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Guangdong releases the first ten ecological and environmental innovation cases

Release Time3 months ago

Guangdong Province's integrated supervision system of "Tiandi, Vehicles and People" realizes intelligent analysis, traceability analysis, refined and precise supervision and application of mobile sources through big data; underwater dredging robots realize mechanized, intelligent and visual safe, environmentally friendly and efficient dredging; Establish the country's first regional environmental assessment "intelligent site selection" service platform to transform professional and complex regional environmental assessment results into easy-to-use information operations... On June 5, Guangdong Province's home event on the June 5th Environment Day 2024 was held in Maoming Gaozhou City, and released the "First Top Ten Ecological Environment Innovation Cases in Guangdong Province" on site, fully demonstrating the vivid practice, typical experience, and excellent cases of innovative development of Guangdong's ecological and environmental protection undertakings, and actively creating innovative and innovative activities. A strong atmosphere to encourage innovation and be brave in innovation.

The reporter learned from the Guangdong Province Environmental Protection Publicity and Education Center that the center, in conjunction with the Guangdong Province Environmental Science Society, will launch a collection and publicity campaign for "Ecological Environment Innovation Cases in Guangdong Province" starting from June 2023. Over the past year, through extensive social mobilization, self-recommendation by project units, on-site interviews by reporters, and collective review by experts, the "First Top Ten Ecological Environment Innovation Cases in Guangdong Province" were selected and released.

Among them, the Atmospheric Environment Division of the Department of Ecology and Environment of Guangdong Province has spent eight years building and improving the integrated supervision system of "Tiandi, Vehicles and People" in Guangdong Province, including the integrated supervision platform of "Tiandi, Vehicles and People" in Guangdong Province, and thus established a closed-loop management mechanism for mobile source pollution prevention and control, integrating 683 sets of remote sensing monitoring equipment, 1470 motor vehicle annual inspection agencies, 120,000 heavy diesel vehicles remote online monitoring and a 2126-person rapid inspection team, processing nearly 10 billion pieces of dynamic multi-source data every year. The system realizes intelligent analysis, traceability analysis, refined and precise supervision and application of mobile sources through big data, effectively solves the pollution control problem of "black smoke vehicles", strengthens the management of refined oil and mobile sources, and helps Guangdong's atmospheric environment quality continue to improve.

The Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment innovated regional environmental assessment. By establishing the country's first regional environmental assessment "intelligent site selection" service platform, it transformed professional and complex regional environmental assessment results into easy-to-use information operations, providing enterprises with a full chain, full-process,"a la carte" service. At present, Shenzhen City has carried out regional environmental impact assessments covering an area of 1610 square kilometers, accounting for 80.6% of the land area. In areas where regional environmental assessments have been issued and implemented, the number of projects requiring environmental assessment procedures has been reduced by 89.5% in the same period of the year, and the number of 12369 environmental petitions and complaints has dropped by 31.9% year-on-year.

In addition to the "large system" of ecological and environmental management and innovative practice of management mechanisms, the top ten cases also cover technological innovation in professional fields, energy conservation and carbon reduction projects, environmental protection "small equipment", as well as university education alliances, and new mechanisms for realizing the value of ecological products. Institutional innovation cases.

For example, the Shenzhen Ecological Environment Monitoring Station has built a stench fingerprint library and a stench traceability technical and method system based on Shenzhen's industrial characteristics to accurately target odor characteristic pollutants and solve the problem of regulatory authorities 'monitoring and supervision and enterprises' responsibility when odor complaints occur. The problem of mutual shirking responsibilities and disturbing the people even though the monitoring results meet the standards has significantly improved the efficiency of odor traceability; at the same time, many key enterprises have been promoted to upgrade and achieve significant social and ecological benefits. The number of complaints in relevant areas has dropped from thousands to single digits.

Focusing on the goal of "no people going into the well, no water flowing, and no mud falling to the ground" without stopping production and dredging, Guangzhou City Drainage Co., Ltd. has developed an underwater dredging robot that has achieved mechanization, intelligence, and visualization. Safe, environmentally friendly and efficient dredging. The new high-efficiency nitrifying bacterial agent independently developed by Maoming Petrochemical can remove ammonia nitrogen by 98.25% within 48 hours, meeting the requirements of production indicators. This technology has reached the domestic leading level of similar research, and the salt tolerance of nitrifying bacterial agents has reached International advanced. The million-ton hydrogen-based shaft furnace project of Baosteel Zhanjiang Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. is the first million-ton hydrogen-based shaft furnace in China and the first largest zero-reforming shaft furnace using hydrogen gas source. Compared with traditional blast furnaces, the project reduces carbon emissions by more than 60%, and can reduce carbon emissions by more than 500,000 tons per year, equivalent to rebuilding a 500-square-kilometer forest.

In terms of work innovation, the Zhuhai City Ecological Environment Bureau has joined forces with all 10 universities in Zhuhai to take the lead in establishing the Ecological Civilization University Action Alliance (hereinafter referred to as the "Alliance") in the province, bringing together the wisdom and strength of nearly 140,000 college teachers and students to build a large pattern of environmental propaganda and education that "students drive citizens and universities radiate society." The People's Government of Enping City actively explores a new model of transforming green waters and green mountains into invaluable assets and establishes a mechanism of "one warehouse, one loan, one center, N transformation". Since the pilot work was launched, a total of 184,000 acres of integrated collective commercial land, abandoned land, paddy fields and forest land have been deposited. Each town and street generated a total operating income of approximately 14.925 million yuan through the Gongfu Company, and the collective economic income increased significantly, driving an investment of 888 million yuan. The Zhongshan City Ecological Environment Bureau actively promotes the reform of the ecological and environmental damage compensation system, taking the lead in implementing simplified procedures in the province, establishing a prefecture-level expert database, and exploring punitive compensation consultations. A total of more than 70 ecological and environmental damage compensation cases have been launched in Zhongshan City, achieving a breakthrough in the number of cases; among them, the first successful case of punitive damages for ecological and environmental damage was selected into the third batch of ten typical cases of ecological and environmental damage compensation consultations by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment.

Link: The first ten ecological environment innovation cases in Guangdong Province

1. Atmospheric Environment Division, Department of Ecology and Environment of Guangdong Province: Integrated supervision of "heaven, earth, car and people" empowers precise prevention and control of mobile sources

2. Guangzhou City Drainage Co., Ltd.: Underwater dredging robot operates efficiently

3. Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment: Innovate regional environmental assessment to stimulate market vitality

4. Shenzhen Ecological Environment Monitoring Station: Remote sampling accurately traces the odor

5. Zhuhai City Ecological Environment Bureau: University Propaganda Alliance helps national environmental protection action

6. Hanlan Environment Co., Ltd.: Kitchen waste biogas turns into "green hydrogen"

7. Baosteel Zhanjiang Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.: million-ton hydrogen-based shaft furnace reduces carbon by 60%

8. Enping City People's Government: Establishing a new mechanism for realizing the value of ecological products

9. Maoming Branch of China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation: New strain efficiently treats high-ammonia nitrogen wastewater in the petrochemical industry

10. Zhongshan City Ecological Environment Bureau: Achieving "three firsts" in ecological environment damage compensation
