China Carbon Credit Platform

Build a bridge for pollution reduction and carbon reduction in Minning and jointly write a new chapter in green and low-carbon development

Release Time3 months ago

In order to further promote the implementation of the "14th Five-Year Plan" East-West Framework Agreement between Fujian and Ningxia provinces and the counterpart cooperation agreement between the two provinces and autonomous regions, jointly organized by the Ningxia Environmental Science Society and the Fujian Environmental Science Society, and with the care and support of the Department of Ecology and Environment of Fujian Province,5months24on-28On the 20th, the Autonomous Region's Department of Ecology and Environment organized representatives of some power generation and environmental pollution control enterprises in the region to form a "dual control and dual carbon" delegation to go to Fuzhou City, Fujian Province to learn advanced experiences and successful practices in green and low-carbon, pollution control, solid waste utilization, and circular economy.

This research activity was mainly carried out through on-site inspections, discussions and exchanges, etc. The on-site inspections were conducted on the rural sewage treatment project of Fuqing City, Hongmiaoling Ecological Circular Economy Industrial Park, Zhongliu Technology (atmospheric management enterprise), State Grid Electric Power Fujian Province Electric Power Co., Ltd., and Straits Equity Exchange Center; The discussions and exchanges covered the measures to implement the "double carbon" task goals in the ecological and environmental field of the two provinces, Sanming experience of climate investment and financing pilots, and key points of carbon emission management work of Fuzhou Power Plant. At the end of the investigation, the Environmental Science Societies of Fujian and Ningxia Provinces, Ningxia Baofeng Energy Group Co., Ltd. and Zhongliu Technology Co., Ltd. signed cooperation agreements; Fujian Province Environmental Protection Group and Ningxia Environmental Protection Group reached preliminary intentions for cooperation.

Through on-site research, study and discussions and exchanges, the delegation deeply felt that Fujian Province has a comprehensive layout, advanced planning, broad ideas, complete systems, and remarkable results in implementing Xi Jinping's Thought on Ecological Civilization, promoting synergy and efficiency of pollution reduction and carbon reduction in key industries, circular development of green industries, and financing of pollution control projects. In the next step, the Autonomous Region Department of Ecology and Environment will take the results of this Fujian research and study as an opportunity to continue to deepen cooperation between Fujian and Nanjing. First, deepen cooperation and mutual assistance in policy formulation such as pollution control, climate change response, ecological restoration, and solid waste utilization. Promote policy coordination and complementary advantages between the two places. The second is to carry out technical exchanges and cooperation in clean energy technology, carbon capture and storage technology and other fields to jointly promote technological innovation and breakthroughs. At the same time, expand the scope of industrial cooperation and jointly create more green and low-carbon industrial parks and industrial chains. The third is to learn from Fujian's experience, actively plan climate investment and financing projects in our district, and promote our district to achieve zero breakthroughs in climate investment and financing pilot construction. The fourth is to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in talent training, continuously improve the professional and technical level of personnel, enhance endogenous motivation, and jointly promote the realization of the "double carbon" goal of the two places.
