China Carbon Credit Platform

Shandong Ningyang establishes a "housekeeper + expert" assistance mechanism

Release Time1 week ago

In order to further deepen the reform of "decentralization, regulation and service", urge enterprises to consciously assume the main responsibility of environmental protection, and improve the level of enterprise environmental management, Ningyang Branch of Tai 'an City Environment Bureau of Shandong Province (hereinafter referred to as Ningyang Branch) firmly establishes the concept of "serving the masses and serving enterprises", adhere to equal emphasis on environmental management and service, and continuously optimize the business environment with powerful measures.

Comprehensively sort out environmental issues and form a closed-loop assistance grid. Ningyang Branch combines the "double random and one public" law enforcement inspection to formulate a detailed regulatory assistance plan, and delineate the assistance grid by industry and region. According to a group of 2 law enforcement officers, each group assists 2-3 townships (parks) Enterprises ensure that everyone is an environmental protection "housekeeper", and each "housekeeper" has a "ledger" in his hands to record the basic information about assisting the enterprise, the environmental protection work that needs to be performed regularly, and the environmental issues that need to be rectified. Through the method of "full-process diagnosis, prescribing the right medicine, and follow-up guidance", we carry out the activities of "four gifts and one service" and "I solve problems for the enterprise" to "dig deep and carefully" corporate problems, guide and help find out the causes, formulate rectification plans, and issue "One industry, one clear paper" to solve practical problems of the enterprise. Adopt the "housekeeper + expert" assistance mechanism to comprehensively sort out common problems encountered in daily supervision, form feasible guidance, organize rule of law classroom training, and help enterprises conduct timely self-inspection and rectification of problems. Since the beginning of this year, a total of more than 20 common issues such as the operation of online monitoring facilities, filling in annual reports of emission permits, and frequency of activated carbon replacement have been sorted out, and 9 centralized trainings have been carried out, effectively promoting the improvement of corporate environmental management levels.

Comprehensively optimize approval services and promote the construction of key projects. Adhere to moving forward and extending services, and carry out technical assistance on the front line of enterprises to improve service efficiency. Closely follow the development needs of enterprises, adhere to the principle of "factors follow the project", and provide guarantee services for factors such as total indicators and carbon emissions. Since the beginning of this year, we have provided "one-on-one" paired tracking services for 99 key projects, clearly assigned personnel are responsible, proactively intervene in advance, keep a close eye on the preparation, evaluation, review, publicity and other aspects of environmental impact assessment reports, coordinate and solve difficulties and blockages in a timely manner, and maximize the extent Reduce the difficulty and time for enterprises to go through environmental impact assessment procedures.

Continue to optimize services to enterprises and accurately meet the needs of enterprises. The law enforcement brigade and business departments of Ningyang Branch conduct irregular visits to 62 key supervised enterprises, take the initiative to visit the enterprises to understand the demands of the enterprises, establish work ledgers for issues with objections, and invite provincial and municipal environmental protection expert teams to "enter the enterprises for consultation and provide symptomatic treatment" The physical examination method of "prescribing prescriptions" has focused on tackling the problems, and has promoted the resolution of 76 environmental problems of various types. Adhere to the principle of "whoever enforces the law will popularize the law" and accurately transmit policies, regulations and business skills to the "nerve endings" of enterprises to help enterprises learn, understand and abide by the law. Optimize environmental supervision and reduce the number of law enforcement inspections or exempt on-site inspections for small and micro enterprises with small pollutant emissions, low environmental risks, and advanced production processes. Strictly implement the "Five Lists" of flexible law enforcement for fault tolerance and error correction, handle 3 cases of exemption from punishment this year, promptly carry out rectification, verification and education guidance for subjects after exemption from punishment, and form a closed-loop rectification, exemption from punishment, education, and supervision work. Realize "reducing fines" and "reducing burdens" for enterprises.
