China Carbon Credit Platform

It only took five months, which is too fast! Taizhou made every effort to ensure the construction of major projects

Release Time6 months ago

"I sincerely thank you for helping us solve the difficult problems such as industrial policy, total pollutant discharge, planning access, etc., from accepting the commission to completing the approval, the project only took 5 months, and the environmental impact assessment and approval speed is too fast!" Recently, Luo Yongbai, the director of the Taizhou Bay New Material Industrial Park project in Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, and his party sent a banner printed with the words "warm service, responsible and promising" to the Taizhou Ecological Environment Bureau. Behind the banner is a vivid portrayal of Taizhou's efforts to ensure the construction of major projects and optimize the business environment.

The project mentioned by Luo Yongbai refers to the high-end chemical new material project (hereinafter referred to as the new material project) of Rongsheng New Materials (Taizhou) Co., Ltd. with an annual output of 10 million tons. This project is located in Taizhou Bay New Material Industrial Park, with an investment of about 147.9 billion yuan and a total of 62 sets of equipment in eight industrial chains, which is the largest single investment manufacturing project since the establishment of Taizhou, which is expected to fundamentally reshape the industrial structure of Taizhou City and promote the economic transformation and upgrading of Taizhou City.

Taizhou establishes the overall situation awareness of the whole city, thoroughly implements the requirements of the municipal party committee and the municipal government to take the Taizhou Bay New Material Industrial Park project as the "No. 1 project", sets up a special class, and establishes the Taizhou Bay New Material Industrial Park project headquarters, with the mayor as the commander, the relevant municipal leaders as the deputy commanders, and the main persons in charge of the relevant municipal departments as members.

On the basis of the requirements of the Taizhou Municipal Government's work class, the Taizhou Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment has dispatched capable forces from departments such as approval, ocean, and pollutant discharge rights reserves to follow up service projects on a special basis, and provide one-to-one service to guide the preparation of environmental impact assessment for park planning, operation area planning, project environmental impact assessment, and environmental impact assessment for sea discharge pipelines, etc., to ensure that all kinds of environmental impact assessment report standards are standardized.

According to reports, in the process of promoting the new material project, it has encountered constraints such as planning environmental assessment, three lines and one order, and the total amount of pollutant discharge rights. In order to deal with the relationship between ecological environmental protection and economic development, the Taizhou Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment invited more than 30 domestic environmental protection experts in the fields of petrochemical, atmosphere, soil, and ocean, and organized a group to carry out more than 20 industrial policy technical demonstrations, strictly control project access, and solve more than 10 major problems in project environmental impact assessment.

Taking the total pollutant index as an example, considering that the indicators required by the project are large, the Taizhou Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau planned in advance and planned the relevant indicators of the city, and reserved sufficient indicators for the new material project to ensure that the total amount of pollutants will not become a shortcoming of the project. At present, the indicators required for the new materials project have been put in place. At the same time, considering the high energy consumption and high carbon dioxide emissions of the project, the Taizhou Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment innovatively proposed to make full use of the zero-carbon steam of Sanmen Nuclear Power to reduce the carbon emissions and emission intensity of the project.

The new material project is the epitome of Taizhou's strengthening of major project guarantees. In recent years, Taizhou has taken serving major projects as the core, taking environmental quality as the bottom line, and solving the bottleneck of elements with "solution" thinking, so as to fully guarantee the construction of major projects.

In terms of setting up a special class, a responsibility system of "the main leaders grasping the overall situation, the leaders in charge of the specific work, and the director directly grasping the specific work" has been established, and 5 capable personnel from the business department have been dispatched to the special class to be responsible for tackling the environmental impact assessment tasks of major projects of 100 billion yuan. In terms of coordination and consultation, we have improved the working mechanism of "weekly consultation, research and judgment, monthly coordination and promotion, and quarterly comprehensive scheduling", strengthened departmental coordination, upper and lower linkage, and government-enterprise interaction, organized and held 25 major project promotion meetings, and discussed and resolved 13 enterprise demands. In terms of implementation, the establishment of major project EIA "three ledgers", clear 10 categories of 40 tasks, focus on the key points, grasp the nodes, focus on tackling key problems, and form a "interlocking, through, sequential progress" work closed loop.

In the next step, the Taizhou Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment will continue to play a good "overall chess" of EIA services, starting from policy supply, reform and innovation, and service guarantee, to do a better job of EIA services, vigorously promote the acceleration of major projects, and help the green transformation of the city's economic and social development.
