the creation of "low-carbon and near-zero carbon new cities","zero-carbon parks","zero-carbon communities" or "zero-carbon villages and towns", and explore the supply of "zero-carbon products".

The smooth realization of carbon peak requires national action. To this end, the "Plan" also proposes to promote the comprehensive popularization of carbon peak and carbon neutrality knowledge, promote the green and low-carbon transformation of the whole society's lifestyle, promote energy conservation and carbon reduction in key energy-using units, and actively guide all employees to participate in the pilot construction. Among them, by 2030, party and government agencies will fully meet the requirements for the creation of conservation-oriented agencies, the proportion of green schools and green hospitals will reach more than 80%, and more than 10 new "waste cell-free" projects of various types have been added.
