China Carbon Credit Platform

Focusing on "1369", this year's Daqing ecological and environmental protection work has been done

Release Time6 months ago

The reporter recently learned from the ecological and environmental protection work conference of Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province that this year's ecological and environmental protection work in Daqing City will be implemented around the "1369" project.

The "1369" project is to focus on the "one main line of work" -- to build a beautiful Longjiang Pilot Zone as the leader, and accelerate the construction of a modern new Daqing where man and nature coexist in harmony; grasp the "three important nodes" -- this year is the year of comprehensively promoting the integration of the construction of an "ecologically strong city", the year of pressure sprint to implement the goals and tasks of the "14th Five-Year Plan", and the year of deepening and upgrading before the third round of central ecological and environmental protection inspectors; The ambient air quality continued to improve, the water quality of the river basin reached the standard, the construction of a "zero-waste city" was comprehensively deepened, the carbon emission intensity reached the target requirements, the ecological environment security situation was stable and improving, and the annual task of supervision and rectification was cleared.

The reporter learned from the Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment that the "9 key actions" can be said to be the "top priority" of this year's ecological and environmental protection work——

Accelerate the practice of beautiful Daqing with the "opening action" of Beautiful China. Do a good job in top-level design from a high starting point, compile implementation opinions on the construction of beautiful Daqing, and promote the formulation of action plans in sub-fields for key industries; promote the first demonstration at a high level, rely on the brand advantages of national environmental protection model cities, organize counties and districts to scientifically locate goals, and create a Daqing model of "each with its own beauty, beauty and beauty"; carry out the creation of characteristics with high standards, coordinate the construction of beautiful cities, beautiful villages, beautiful rivers and lakes, and beautiful parks, and promote the national ecological civilization construction demonstration zone, "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" Practice innovation base and strive for work.

To defend the blue sky "Attack Action" to implement the new version of the atmosphere of the ten deployment. Formulate and implement the "Daqing City Air Quality Continuous Improvement Action Plan" to PM2.5With control as the main line, we should strengthen source control, coordinated control of multiple pollutants and coordinated treatment of regional pollution. Continue to eliminate heavy pollution weather, ozone pollution prevention and control, diesel truck pollution prevention and control, etc.

The "difficulty-breaking action" of river basin governance is used to consolidate the stability and compliance of the cross-section. Comprehensively improve the grid management and operation system of the "Shuanghe Long System" in Anzhao Xinhe, establish a "four-level linkage" mechanism for local enterprises, cities, counties and villages, continue to strengthen the standardized construction of drinking water source protection areas, and resolutely ensure the safety of drinking water...... We should strengthen the scientific path of "three water co-ordination", accelerate the breakthrough of difficulties and blockages in river basin governance, and further consolidate the hard-won achievements in water quality improvement.

Build a green and standardized management pattern with the "deep cultivation action" of pure land and no waste. Accelerate the construction of "zero-waste cities", establish "four lists" of "zero-waste cities" construction tasks, evaluations, projects, and tackles, promote the construction of "zero-waste parks", do a good job in formulating local standards for the comprehensive utilization of oily sludge, etc., and create 300 new "zero-waste cells". At the same time, we will promote the safe use of cultivated land, control the environmental risks of construction land, and deepen the control of agricultural and rural pollution.

Enhance the green momentum of urban transformation with the "escort action" of service development. Serve industrial projects, promote green transformation, grasp project reserves, take special actions to help enterprises, deepen the reform of "ten offices" for environmental impact assessment and approval, and strengthen the application of "three lines and one order" achievements to effectively play the role of high-level protection of the ecological environment in supporting and guaranteeing high-quality economic and social development, and strive to "add greenery and gold" to the transformation and revitalization of Daqing.

The "Guardian Action" of ecological security is used to eliminate all kinds of environmental risks and hidden dangers. Strictly adhere to the red line of natural ecological safety, continue to promote the special action of strengthening supervision of the "Green Shield" nature reserve, formulate and implement the "Daqing Biodiversity Conservation Plan (2023-2030) Implementation Plan", adhere to the bottom line of nuclear and radiation safety, regularly organize and carry out special inspections on radiation safety, and continue to improve the nuclear and radiation emergency response mechanism.

In addition, it will also solve outstanding problems in key areas with the "clean up action" of supervision and rectification, and promote the improvement of the level of ecological and environmental protection in the city; highlight the deterrent effect of environmental supervision with strict law enforcement "sharpening the sword action", and crack down on environmental violations accurately and efficiently, and improve the ability of modern governance and guarantee with the "empowerment action" based on the grassroots level, and make up for shortcomings, strengths and weaknesses.

"The expected goal for this year is: the proportion of days with good ambient air quality throughout the year is not less than 92%, PM2.5The average annual concentration shall not exceed 27 micrograms per cubic meter, the proportion of excellent water bodies in the state-controlled assessment section shall not be less than 83.3%, the water quality compliance rate of urban centralized drinking water sources shall be maintained at 100%, the safe utilization rate of polluted cultivated land shall reach 100%, and the rate of rural domestic sewage treatment shall reach more than 35%. The relevant person in charge of the Daqing Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau said.
