China Carbon Credit Platform

Sichuan takes the construction of beautiful Sichuan as the guide in the second half of the year and does seven things well

Release Time1 month ago

Recently, the 2024 semi-annual work meeting on the ecological environment system of Sichuan Province was held. It was mentioned at the meeting that since the beginning of this year, the ecological and environmental system of Sichuan Province has thoroughly studied the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important instructions on Sichuan work, fully implemented the spirit of the National Ecological and Environmental Protection Conference, deepened the battle against pollution, accelerated the construction of beautiful Sichuan, and achieved positive results in all aspects of work. 1-6 In March, the province's excellent number of days was 87.1%, and the comprehensive air quality index ranked 12th in the country, ranking the best in the same period of the "14th Five-Year Plan". The excellent water quality rate at national and provincial examination sections was 98.6%, a year-on-year increase of 0.6 percentage points.

At present, Sichuan's ecological and environmental protection work is at a stage of superimposed pressures, prominent contradictions, and carrying heavy loads. The work in the second half of the year faces a series of difficulties and pressures. Specifically, Sichuan's ambient air quality has generally improved, but there is still a big gap to the control goals, and the situation of completing the annual assessment goals and tasks is very serious; the water quality in small watersheds has not yet reached stable standards, and the task of maintaining last year's "four hundred percent" results is arduous., there is also huge pressure on comprehensive ecological and environmental supervision and high-quality services.

In this regard, the Sichuan Province Department of Ecology and Environment proposed that in the next step, we must turn pressure into driving force, closely focus on the goal of "environmental quality is better than last year", take the construction of beautiful Sichuan as the guide, and coordinate the promotion of carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion, growth, highlight goal orientation and problem orientation, and do our best to do a good job in seven tasks.

Strictly control ecological environment zoning, optimize industrial layout and project planning, and promote the construction of new quality productivity projects. Continue to deepen Sichuan and Chongqing ecological co-protection and environmental co-governance, and vigorously cultivate the momentum of environmental science and technology innovation.

Ensure that goals and tasks throughout the year are completed. Focus on industrial sources, mobile sources, and dust sources, strive to fully complete 1557 key emission reduction projects in 14 industries by the end of the year, concentrate on ozone pollution control, and resolutely bite off the "hard bones" of air pollution prevention and control. We will do a good job in preventing and controlling agricultural non-point source pollution, treating livestock and poultry breeding wastewater and aquaculture tail water, promptly complete the "Thousand Villages Demonstration Project" for domestic sewage treatment in 1040 administrative villages, promote the construction of the "Three Rivers, Two Lakes and One River" landmark water beauty project, and strive to build 25 national beautiful rivers and lakes within the year, and resolutely maintain the status of the "first square" in the country for water environment quality. We will promptly complete the investigation and rectification of pollution sources, strive to start the construction of the Southwest Regional Hazardous Waste Environmental Risk Prevention and Control Technical Center before the end of the year, and resolutely build a solid soil safety foundation for the "Tianfu Granary".

Make every effort to welcome inspections by the central ecological and environmental protection inspectors. We will never allow false rectifications, false cancellation of accounts, and forged data ledgers. We will never allow "one size fits all","stop first and talk about" and "stop it once", and we will never allow it to interfere with the normal production and operation of enterprises and the daily lives of the people. Compare the typical cases exposed by the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspectorate and the key issues reported, draw inferences from one example, sort out the benchmark, and conduct comprehensive investigations to improve the stock with high quality and efficiency, reduce the increment, and then promote the resolution of a number of outstanding problems.

Actively promote green and low-carbon transformation and development. Accelerate the promulgation of implementation opinions on strengthening zoning management and control of ecological environment, further promote the pilot study on cross-regional coordination and control in Gaozhu New Area in Sichuan and Chongqing, explore the implementation of a comprehensive incentive reward and compensation mechanism for ecological and environmental governance, further promote EOD model projects, and promote national low-carbon cities and climate adaptation Pilot construction of cities and provincial near-zero carbon emission parks.

Resolutely adhere to the bottom line of environmental safety. Optimize and adjust national and provincial control monitoring points during the 15th Five-Year Plan, improve the construction of environmental risk prevention systems, strengthen environmental risk consultation, judgment and early warning and forecasting, increase the intensity and frequency of on-site law enforcement inspections, and ensure that environmental risks are preventable and controllable.

Accelerate the construction of beautiful Sichuan. Solidly promote pilot demonstrations of the construction of Beautiful Sichuan and accelerate the issuance of implementation opinions for comprehensively promoting the construction of Beautiful Sichuan.

Comprehensively strengthen party building. Vigorously promote the centralized rectification of unhealthy trends and corruption issues around the masses, and promote the resolution of ecological and environmental problems that the masses have strongly expressed.
