China Carbon Credit Platform

my country's first group standard for quantifying the carbon footprint of electric two-wheeled vehicle products released

Release Time3 weeks ago

Recently, the "Product Carbon Footprint Quantification Requirements and Guidelines for Electric Bicycles Electric Motorcycles" group standard jointly drafted by the Wuxi City Development and Reform Commission of Jiangsu Province, Wuxi City Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, Wuxi City Industry and Information Technology Bureau, and Wuxi City Big Data Group was officially released. This is the first group standard for quantifying product carbon footprint in this field in my country.

The "Opinions on Accelerating the Establishment of a Product Carbon Footprint Management System" jointly issued by the National Development and Reform Commission and other five departments proposed to "formulate product carbon footprint accounting rules and standards" and "establish a product carbon labeling certification system." The "Implementation Opinions on the Construction of Product Carbon Footprint Management System in Jiangsu Province" jointly issued by the Development and Reform Commission of Jiangsu Province and other six departments proposed that "the entire chain should promote the standard construction, accounting, identification certification and application scenario development of our province's products 'carbon footprint."

In order to create conditions to realize the transformation from "dual control" of energy consumption to "dual control" of total carbon emissions and intensity as soon as possible, strengthen the basic capacity building of dual control of carbon emissions, and help Wuxi achieve its carbon peak and carbon neutrality goal smoothly, Wuxi City Development and Reform Commission and Municipal Market Supervision Bureau take the lead in promoting the carbon footprint labeling certification of Wuxi electric two-wheeled vehicle products as a provincial quality certification innovation pilot demonstration project in 2024, and use electric two-wheeled vehicle products as an entry point. Together with the Municipal Big Data Group, a standard preparation working group was established to carry out the formulation of product carbon footprint accounting standards for electric bicycles and electric motorcycles.

The reporter learned that since the beginning of this year, the compilation team has carried out in-depth industry research around the two-wheel electric vehicle industry, classified and sorted out the computing-related information, clarified the standards compilation ideas, and built a basic framework; organized and held expert review meetings to relevant social units Publicly solicit opinions and continuously integrate opinions from all parties to revise and improve the standards; carry out carbon footprint trial calculations of electric bicycles and electric motorcycles based on the standards to further enhance the applicability of the standards.

Driven by the global "electricity swap boom" for two-wheeled vehicles, Wuxi has become an important participant in the global two-wheeled electric vehicle market with its excellent export performance. From January to June this year, Jiangsu exported 1.272 million electric two-wheeled vehicles, a year-on-year increase of more than 18%. At present, one in every three electric two-wheeled vehicles in the world is "Made in Wuxi", and its products have been exported to more than 130 countries and regions in Southeast Asia, South America, Eastern Europe, and North America. According to the industrial plan of the Wuxi City government, electric two-wheelers will span a scale of hundreds of billions of industries.

It is reported that this standard has made relevant requirements for the carbon footprint accounting and testing methods of electric bicycles and electric motorcycles from the "cradle" to the "grave", determines the accounting objects and functional units, and builds an electric two-wheeled vehicle for the full life cycle. The carbon footprint accounting model under the supply chain environment provides a strong impetus for the carbon footprint accounting of the entire industry by collecting full-process data, from raw material acquisition and pretreatment, production and manufacturing, distribution, use to recycling and disposal.

The release of this standard, on the one hand, provides a methodological guide for subsequent relevant enterprises and units to carry out carbon footprint accounting and reporting on electric bicycles and electric motorcycles products, helps enterprises establish green and low-carbon supply chains, actively respond to international green economic and trade rules, and enhance the competitiveness of the international market. On the other hand, effectively exerting the normative and leading role of standards in the industry will help promote the innovation of electric bicycle and electric motorcycle technology and accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation and development of the industry.
