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Chongqing named a number of ecological civilization construction demonstration districts and counties and "two mountains" practice and innovation bases

Release Time3 months ago

In order to give full play to the leading role of pilot demonstration models, Chongqing City recently named nine municipal-level ecological civilization construction demonstration districts and counties and "Two Mountains" practical and innovative bases. Jiulongpo District, Kaizhou District, Zhong County, and Wushan County were named as demonstration counties for ecological civilization construction in Chongqing City; the Apeng River Basin in Qianjiang District, the Damian Mountain Area in Jiangjin District, the Chashan Bamboo Sea Area in Yongchuan District, the Dazu Stone Carving Dazu Area in Dazu District, and the Laixi River Basin in Rongchang District were named as the fifth batch of "Two Mountains" Practice and Innovation Bases in Chongqing City.

Economic and social development and ecological and environmental protection are more coordinated

Taking the establishment of an ecological civilization construction demonstration zone as the starting point, Jiulongpo District focuses on promoting green and low-carbon transformation, fighting the tough battle against pollution, consolidating and enhancing carbon sink capabilities, and improving the living environment. High-quality development and high-level protection go hand in hand. Today, the industrial structure of the district has become "light", and the former "old industrial areas" have transformed into "new industrial areas"; the quality of the ecological environment has become "good", from "bottom students" to "leading students", and the Zhongliang Mountains have become "green""." The former "abandoned mine pits" have transformed into "parks behind the city"; old urban areas have become "new", and the former "old streets" have been upgraded to "quality living space."

Kaizhou District focuses on ecological construction and green development, coordinates industrial structure adjustment, pollution control, and ecological protection, promotes ecological priority, conservation and intensive, green and low-carbon development, and has been successfully selected into the second batch of national agricultural green development pioneer areas, and green and high-quality development has achieved positive results. In 2023, the number of days with good ambient air quality in the district will reach 335 days. The water quality of the Pengxi River Jinguan and Yanglu Dukou National Examination Sections will remain stable in Class II. It has been rated as the "Model City with Clear Water and Blue Sky" in the country. Hanfeng Lake has been rated as the second batch of beautiful rivers and lakes in the country. Excellent cases of beautiful rivers and lakes, the Hanfeng Lake area has won the title of "Two Mountains" Practical Innovation Base in Chongqing City, and 23 towns (streets) including Houba, Zhuxi, and Xuebao Town have been successfully rated as "Chongqing City Ecological Civilization Construction Demonstration Towns (Streets)".

Guided by the demonstration construction of ecological civilization, Zhong County has worked hard to "reduce carbon emissions", established a carbon emission intensity calculation system, and completed the compilation of annual greenhouse gas inventories. Taking practical measures to "reduce pollution", in 2023, there will be 347 days of excellent ambient air quality, and the average annual concentrations of the main pollutants PM2.5, PM10, and SO2 will achieve a "triple drop" year-on-year, of which the PM2.5 concentration will continue to decline for three years. Making a fuss about "green expansion" and coordinating the integrated protection and restoration of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand, the Three Gorges Orange Township Pastoral Complex has been named by the country and the "Double Top Ten" case of Chongqing City's ecological environment system. Seeking breakthroughs in "growth" and completing 26 green and intelligent transformation enterprises, Conch Cement successfully created the only A-level enterprise in Chongqing City with a performance rating, promoting it as a typical case of green and low-carbon development practice in Chongqing City.

With its unique climatic conditions and natural resources, Wushan County promotes "ecological industrialization and industrial ecologization" and strives to develop the climate economy to create a demonstration model for ecological poverty alleviation and prosperity in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area. It has shed the "hat" of national key poverty-stricken counties, and embarked on a road to ecological civilization construction in remote mountainous areas in the west that scientifically develops natural ecological resources, vigorously develops climate economy, promotes green industrial upgrading and transformation, and achieves comprehensive well-off society."One river clear water, green mountains on both sides of the river, red leaves on the Three Gorges, The mountains and rivers of "Rain and Rain in the Four Seasons" are more beautiful, and the cultural temperament of "thousand-year ancient town and thousand-year civilization" has been cultivated. It has successively won the national health county, national eco-tourism demonstration zone, national greening advanced county, and China's natural oxygen bar in the fields of ecological civilization construction. In 2022, it will be awarded the sixth batch of "Two Mountains" practical and innovative bases of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment.

Explore effective paths for the transformation of "two mountains"

Based on the Apeng River National Wetland Park, the Apeng River Basin in Qianjiang District has innovated mulberry cocoon income insurance, forming a high-quality development model for modern mountain sericulture with large scale, complete industry, strong demonstration and good drive.

The Damian Mountain Area of Jiangjin District deeply explores the ecological advantages of Simian Mountain, develops characteristic "selenium-rich" ecological agriculture by creating an integrated development model of ecology, culture and tourism, promotes the transformation of Simian Mountain into a "Four Seasons Mountain", and creates a unique green development path.

The Chashan Zhuhai Area of Yongchuan District vigorously explores the value transformation path of ecological products with tea and bamboo culture as the core."Yongchuan Xiuya" has won the top ten famous geographical indication teas with the most cultural heritage in the country.

Based on the cultural advantages of Dazu stone carvings and the ecological advantages of Bayue Mountain and Longshui Lake, the Dazu Stone Carvings Area in Dazu District promotes the transformation of ecological and cultural values, and successfully demonstrates the "green wisdom" of protecting world heritage.

The innovative ecological restoration model of the Laixi River Basin in Rongchang District paints a new picture of the Laixi River's clear water and green banks; we insist on protecting and rationally utilizing Rongchang pig germplasm resources, lengthen and optimize the vermicelli industry chain, and embark on a green and intelligent industrial integration development path.

In recent years, Chongqing has been guided by the concept of "ecological priority and green development" and has further promoted the creation of ecological civilization demonstrations. In 2023, the Three Gorges Orange Township Pastoral Complex in Zhong County, Chongqing will be named after the seventh batch of national "Two Mountains" Practice and Innovation Bases. Up to now, Chongqing City has established a total of 6 national ecological civilization construction demonstration zones (Bishan, Yubei, Beibei, Qianjiang, Wulong, and Chengkou) and 6 "Two Mountains" practice and innovation bases (Wulong, Yubei, Beibei, Guangyang Island, Wushan, Zhong County Three Gorges Orange Township Pastoral Complex), and a total of 15 ecological civilization construction demonstration counties and "Two Mountains" practice and innovation bases have been named in Chongqing City. There are a total of 24 demonstration towns (streets) for ecological civilization construction.

The relevant person in charge of the Chongqing City Ecological Environment Bureau expressed the hope that the districts and counties that have been named will adhere to ecological priority and green development, firmly establish the concept of "two mountains", adhere to innovation-driven, iterative upgrading, focus on adapting measures to local conditions, and coordinate advancement, and continue to consolidate and improve the "two mountains" The path effectiveness of practical exploration should focus on process, transformation, characteristics, actual results, and people's livelihood, continuously expand the transformation channels for realizing the value of ecological products, and strive to create more recognizable, The influential and promotional construction results provide replicable, reference and replicable experience for accelerating the construction of a Beautiful China Pioneer Area.
