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Adhere to the "two combinations" to cultivate and promote ecological culture (People's Daily)

Release Time2 months ago

The construction of ecological civilization is an important part of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It is related to the well-being of the people and the future of the nation. It is a profound change involving production methods, lifestyles, ways of thinking and values. In 2015, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the "Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of Ecological Civilization", proposing for the first time that "insisting on cultivating ecological culture as an important support." General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized at the National Ecological and Environmental Protection Conference held in 2018:"We must accelerate the construction of an ecological civilization system and accelerate the establishment and improvement of an ecological and cultural system based on ecological values." The "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Comprehensively Promoting the Construction of a Beautiful China" issued in January this year highlighted the cultivation and promotion of ecological culture among the goals and tasks of "carrying out national actions for building a beautiful China".

Ecological culture is guided by ecological values and summarizes, condenses and inherits the theoretical and practical achievements of ecological civilization construction, including ecological material culture, spiritual culture, institutional culture and behavioral culture. It is the cultural pattern of ecological civilization. It conveys the mainstream values of ecological civilization, advocates diligence and frugality, green, low-carbon, civilized and healthy production and lifestyle and consumption patterns, arouses people's ecological and cultural consciousness of upward and good, and provides guidance for correctly handling the relationship between man and nature, solving outstanding problems in the field of ecological environment, and promoting the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development to provide cultural nourishment and endogenous motivation. Cultivating and promoting ecological culture is an important part of Xi Jinping's Thought on Ecological Civilization and an inherent requirement for comprehensively promoting the construction of a beautiful China.

The relationship between man and nature is the most basic relationship in human society. Properly handling the relationship between man and nature is an important part of Marxist theory and an important aspect of China's excellent traditional culture. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has insisted on combining the basic principles of Marxism with the practice of China's ecological civilization construction and with China's excellent traditional ecological culture, and vigorously promoted theoretical innovation, practical innovation, and institutional innovation of ecological civilization. Innovation, creatively put forward a series of new concepts, new ideas and new strategies that are full of Chinese characteristics, reflect the spirit of the times, and lead the development and progress of human civilization, forming Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization. This important thought has profound implications for "harmonious coexistence between man and nature","lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets","good ecological environment is the most universally beneficial welfare for people's livelihood","coordinating the management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand systems", and "using the strictest systems and strictest systems. The profound revelation of protecting the ecological environment" and "jointly seeking the road to global ecological civilization construction" has enriched and developed Marxist thoughts on the relationship between man and nature, and inherited and innovated China's excellent traditional ecological culture. It has profound theoretical basis, practical foundation and cultural heritage. Only by adhering to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, deeply understanding the fundamental viewpoints and core concepts contained therein, and grasping the methodological requirements of "two combinations" can we clarify the development direction of ecological culture, build the value foundation of ecological culture, and better exert the ideological guidance and value-oriented role of mainstream values of ecological civilization.

The Chinese nation has always respected and loved nature. The Chinese civilization that has lasted for more than 5000 years has given birth to a rich ecological culture. The philosophical thinking and empirical wisdom contained in it on the relationship between man and nature provide an important cornerstone for cultivating and promoting ecological culture. China's excellent traditional ecological culture has a long history. In the labor practice of utilizing and transforming nature, the Chinese ancestors formed the natural view of "the unity of man and nature, and the unity of all things", the development view of "taking it with moderation and using it with restraint", and the institutional view of "complying with nature and responding to the times, establishing rules and regulations" emphasizes the intrinsic unity of all things, including man, advocates following the laws of nature for production and life, and pursues the integrity, systematicness and harmony of heaven, earth and man. At the same time, what is compatible with the idea of "harmony between man and nature" is the consensus and consciousness of literati to integrate themselves into nature and heaven and earth. Under the influence of traditional ecological values and spiritual character, a large number of traditional ecological cultures have emerged with poetry, novels, prose, etc. as the main literary genres, and painting, pottery, opera, gardens, etc. as the main art forms, fully demonstrating the ancient people's unique aesthetic appeal to the beauty of nature, the rhyme of nature, the feeling of nature, and the works of nature. To cultivate and promote ecological culture, we must pay attention to inheriting China's excellent traditional ecological culture, explain the ecological values contained in it of respecting nature, complying with nature, and protecting nature, and excavate and collate the ecological culture contained in classics and historical records, ethnic customs, folk customs, humanistic anecdotes, arts and crafts, The ecological culture among architectural monuments and ancient and famous trees should be creatively transformed and innovatively developed, making it a profound foundation for the development and prosperity of ecological culture.

In the new era, under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, my country's ecological and environmental protection has undergone historic, turning and overall changes. The construction of Beautiful China has taken major steps, creating world-renowned ecological miracles and green development miracles. In the process of promoting the construction of ecological civilization, the fiery practice and glorious history of ecological and environmental protection have provided fresh materials for cultivating and promoting ecological culture. To further enhance the awareness of ecological civilization in the whole society, we need to be based on the local area, deeply explore vivid practices, touching stories and advanced figures in the construction of ecological civilization in the new era, and strive to create a way to spread the values of ecological civilization, embody the spirit of ecological culture, reflect the aesthetic pursuit of the nation, and organically integrate the artistic nature and ornamental nature. Ecological and cultural products with superb, excellent quality and unique styles are produced, fully demonstrate the achievements of ecological civilization construction, and tell the story of ecological and environmental protection. Praise the beauty of harmonious coexistence between man and nature and promote the transformation of people's thoughts, understandings and behaviors. By carrying out various forms of ecological culture education activities, we guide people to integrate ecological culture into daily life, actively cultivate ecological morality, promote the formation of green production and lifestyle, effectively root ecological values in their hearts and put them into practice, and form a social atmosphere that advocates ecological civilization for everyone, everything, always and everywhere.

Source 丨 People's Daily
