China Carbon Credit Platform

Why accelerate the creation of a green and low-carbon supply chain

Release Time1 week ago

Green development is the background of high-quality development, and greening is an important feature of the modern industrial system. The Central Economic Work Conference proposed "accelerating the construction of green and low-carbon supply chains" and clarified the important starting point for further promoting the construction of ecological civilization and green and low-carbon development. Developing green and low-carbon industrial chains and supply chains is not only an important measure to actively and steadily promote carbon peak and carbon neutrality, but also a key link in promoting comprehensive green and low-carbon transformation of the economy and society. We must deeply grasp the connotation and characteristics of green and low-carbon supply chains, accelerate green technological innovation and the promotion and application of advanced green technologies, create an environmental atmosphere for green development, gather the forces of government, enterprises, society, and individuals to form a joint force, and continuously improve the gold content of economic development. and green content.

Against the background of increasingly prominent global resource and environmental issues and growing consensus on climate change, promoting green industrial transformation is not only an inherent requirement for high-quality economic and social development, but also the key to achieving harmonious coexistence between man and nature. Creating a green and low-carbon supply chain is a major change in the organization of enterprises 'production methods, and has rich connotation and characteristics.

The first is to take green and low-carbon as a clear orientation. The green and low-carbon supply chain is an iterative upgrade of the traditional supply chain. Its distinctive feature is that the green and low-carbon concept is deeply embedded in the entire supply chain process of enterprises producing goods and providing services, integrating green and low-carbon with high efficiency, convenience, cost control, Saving and quality improvement as the common goal of green and low-carbon supply chain construction and management, promotes the economic activities of various entities to adapt to the requirements of social green and low-carbon development.

The second is to focus on the coordination of the entire supply chain. Building a green and low-carbon supply chain requires close coordination between upstream and downstream of the supply chain, integrating green and low-carbon requirements into all aspects of the supply chain, and implementing full-chain green and low-carbon management such as design, procurement, production, packaging, sales, consumption and recycling., minimize resource consumption, environmental impact and carbon emissions, and achieve the unity of economic, social and ecological benefits.

The third is to use technological innovation as the driving force and policy supporting support. Building a green and low-carbon supply chain is a complex systematic project, including green and low-carbon standard construction, technology research and development, energy use, process design, recycling, etc. It not only requires the support of scientific and technological innovation, but also requires the formation of policy synergy for green and low-carbon development. Supported by market-oriented mechanisms, we will carry out the transformation and upgrading of the entire supply chain on this basis to provide lasting impetus for building a green and low-carbon supply chain.

Our country has strong needs and basic conditions to build a green and low-carbon supply chain. We should accelerate the technological innovation of green and low-carbon supply chains, improve the green and low-carbon supply chain policy system, create a social atmosphere in which the whole society participates in green transformation, and continuously cultivate and expand green New momentum for development.

First, strengthen the application of technological innovation. Green and low-carbon supply chain technologies cover energy-saving and consumption-reducing technologies, digital and intelligent enabling technologies, new material technologies, product recycling and reuse technologies, etc., and are widely used in the green transformation and upgrading of traditional industries and the development of new industries and new business formats. It is necessary to strengthen technical support, strengthen research and development of key technologies and common industrial technologies in relevant key areas, increase integrated innovation of green and low-carbon technologies, continuously expand application scenarios of new technologies, and accelerate the establishment of standards and certification service systems that are in line with international standards.

Second, give full play to the leading role of leading enterprises. Guide leading enterprises in the industry to establish green and low-carbon concepts, carry out green and low-carbon supply chain management, give priority to including green factories in the scope of qualified suppliers, create a green and low-carbon supply chain public service platform, promote the establishment of a digital and intelligent recycling network system, and drive Upstream and downstream enterprises achieve green and low-carbon development.

Third, strengthen policy supporting support. Strengthen policy guidance, establish a policy system that combines positive incentives and negative incentives around the aspects of preferential fiscal and tax support, financial services, scenario creation, international cooperation, standard formulation, legal and regulatory guarantees for green and low-carbon supply chains, and strengthen supervision and management. Provide a good policy environment for the construction of green and low-carbon supply chains.

Fourth, create a good social atmosphere. Building a green and low-carbon supply chain requires the coordinated efforts of many parties to create a social atmosphere with high recognition and participation in green and low-carbon production and lifestyle. Increase the promotion and promotion of green and low-carbon products and enterprises, enhance national awareness of conservation, environmental protection, and ecological awareness, cultivate behavioral habits such as water conservation, garbage classification and recycling, and green travel, and guide the whole society to form a new trend of green consumption.

The construction of a green and low-carbon supply chain cannot be achieved overnight. We can give priority to some industry areas with relatively mature conditions to take the lead in exploring and accumulate replicable and generalizable experience for other industries. Consider selecting manufacturing industries such as automobiles, electronics and electrical appliances, communications, machinery, and large-scale complete equipment to carry out demonstrations, establish a green and low-carbon standard system in accordance with the product life cycle concept, strengthen coordination and collaboration among upstream and downstream enterprises in the supply chain, and promote International green and low-carbon supply chains are collaboratively built to create a number of industry benchmarks. (The author is an associate researcher at the Institute of Economics, China Academy of Macroeconomics)
