China Carbon Credit Platform

What are the key points in the field of ecological and environmental protection for large-scale equipment renewal and trade-in of consumer goods?

Release Time6 months ago

Recently, the State Council issued the Action Plan for Promoting Large-scale Equipment Renewal and Trade-in of Consumer Goods (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan").

The plan proposes that by 2027, the energy efficiency of major energy-using equipment in key industries will basically reach the energy-saving level, the proportion of production capacity with environmental performance reaching the A-level level will be greatly increased, the penetration rate of digital R&D and design tools and the numerical control rate of key processes in industrial enterprises above designated size will exceed 90% and 75% respectively, and the recycling volume of scrapped vehicles will increase by about double compared with 2023, the transaction volume of second-hand cars will increase by 45% compared with 2023, and the recycling volume of waste household appliances will increase by 30% compared with 2023 The proportion of recycled materials in the supply of resources has been further increased.

The "Plan" clearly implements four major actions: equipment renewal, consumer goods trade-in, recycling and recycling, and standard improvement.

In terms of the implementation of equipment renewal actions, the "plan" proposes to focus on promoting new industrialization, with energy conservation and carbon reduction, ultra-low emission, safe production, digital transformation, and intelligent upgrading as important directions, focusing on key industries such as steel, nonferrous metals, petrochemicals, chemicals, building materials, electric power, machinery, aviation, ships, textiles, electronics, etc., and vigorously promoting production equipment, energy-using equipment, Renewal and technological transformation of power generation, transmission and distribution equipment, accelerate the promotion of energy-using equipment with advanced energy efficiency and energy-saving level, implement energy-saving and carbon-reduction transformation in different industries and fields, strictly implement mandatory standards for energy consumption, emissions, safety and other requirements and equipment elimination catalogues, and eliminate equipment that does not meet standards in accordance with laws and regulations. Accelerate the renewal of equipment in the field of construction and municipal infrastructure, focus on exterior wall insulation, doors and windows, heating devices, etc., promote the energy-saving transformation of existing buildings, and accelerate the promotion of urban domestic sewage and garbage treatment facilities and equipment to make up for shortcomings, strengths and weaknesses. Support the renewal of transportation equipment and old agricultural machinery, continue to promote the electrification and replacement of urban buses, support the replacement of old new energy buses and power batteries, accelerate the elimination of diesel trucks operating under the emission standards of China III and below, strengthen the industrialization capacity of green aviation equipment such as electric and hydrogen energy, accelerate the scrapping and renewal of old ships with high energy consumption and high emissions, vigorously support the development of new energy powered ships, improve the supporting infrastructure and standards for new energy powered ships, and gradually expand electric and liquefied natural gas power. Biodiesel power, green methanol power and other new energy ship applications.

In terms of the implementation of the trade-in action of consumer goods, we will carry out the trade-in of old cars, strictly implement the provisions of the mandatory scrapping standards for motor vehicles and the inspection standards for vehicle safety and environmental protection, and eliminate old cars that meet the mandatory scrapping standards in accordance with laws and regulations. Carry out the trade-in of household appliances, give preferential treatment to consumers who exchange old household appliances for energy-saving household appliances, and encourage qualified localities to give subsidies to consumers to purchase green and smart household appliances.

In terms of the implementation of recycling and recycling actions, the "Plan" proposes to promote remanufacturing and cascade utilization in an orderly manner, encourage the implementation of remanufacturing of qualified waste production equipment, and the quality characteristics and safety and environmental protection performance of remanufactured products and equipment should not be lower than those of new prototypes; Promote the high-level recycling of resources, promote the agglomeration and large-scale development of renewable resource processing and utilization enterprises, and guide the gradual withdrawal of inefficient production capacity; improve the support policies for the disposal of waste electrical and electronic products, study and expand the coverage of the waste electrical and electronic products treatment system; support the construction of a number of scrap steel, waste non-ferrous metals, waste plastics and other renewable resources deep processing industrial clusters; explore the construction of recycled plastics, recycled metals and other recycled materials in line with international standards of information traceability system.

In terms of the implementation of standard improvement actions, the "plan" proposes to benchmark the international advanced level, accelerate the formulation and revision of a number of mandatory national standards for energy consumption limits and energy efficiency of products and equipment, dynamically update the advanced level of energy efficiency, energy conservation level and access level of key energy-using products and equipment, accelerate the improvement of energy-saving indicators and market access thresholds; Emission control level of water pollutants, revise and improve the evaluation index system for cleaner production, formulate and revise carbon emission accounting standards for enterprises in key industries, and improve the standards for upgrading and decommissioning wind turbines, photovoltaic equipment and products. Strengthen the improvement of product technical standards, focus on bulk consumer goods such as automobiles, home appliances, household products, consumer electronics, and civil drones, accelerate the upgrading of standards for safety, health, performance, environmental protection, and testing, improve the standard system such as carbon labeling, and give full play to the role of standard guidance, green certification, and high-end certification. Strengthen the supply of resource recycling standards, improve green design standards such as easy recycling, easy dismantling, easy renewable, and remanufacturing of materials and parts, and formulate and revise renewable resource recovery standards such as recycling specifications for waste electrical and electronic products.

In addition, the Plan also clarifies the relevant requirements for policy guarantees from many aspects, such as increasing fiscal policy support, improving tax support policies, optimizing financial support, strengthening factor guarantees, and strengthening innovation support.
