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Promote "ecological good" into "ecological +", Aba Prefecture handed over an excellent report card

Release Time6 months ago

Recently, the Information Office of the People's Government of Aba Prefecture of Sichuan Province held a special press conference on "Ecological Civilization Demonstration and Creation". The reporter learned from the meeting that at present, Aba Prefecture has built two national ecological civilization construction demonstration counties, two "two mountains" practice and innovation bases, and eight provincial-level ecological counties.

Yang Jixiong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Aba Prefecture Ecological Environment Bureau, told reporters that the greatest value of Aba is in the ecology, the greatest responsibility is in the ecology, and the greatest potential is also in the ecology. To this end, Aba Prefecture has improved the "Aba Prefecture Ecological and Environmental Responsibility List", refined and decomposed 269 tasks, clarified the division of responsibilities of 48 departments, and built a responsibility system with clear rights and responsibilities and joint management. Integrate the state's ecological, cultural and regional advantages, innovate the creation model of "recommended pre-selection and centralized declaration", pre-select areas with mature conditions and sufficient preparation, and improve the success rate of application creation.

The scene of the press conference. Courtesy of Aba Prefecture Bureau of Ecology and Environment

Aba Prefecture also plays the role of a baton of demonstration and creation, grasps the unique ecological endowment, and expands the breadth, depth and intensity of ecological civilization construction. The quality of the ecological environment has been upgraded, the pollution prevention and control effectiveness assessment ranks second in the province, the atmospheric environmental quality ranks second in the country and the first in the province, and the water quality of the control section of 28 national and provincial examinations in the state has fully reached the standard, of which 20 have reached the Class I standard. The rectification of ecological problems has bottomed out and achieved results. Continue to improve the ability to find and solve problems, 790 of the 796 problems in 14 categories fed back by superiors, with a completion rate of 99.2%, 790 problems in 11 categories have been cleared and rectified, and 6 problems in 3 categories are being rectified at an accelerated pace. Ecological governance and protection have been promoted in depth, and 39,600 square kilometers of ecological protection red lines have been demarcated, accounting for 47.68% of the total area of the state. 55.8 million mu of natural forests are managed and protected all year round, 67.828 million mu of natural grasslands are protected, and the protection rate of wild animals and plants is more than 95%.

In terms of ecological integration, Aba Prefecture pays attention to the combination of creation work and high-quality development, and promotes "ecological good" to enter "ecological +". "Ecology + agriculture and animal husbandry" leads agricultural modernization. Promote the construction of bases for fruits, vegetables, medicinal fungi, cattle, sheep, pigs and bees, promote low-carbon recycling breeding of livestock and poultry, harmless treatment and resource utilization of manure, and achieve full coverage of manure treatment facilities for breeding above designated size. "Ecology + industry" leads the new industrialization. Scientifically promote the development of clean energy in the state, the construction of national clean energy demonstration bases has become effective, the total carbon emission and intensity are the lowest in the province, and the carbon dioxide emission intensity per 10,000 yuan of GDP is less than 0.20 tons all year round. Ecology + tourism leads the all-for-one tourism. Promote the development of the "nine" cultural tourism brands (note: Dajiuzhai, Giant Panda, Prairie, Great Long March, Daxue Mountain, Da Glacier, Dacai Forest, Da Earthquake Site, Dayu Hometown), with 3 world natural heritage sites, 3 5A scenic spots and 28 4A scenic spots, and serve the construction of international ecological and cultural tourism destinations.
