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Shandong promotes new improvements in environmental management of solid waste and chemicals

Release Time3 months ago

On May 28, the reporter saw in the fungus residue utilization organic fertilizer workshop of Shandong Century Smart Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. that through the operation of the assembly line, the bio-organic fertilizers are automatically bagged, sealed, and then transported by a conveyor belt before being palletized and stacked. The company uses 50000 tons of mushroom residue every year and produces 50000 tons of organic fertilizer every year.

After the crew scans the QR code and puts the garbage into the smart garbage bin, the equipment is automatically weighed, and the "Jining e-Delivery" background generates an electronic receipt certificate. This is the first intelligent garbage classification receiving cabinet equipped by Rongxin Port of Shandong Hengxin Group Co., Ltd. in the city. Rongxin Port has also invested 123 million yuan to build a closed workshop greenhouse with a yard of more than 80,000 square meters. Single crystal and aluminum alloy frame solar panels have been installed on the roof of the greenhouse. The installed capacity is 2.455 MW and the daily power generation capacity is nearly 20,000 kilowatt-hours., 40 pure electric trucks have been introduced, which can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 972 tons per year.

From the harmless treatment of medical waste to the resource utilization of antibiotic bacterial residue, to the construction of "waste-free ports" and the comprehensive utilization of straw to produce edible fungi... Representatives participating in the 2024 Shandong Province Solid Waste and Chemicals Environmental Management Work Conference walked, watched and listened, Jining City's innovative practices in hazardous waste disposal and comprehensive utilization have greatly benefited and inspired everyone.

Hou Cuirong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Department of Ecology and Environment of Shandong Province, pointed out in a special instruction to the meeting that in recent years, the province's solid waste and chemicals environmental management system has conscientiously implemented the deployment requirements of the provincial party committee, provincial government and department party group, taken responsibility and overcome difficulties, highlighted the two main lines of "waste-free city" construction and new pollutant management, and maintained the bottom line of environmental risks of "one waste, one product, one warehouse and one heavy". The province's solid waste and chemicals work has achieved remarkable results. Make positive contributions to consolidating the ecological environment foundation of the province's green, low-carbon and high-quality development. It is necessary to anchor "being ahead and opening up a new situation", innovate measures, focus on tackling difficulties, continue to fight in depth various landmark battles in the field of solid waste and chemicals, and use greater efforts to promote the province's solid waste and chemicals environmental management work. Achieve new improvements and make greater contributions to the construction of beautiful Shandong.

Guan Yanming, member of the Party Leadership Group, Deputy Director and First-level Inspector of the Department of Ecology and Environment of Shandong Province, emphasized at the meeting that comprehensively strengthening the control of solid waste and chemical pollution is an important measure to thoroughly implement Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, and is also an important part of comprehensively promoting the construction of a beautiful China. Ecological and environmental departments at all levels in the province must deeply study and understand Xi Jinping's thoughts on ecological civilization, and truly use them to arm their minds, guide practice, and promote work. They must benchmark and benchmark the Party Central Committee, the State Council, the Provincial Party Committee, and the Provincial Government on the prevention and control of solid waste and chemical pollution. The deployment requirements of the prevention and control of solid waste and chemicals should be effectively enhanced, the sense of responsibility and urgency in doing a good job in environmental management of solid waste and chemicals, maintain intensity, extend the depth, and expand the breadth, proceed steadily, and down-to-earth. Promote new breakthroughs and create new situations in the province's solid waste and chemical environmental management.

Strictly prevent environmental risks and improve regulatory efficiency

The Shandong Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government insist on taking the environmental management of solid waste and chemicals as an important part of the construction of beautiful Shandong. The main leaders have repeatedly issued special instructions on hazardous waste supervision,"waste-free city" construction, and new pollutant management.

Sun Yuheng, Secretary of the Party Branch of the Solid Waste Department of the Department of Ecology and Environment of Shandong Province and a third-level researcher, told reporters: "Shandong Province continues to strengthen the prevention of hazardous waste risks and insists on adopting means such as full coverage warning education, regular investigation and control, and cracking down on illegal and criminal activities to strictly prevent various environmental risks. In 2023, the "Ten Thousand Enterprises Warning" campaign will cover more than 34,000 enterprises and more than 2.12 million people across the province, and all medical waste will be disposed of in a timely and standardized manner."

In order to improve the efficiency of supervision, Shandong Province highlights daily supervision and spot checks and evaluations, and carries out standardized environmental management assessments of hazardous wastes. In 2023, the assessment results of 16 cities in the province will all be A; implement hierarchical and classified dynamic management and control of hazardous wastes, and 2998 enterprises in the province will be included in the key management and control list; In-depth promotion of centralized collection, storage and transfer pilot projects, and 337 hazardous waste collection units in the province collected 561,900 tons of hazardous waste; The management procedures for hazardous waste identification have been improved. A total of 529 hazardous waste identification reports have been disclosed across the province, and the quality of identification has been continuously improved.

Shandong Province is also exploring and promoting pilot sharing of hazardous waste utilization and disposal facilities within large group enterprises to revitalize facility resources, reduce disposal costs, and reduce environmental risks.

Highlight two main lines and grasp key tasks

Shandong Province has orderly promoted the construction of "waste-free cities" across the region, and established a provincial special group for the construction of "waste-free cities" headed by the deputy governor in charge. 16 cities have established a deliberative and coordinating body for the construction of "waste-free cities", and established a work pattern and promotion system for the construction of "waste-free cities" in which the party committee and government are responsible and departments are jointly managed. The "Shandong Province 2023" Waste-Free City "Construction Work Promotion Plan" was issued and implemented, and 75 annual key tasks were identified and completed. Launch the construction of a "waste-free city" information platform to promote the full-process monitoring and information-based traceability of solid waste generation, collection, storage, transfer, utilization and disposal, and promote the improvement and upgrading of the construction of "waste-free cities".

After review and approval by the executive meeting of the Shandong Province Government, the General Office of the Provincial Government issued the province's first new pollutant control work plan and established a coordination working mechanism involving 16 departments and units.

Li Jian, Secretary and Director of the Party Branch of the Solid Waste and Hazardous Chemicals Pollution Prevention Center of Shandong Province, told reporters: "Shandong Province has strengthened key management and control, carried out high-quality statistical surveys on the province's first round of chemical substance environmental information, and comprehensively found out the environmental information base of chemical substance production, use, and emission in more than 7200 enterprises. Cities have overcome problems such as tight time, heavy tasks, and high requirements, coordinated personnel and funds, and completed the mapping work with high quality."

In order to strengthen the supervision of heavy metals and tailings ponds, coordinate the actual conditions of each city, and promote differentiated emission reduction of heavy metal pollution, a total of 42 emission reduction projects have been implemented since the "14th Five-Year Plan", reducing heavy metal pollutant emissions by 2.9%, exceeding the phased goals and tasks set by Shandong Province. Focus on enterprises in key industries and dynamically investigate and manage environmental problems involving heavy metal enterprises and Kuangqu. Establish a system for dynamic adjustment of tailings pond environmental supervision lists and classified and hierarchical supervision lists, and implement a normalized work mechanism for investigation and rectification of tailings pond environmental risks.

Shandong Province launched the second round of "cleanup operations" in the Yellow River Basin, established "two lists" of suspected remote sensing problems and complaints and reports, and implemented a three-level joint investigation and rectification work system of provinces, cities and counties. Make full use of high-tech means such as satellite remote sensing, drones, and GIS to accurately investigate and rectify suspected historical solid waste sites in the Yellow River Basin and eliminate the risk of solid waste polluting the environment in the Yellow River Basin.

Clarify key tasks and serve the overall development situation

Guan Yanming pointed out at the meeting that the ideas and main goals of the province's solid waste and chemical management work this year are to take the construction of "waste-free cities" and the management of new pollutants across the region as the guide, and to prevent "one waste, one product, one warehouse and one heavy" Ecological and environmental risks, we must strictly and practically investigate and rectify hidden dangers, resolutely adhere to the bottom line of environmental risks, better leverage the synergistic effects of "waste-free cities" construction and new pollutant management, pollution reduction and carbon reduction, and proactively serve the province's green, low-carbon and high-quality development. We must focus on four key tasks, namely, focusing on maintaining the bottom line of environmental risks of hazardous wastes, focusing on promoting the high-quality construction of "waste-free cities" across the region, focusing on promoting the comprehensive advancement of new pollutant management, and focusing on serving green, low-carbon and high-quality development.

The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to focus on the core task of "risk prevention", strictly prevent waste-related environmental risks, expand and optimize the supervision model of "all employees warning + comprehensive rectification + crackdown action", keep a close eye on weak links, and carry out a new round of "all employees of enterprises" warning education, hazardous waste landfills and special rectification of self-use and disposal activities, and always maintain a high-pressure posture to create a safe environment for high-quality development.

Focusing on "controlling new additions and optimizing existing stocks", efforts will be made to promote the safe and high-quality development of the hazardous waste utilization and disposal industry. Make greater efforts accurately, scientifically and in accordance with the law to further improve the hazardous waste environmental supervision system. Adhere to digital empowerment, improve the solid waste management information system, create four major platforms for special solid waste management, comprehensive management and control, smart services, and data centers, complete the construction of a "waste-free city" information platform, and open up solid waste management information in various fields and relevant departments. Data, incorporate all types of solid waste into informatization supervision, and explore the establishment of a "waste-free" dynamic evaluation indicator system that is in line with the province's actual conditions.

The meeting emphasized the need to improve the management mechanism for new pollutants, continue to promote compliance work, establish a normalized mechanism for statistical investigation of detailed environmental information on chemical substances, improve the province's chemical substance monitoring and environmental risk assessment capabilities, and conduct chemical substances included in the Excellent Evaluation Plan. Encrypted monitoring and environmental risk assessment.

It is necessary to further promote the emission reduction of heavy metal pollution, implement environmental supervision of tailings ponds, carry out a new round of "waste cleanup actions" in the Yellow River Basin, implement the reform requirements of the national waste electrical and electronic product treatment subsidy policy, introduce development plans and specific subsidy measures, and support services. The province's waste electrical and electronic product treatment industry will become bigger, better and stronger. Organize and carry out joint special actions for plastic pollution control, and innovate and implement governance measures such as source reduction and substitution of plastics, recycling and standardized disposal of plastic waste, and cleaning and remediation of plastic waste in key areas. We must always put the interests of the people first, strive to build a pro-Qing government-enterprise relationship, and promote the green, low-carbon and high-quality development of the province's economy.
