China Carbon Credit Platform

Xishuangbanna carried out systematic management, and the air quality rate in the first half of the year was 93.4%

Release Time1 month ago

"The state's forest coverage rate reaches 74.05%, the ecological service function value is 49.6 billion yuan/year, and the carbon fixation and oxygen release function value is 5.9 billion yuan/year." At the 2024 series of press conferences on the "Beautiful Yunnan Construction" of the Yunnan Province Department of Ecology and Environment held on July 25, Gao Xuekun, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Ecological Environment Bureau of Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, introduced Xishuangbanna Prefecture's unswerving pursuit of ecological, green and high-quality development and comprehensively deepening the practice of beautiful China Xishuangbanna.

Focusing on the implementation of benchmarks, Xi Jinping's thoughts on ecological civilization have become more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people

In recent years, Xishuangbanna Prefecture has always maintained its strategic determination to create a model of beautiful China's borders, identified "ecological establishment of a state" as the top of the state's economic and social development, and clarified the construction goal of "biodiversity protection, green and high-quality development, transformation and innovation zones". Xi Jinping's thoughts on ecological civilization have been integrated into various fields such as environmental protection, economic development, and improvement of people's livelihood, so that respecting nature, complying with nature, and protecting nature have become the consensus of the whole society.

Strictly implement the "party and government have the same responsibility" and "one post, two responsibilities" for ecological and environmental protection, establish ecological and environmental protection committees with the main leaders of the state and county (city) party and government as double heads, establish township (street) ecological and environmental protection centers, and continuously consolidate The grassroots foundation for ecological and environmental protection. Hire experts and scholars to form an "Expert Advisory Committee" to assess the pulse, consult and make suggestions for the construction of ecological civilization across the prefecture. Incorporate the content of ecological civilization construction into in-depth learning and understanding of the Standing Committee of the State Party Committee, the Theoretical Study Center Group, and the special training of the Party School, into the overall implementation of the party building and ideological work responsibility system, into various assessment and inspection results, and into party committee inspections, party and government supervision and supervision by the National People's Congress and the CPPCC promote the formation of a strong synergy of joint efforts and joint management.

Xishuangbanna takes the lead in establishing a forest target management responsibility system in the province, pioneered the establishment of a wildlife public liability insurance system across the country, established and improved the "three lines and one single" ecological environment zoning management and control system, and implemented dual total and intensity of water resource consumption, construction land, etc. Control actions, implement ecological compensation, ecological environment damage compensation, and lifelong accountability system for ecological environment damage, and protect the ecological environment with the strictest system and strictest rule of law.

Pay attention to actions and reform, and the rectification of problems in the ecological field will be more effective

Pay close attention to the rectification of ecological and environmental protection inspection issues. Since the launch of ecological and environmental protection inspections in 2016, Xishuangbanna Prefecture has gone through 6 rounds of inspections. With the joint efforts of all departments at all levels in the prefecture, 106 of the 141 feedback issues (excluding the third round of unfeedback issues) have been rectified. 35 rectifications were promoted in chronological order. Of the 461 complaints and reports submitted by the masses, all have been completed in the first four rounds. Among the 95 complaints transferred by provincial ecological and environmental protection inspectors in 2023, 80 have been completed and 15 have been completed in stages. In the just-concluded third round of 106 complaints and reports from the masses assigned by the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspectorate, 62 have been completed, 17 have been completed in stages, and 27 are being processed.

Pay close attention to the rectification of problems in the Yangtze River Economic Belt. From 2018 to 2023, the Yangtze River Economic Belt ecological environment warning film disclosed a total of 6 problems in Xishuangbanna Prefecture (3 feedback from the state and 3 feedback from the provincial level), 5 have been rectified and 1 has not been rectified.

Pay close attention to the rectification of special inspection problems. In 2020, the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee carried out special inspections on ecological and environmental protection and reported 45 problems. 43 of them have been rectified, 1 rectification has been basically completed, and 1 rectification has been urgently rectified.

Pay close attention to the rectification of problems reported by remote sensing monitoring. From 2017 to the end of March 2024, Xishuangbanna Prefecture received a total of 2399 remote sensing monitoring points for suspected human activities, and all verification and rectification have been completed.

Pay attention to systematic governance and improve the quality of the ecological environment

Xishuangbanna Prefecture has always adhered to precise pollution control, scientific pollution control, and legal pollution control, and continues to fight in depth the battle against pollution. As of June 30 in 2024, the air quality rate at the location of Xishuangbanna Prefecture Government was 93.4%, an increase of 1.5 percentage points compared with the same period last year (91.9%). The number of days of pollution was reduced by 2 days compared with last year, and there were no moderate or above pollution weather. The excellent water quality rate of the 13 nationally controlled and provincial-controlled surface water monitoring sections in the prefecture, 5 centralized drinking water sources at or above the county level, 10 "thousands of tons and tens of thousands of people", and 22 township-level centralized drinking water sources is all 100%, and there is no worse than Class V water body.

The quality of the soil environment has remained excellent, and the national "waste-free city" pilot construction has been accelerated. By exploring a new tourism model of "Xiangxiang Banna-Nali waste-free", we have promoted the gradual electronization of scenic spots tickets, implemented an environmentally friendly garbage bag distribution and recycling system, and integrated the construction concept of "waste-free scenic spots" into the creation of A-level tourist attractions, taking the lead in carrying out garbage classification work in 5A-level tourist attractions and star-rated hotels.

Learn and apply the experience of Zhejiang's "Ten Million Project" to promote rural domestic sewage treatment according to local conditions. The rural domestic sewage treatment rate across the state reached 58.49%, the construction of 282 green and beautiful sites was completed, and 1 provincial-level green and beautiful city was successfully created. There are 6 green and beautiful towns and 12 green and beautiful villages. Xishuangbanna Prefecture has been awarded the titles of "China's Most Beautiful Forest, the Most Beautiful Green Leisure Tourism City in the Country, and the Most Beautiful Health Care Resort Tourism City in China", and Jinghong City has been selected as the most beautiful county in China in 2023.

Focus on internal and external linkage to make biodiversity protection more effective

Strengthen land and space control. Xishuangbanna Prefecture has adjusted and improved the "14th Five-Year Plan" and the overall plan for land space at the prefecture level and three counties (cities), delimiting an ecological protection red line of 12.147 million acres, accounting for 42.31% of the state's land area, achieving intensive and efficient production space and living space. Moderate livable, and beautiful ecological space.

Strengthen biodiversity protection. In-depth implementation of the "five major actions" such as rainforest protection, restoration, and return, and solid implementation of the listing and protection of ancient tea tree resources. The state's forest land area is 16,400 square kilometers, the forest stock volume continues to remain at 190 million cubic meters, and the forest coverage rate reaches 74.05%. The ecological service function value is 49.6 billion yuan/year, and the carbon fixation and oxygen release function value is 5.9 billion yuan/year. Continue to promote the establishment of Asian Elephant National Park and National Botanical Garden, and the protection rate of national key protected wild animal and plant species has reached more than 95%.

Strengthen foreign exchanges and cooperation. Xishuangbanna Prefecture has jointly built a 2.2 million-acre "Joint Border Protection Zone" with Laos, carried out joint law enforcement, proliferation and release operations with Laos 'Nanta Province, and established an air pollution liaison mechanism with the three provinces of Nanta, Oudomxay, and Phonsari in northern Laos., explore cross-border ecological protection exchanges and cooperation, and jointly build a China-Laos border green ecological corridor.

Focus on transformation and upgrading to make production and lifestyle greener

In recent years, Xishuangbanna Prefecture has fully implemented the development concept that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, formulated systems such as the "Eight Measures for Promoting High-Quality Development (Trial)" and the "Credit Graded and Classified Supervision System (Trial)" to build a differentiated environmental protection supervision model., further promote online and offline government service process reengineering and data sharing, implement "Internet + government services", and improve the efficiency of government services.

Continuously optimize the approval process, shorten the approval time limit, promote the acceleration of the planning and environmental assessment review of parks such as the Mengla Experimental Zone and Jinghong Industrial Cluster Zone, and explore the "bundling" approval of similar projects.

Promote green transformation, coordinate and promote the implementation of projects such as the "Double Reaching" action to meet air quality standards and carbon dioxide peaks, and the creation of typical regional carbon neutrality demonstration zones, establish a list of carbon emission trading resource reserve projects, and carry out ecological product value (GEP) accounting. Accelerate the realization of high-level transformation of ecological resources into asset capital. Three EOD projects (including one environmental protection finance project) were declared, with a total investment of 4.611 billion yuan, a provincial evaluation pass rate of 100%, and two projects were successfully included in the central library. Focusing on the "three major economies", we will coordinate the development of the "seven major industries" of culture, tourism, health care, rubber, Pu 'er tea, port economy, biomedicine (Dai medicine), tropical fruits (nuts), and digital economy.

In 2023, Xishuangbanna Prefecture received 62.096 million tourists (times), with a total tourism revenue of 97.61 billion yuan; the natural rubber planting area is 4.52 million mu, the tea planting area is 1.43 million mu, and the output of dried wool tea is 66,000 tons. Tea tax revenue accounts for 63.87% of the province; The fruit planting area is 830,000 acres, and the output is 1.47 million tons, ranking first in the province.

The added value of ecological economic industries in Xishuangbanna Prefecture has increased year by year, and the comprehensive output value of the "seven major industries" has exceeded 200 billion yuan, building a benign pattern of "living up to the green mountains and living up to the people".
