China Carbon Credit Platform

Inner Mongolia ensures high-quality development with high-level ecological and environmental protection

Release Time2 months ago

In summer, the Erka National Wetland Park in Manzhouli City has beautiful scenery, with flocks of birds playing and rare wild animals. The Erka National Wetland Park Bridge is like a rainbow flying over this wetland.

In order not to "disturb" this precious wetland, when building roads, the relevant departments of the autonomous region adjusted the original design plan of mainly "crossing" the wetland to mainly "crossing" the wetland with bridges, which cost nearly 1 billion yuan more.

The choice between roads and bridges reflects Inner Mongolia's determination to firmly put the ecological environment at the forefront, and reflects changes in development concepts.

Over the past years, such choices and changes have occurred everywhere in Inner Mongolia. The Daxinganling Mountains have "hung axes and stopped sawing", the vast grasslands have "paid vacations", resource conservation and intensive utilization have been further promoted, and mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand have been managed in an integrated manner...

Building ecological civilization is related to the well-being of the people and the future of the nation. As an important ecological security barrier in northern my country, protecting the ecological environment is Inner Mongolia's unshirkable responsibility and its greatest contribution to the country. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Inner Mongolia has correctly handled the relationship between protection and development, always placed the protection of the ecological environment in an overwhelming position, and resolutely abandoned the old path of "pollution first and treatment later" and the practice of sacrificing the ecological environment in exchange for temporary and local economic growth. Ecological civilization construction has been carried out in all directions, regions and processes. The construction of ecological civilization has undergone historic, turning and overall changes from theory to practice.

A red line controls important ecological spaces. 87% of the district's area is classified as restricted development areas, and more than 50% of the area is classified as ecological protection red lines, eliminating unreasonable development and construction activities from the source.

A series of policies and regulations provide strong guarantees. Regulations on the Promotion of the Construction of Important Ecological Security Barriers in Northern my country, Regulations on the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution in Wuhai City and Surrounding Areas... A series of policies and regulations have been intensively promulgated and revised, covering forests and grasslands, deserts and sandy lands, wetlands and other fields. Ecological and environmental protection has gradually embarked on the track of legalization.

A tough battle continues to improve environmental quality. We will continue to fight the tough battle against pollution, further advance the three major battles of defense of blue sky, clear water, and pure land, promote the transformation of ultra-low emissions in key industries, comprehensive management of key river basins, and prevention and control of sources of soil pollution, so as to ensure that the people have a clear sky.

The length of a river and the length of a forest promote "governance" through "regulation". The river and lake chief system and forest chief system have been fully implemented. 16,400 river and lake chief chiefs and nearly 30,000 forest chief chiefs have taken up their posts and performed their duties, realizing that mountains are managed, green is protected, water is managed, and responsibilities are borne.

A special action will solve outstanding problems. It was the first in the country to carry out a special rectification campaign for illegal and illegal activities that destroyed grassland and forest land, restoring 948,300 acres of grassland and forest land vegetation. Implement a one-vote veto system for environmental protection, and implement a list, cancellation and accountability rectification of problems discovered by central environmental protection inspectors.

With strict prevention at the source, strict management of the process, severe punishment of damage, and accountability, Inner Mongolia's ecological and environmental protection system has been continuously improved, truly making the system a rigid constraint and untouchable high-voltage line.

Inner Mongolia's greatest value lies in ecology, its greatest responsibility lies in ecology, and its greatest potential lies in ecology. The green waters and green mountains of Inner Mongolia contain a long-term account.

Ecological and environmental protection is not a temporary transformation, but a transformation in all fields. Inner Mongolia continues to work hard in four aspects: greening, desertification control, transformation, and emission reduction, eliminating backward production capacity, curbing the blind expansion of two high-tech projects, and promoting the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries to high-end, intelligent and green.

Ecological and environmental protection is not about treating headaches, but about the systematic management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand. Hulun Lake and Wuliangsuhai have gone from "governance of one lake" to "governance of river basins", and the "pearl of the grassland" shines brightly.

Ecological and environmental protection is not the matter of a certain department, but the participation of all people. Encourage enterprises and individuals to participate in ecological governance in various forms, and promote farmers and herdsmen to truly become beneficiaries and participants in ecological construction through work-in-place relief, construction first and compensation later.

From local key management to the management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand systems, from government investment to national participation, Inner Mongolia's ecological civilization construction has made a qualitative leap. Over the past ten years, the district's cumulative scale of afforestation, grass planting, and desertification prevention and control has ranked first in the country, achieving a historic transformation from "sand entering people and retreating" to "green advancing and sand retreating". Traditional industries have been "completely transformed" and achieved a gorgeous transformation from "black" to "green". From 2021 to 2023, the district's energy consumption intensity will drop by 12.5%, and green and high-quality development will be vigorous.

On May 10, 2024, the 5000-ton Baotou Forestry and Grassland Digital Carbon Ticket applied to carbon neutrality in the "14th Winter" officially completed the donation and cancellation process. This is the first time that local carbon sink products in Inner Mongolia have been successfully applied to carbon neutrality in national large-scale activities.

In June 2023, Baotou City developed the first 150,000-ton digital carbon ticket with 22,000 acres of forest in the State-owned Forest Farm in Guyang County as the development target, becoming the first local carbon sink product in Inner Mongolia. Currently, this digital carbon ticket has been subscribed by 32 companies inside and outside the region to offset the carbon emissions generated by them in offices, meetings, and activities.

A small carbon ticket turns green waters and green mountains into "valuable" commodities and has become a successful exploration of ecological value transformation in Inner Mongolia.

Ecological and environmental issues, in the final analysis, are issues of development methods and lifestyles. Inner Mongolia uses the power of reform to explore new paths to achieve coordinated symbiosis of development and protection, open up channels for the transformation of green waters and green mountains into mountains of gold and silver, and make good ecology and good mountains and rivers become "valuable treasure."

Ask for benefits from the desert. Bayannur, Alxa, Ordos and other places develop characteristic sand industries such as cistanche deserticola and attract private enterprises to invest and start businesses. In 2023, the output value of Alxa's forest and sand industry will reach 10 billion yuan.

Ask for food from the forest and grassland. Xing 'an League, Hulunbeir City, Chifeng City and other places have made "green articles" and actively built a green industry system supported by under-forest economy, ecological agriculture and animal husbandry, and eco-tourism. In 2023, the total annual output value of Inner Mongolia's forestry and grass industry will reach more than 80 billion yuan, moving towards 100 billion yuan.

Go green and move forward

turning green into gold

In transformative practice

Inner Mongolia Tiangenglan

mountains greener

water clearer

People's lives are happier

RegionInner Mongolia