China Carbon Credit Platform

The "Anyang model" of clean transportation promotes green development

Release Time4 months ago

Clean transportation is an important measure to reduce air pollution and respond to climate change, and it is also an important embodiment of green and high-quality development. Anyang City, Henan Province, as one of the first batch of inland port-type national logistics hub construction cities and a national green freight distribution demonstration city in the "14th Five-Year Plan", has actively explored the adjustment of transportation structure and the substitution of new energy vehicles. What results have Anyang achieved in speeding up the substitution of new energy vehicles, improving the level of clean transportation of bulk goods, and promoting the efficiency of regional "road to rail"? A few days ago, the reporter conducted an in-depth interview on the clean transportation work in Anyang.

The transportation of key enterprises is moving towards "green".

"The original diesel coal truck consumes about 1,200 liters per day, and after using the new energy coal truck, it can reduce carbon emissions by 0.86 tons per day, and the cumulative annual carbon emission reduction is about 310 tons. At the same time, the sale of raw coal is no longer subject to the prohibition and restriction of heavily polluted weather, which can better serve the coal supply. On April 20, the person in charge of environmental protection at the main coking coal mine in Anyang, Henan Province, said in an interview.

According to reports, the original 30 vehicles in the main coking coal mine need to transport two trips to transport the day's coal sales, and the load capacity of new energy vehicles has increased by about 60% compared with the original, and now 10 new energy vehicles can meet the demand for raw coal transportation. At the same time, in order to facilitate the charging of vehicles nearby, the implementation of the "peak and valley" electricity mode, reasonable arrangement of charging during the trough period. According to the price difference of 1 yuan/kWh, it can save more than 70 yuan in electricity costs every year.

In Zhonglian Cement, they began to explore the pure electric green transportation mode of the mine in 2019, purchased the first batch of pure electric new energy vehicles as a channel to open the green transportation of the company's mining area, and took the lead in building high-voltage charging piles in the factory area to open up a special channel for tram transportation. By the end of 2023, all the transportation vehicles in the mining areas of the company have realized new energy, and the company has 155 new energy transportation vehicles in the mining areas of 5 enterprises, becoming the first large-scale new energy vehicle transportation enterprise in the mining area in Henan Province.

At Anyang Datang Power Plant, in 2019, all 12 diesel commuter vehicles were discontinued and replaced with new energy buses. It operates more than 8,000 times a year, which alone can reduce the consumption of 90,000 liters of diesel, reduce about 0.4 tons of sulfur dioxide, 6 tons of nitrogen oxides, 0.2 tons of soot and 236 tons of carbon dioxide.

This is just a microcosm of Anyang's clean transportation. In recent years, the Anyang Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government have attached great importance to clean transportation, taking mobile source pollution reduction as an important part of air pollution reduction.

The main leaders of the Anyang Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government have investigated the prevention and control of mobile source pollution for many times, and have worked on the spot around the problem for many times, requiring the Commission for Discipline Inspection to follow up and relevant departments to perform their duties, carry out special actions, solve problems, and comprehensively promote the clean transportation work in Anyang City. As of October 10, 2023, Anyang City NO2was 25 micrograms/cubic meter, down 10.7% year-on-year, the first in the province;10was 77 micrograms per cubic meter, a year-on-year decrease of 6.1%, ranking sixth in the province.

"Road-to-rail" realizes the normalization of rail-sea combined transport

On the morning of April 6, with a long whistle, the Anyang-Tianjin MTR sea intermodal train set off from Henan Wanzhuang Logistics Park, loading 100 containers of photovoltaic glass produced by Ancai Hi-Tech, which will be sent to India, South Korea and other places after arriving at Tianjin Port. Compared with the previous way of road transportation to Shandong to the sea, it is more convenient and faster. Taking the train from your doorstep to Tianjin Port can save 30% of the freight. Anyang and Tianjin Port Group signed a contract in July 2023 to complete the initial offering, and the current supply of goods is stable, and the trains have been operated on a regular basis. The realization of rail-sea combined transportation has also enabled Anyang, an inland city, to achieve a high degree of integration with the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Economic Circle.

In terms of "road to railway", as a large-scale coking enterprise, Liyuan Group invested 130 million yuan to lay new tracks and build a loading and unloading expansion platform, supporting the construction of 12,000 tons of silos, container handling and other facilities and equipment, connecting Shijian Station of Anli Line, and the railway transportation capacity reached 7 million tons/year, accounting for more than 80% of the company's annual freight volume.

In recent years, Anyang City has continued to explore and improve the potential of clean transportation, and promoted the transfer of medium and long-distance cargo transportation of bulk goods from road to railway. Since November 1, 2021, when the Rizhao-Anyang Wari Railway was fully put into operation, the Wari Railway has transported 15.4 million tons. The railway transportation distance of bulk goods such as iron ore imported by Anyang iron and steel enterprises is reduced by about 120 kilometers compared with the previous line, and the freight can be reduced by about 14 yuan/ton. In 2023, the freight volume of Anyang Railway will be 33.8435 million tons, an increase of 10.88 million tons or 47.39% compared with the railway freight volume of 22.96 million tons in 2017. Continuing to promote the "road to railway" and increasing the proportion of railway transportation has become an important part of helping high-quality development in Anyang.

In the next step, Anyang will increase the proportion of large-scale industrial and mining enterprises with an annual freight volume of more than 1.5 million tons of bulk goods and the special railway line access ratio of the new logistics park, and continue to promote the transfer of medium and long-distance transportation of bulk goods from road to railway. At the same time, we will give full play to the maximum effect of policy superposition, innovate the organizational model, continue to promote the construction of the urban green distribution system, create a number of green distribution boutique projects and highlights, promote the standardization and intelligent construction of green distribution, boost the confidence of green distribution enterprises, and steadily promote the high-quality development of green freight distribution in Anyang City.

The "Anyang model" of green transportation is out of the circle nationwide

In December 2023, the Anyang Green Freight Distribution Demonstration Project was selected as the first national green logistics demonstration case, and the "Anyang model" began to be promoted across the country.

As early as 2018, Anyang began to plan to create a "green freight distribution demonstration city". After three years of hard work, in August 2021, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Public Security, and the Ministry of Commerce officially named Anyang City as a national "Green Freight Distribution Demonstration City", which also became the first batch of cities in the country and the only city in Henan to receive this honor. To this end, Anyang has formed a "4+9+N" three-level node network for urban distribution, and new energy trucks have rapidly developed from about 100 at the beginning of the period to more than 1,500 units.

The rapid popularization of new energy vehicles in Anyang also benefits from the rapid development of the local new energy vehicle industry, they have introduced and cultivated a number of new energy vehicles and parts enterprises, developed and produced new energy vehicle products that meet policy requirements, meet market needs, and meet the production needs of enterprises, such as pure electric logistics vehicles, hydrogen fuel logistics vehicles, pure electric sanitation vehicles, muck trucks, concrete mixer trucks and non-road motor vehicles and other products.

Under the guidance of policies, Anyang continues to carry out the construction of a green and low-carbon transportation system and the innovation of vehicle operation models in the public sector, and guides social capital to participate in the construction and operation of a green and low-carbon transportation system. First of all, taking the promotion of new energy vehicles in the public domain as the entry point, combined with the supply of new energy vehicles in Anyang, hydrogen is suitable for hydrogen, and electricity is suitable for electricity, and the renewal and substitution of new energy vehicles are steadily promoted. By the end of 2023, the development of the city's new energy vehicle industry has shown a new atmosphere, the electrification effect of the city's public domain has begun to appear, and all postal vehicles in the city's built-up areas have been electrified.

From the development of the new energy vehicle industry, by 2025, the city's new energy vehicle industry product categories will be more abundant, and the production and sales of leading products are expected to reach 20,000 units;

In terms of the implementation of new energy substitution in the bulk logistics and transportation industry, Anyang supports the city's thermal power, steel, coal, coking, non-ferrous metals and other bulk transportation enterprises to increase the proportion of clean transportation, encourages the use of new energy vehicles in road transportation, and encourages Yindu District to give priority to hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. The promotion and application of new energy trucks is an important evaluation factor for the classification of environmental performance of industrial enterprises. By 2025, the proportion of clean transportation in key bulk logistics industries will reach more than 80%.

At the same time, relying on the advantages of gas source and demonstration city policies, we will drive industrial development with scenario application, give full play to the advantages of by-product hydrogen and vehicle manufacturing in Anyang City, and build Yindu District into a demonstration area for the replacement of heavy trucks for fuel cell vehicles. Focusing on the iron and steel and coking enterprises in Anyang City, with the goal of achieving A-level performance in environmental protection, we took the lead in completing the promotion and demonstration task of 505 fuel cell vehicles issued by the province, and actively strive for more demonstration indicators of urban agglomerations to create a national advanced demonstration area.

By the end of 2023, the city has reduced fuel consumption by 8.92 million liters, carbon emissions by 23,400 tons, and sulfur emissions by 809.27 tons, achieving remarkable results in energy conservation and environmental protection. At present, Anyang is continuing to deepen the work of green and clean transportation, promoting special classes, continuously improving the quality of urban green freight distribution development, and exploring an innovative model that can be replicated and promoted for the development of green freight distribution in small and medium-sized cities.
