China Carbon Credit Platform

Shanxi holds a special training course for carbon emissions traders

Release Time3 months ago

Sponsored by Shanxi Financial Holding Group and hosted by Shanxi Green Trading Center and Shanxi Securities, a "Double Carbon Strategy" talent reserve-a special training course for carbon emissions traders recently opened in Taiyuan. Through training, the professional capabilities of Shanxi's carbon trading personnel will be greatly enhanced and the competitiveness of enterprises in the carbon market will be further enhanced.

Since the opening of the national carbon market, relevant national policies and systems have been continuously improved, and the future is promising. At present, the national carbon market needs more professional talents and institutions to participate to jointly promote the construction and development of carbon-related services and industries, and help achieve the "double carbon" goal.

During the training, hundreds of corporate employees from Shanghai Environmental Exchange, Beijing Dacheng (Shanghai) Law Firm, Fudan University Sustainable Development Research Center and other institutions systematically taught courses such as carbon market policies and domestic and foreign development conditions, the latest carbon emission systems and corporate data testing and submission, and the national carbon market quota allocation system.

The person in charge of the organizer said that after training and passing the exam, these participants will obtain the carbon trader professional qualification certificate issued by the Shanghai Environmental Energy Exchange, which will comprehensively enhance the professional capabilities of Shanxi carbon traders and enable more outstanding talents to participate in the construction and development of my country's carbon market.
