China Carbon Credit Platform

Turning "green" into gold and sharing a "carbon" future-The Autonomous Region Department of Ecology and Environment went to Baijitan Nature Reserve to provide assistance in the development of afforestation carbon sink projects

Release Time3 weeks ago

In order to implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches during his inspection of Ningxia, vigorously promote the fine work style of "going to the grassroots level", and actively promote the transformation of afforestation carbon sink projects in the autonomous region into "green" and gold,8months22The Party Branch of the Atmospheric Environment Division of the Department of Ecology and Environment of the Japan Autonomous Region, the Party Branch of the Center for Combating Climate Change and Motor Vehicle Pollution, and the Party Branch of the Baijitan National Nature Reserve aim to "promote the development of afforestation carbon sink projects and assist the development of low-carbon and green undertakings in our region" The joint theme party day activities serve as a carrier to carry out development assistance for afforestation carbon sink projects.

Everyone went deep into the Baijitan Desert Control and Afforestation Area in Lingwu City, Ningxia, and provided on-site research and assistance on the development of afforestation and carbon sink projects. They inspected the Daliumaozi Shawo Desert Control Project on the spot, and visited the National Sand Control and Desertification Expo Hall and General Secretary Xi Jinping Tree Planting Memorial Park. Through various forms of on-site field research including "touching","listening","asking" and "looking", the assistance team obtained detailed "first-hand" information and organized a guidance symposium on the development and assistance of afforestation carbon sink projects. The meeting focused on giving detailed explanations on the development work process and matters needing attention for voluntary emission reduction (CCER) projects. Subsequently, the responsible comrades of the Baijitan Nature Reserve Administration introduced the progress of the project implementation and problems existing in the promotion process, and relevant experts provided detailed answers and guidance on the technical problems encountered in the promotion of the project.

The national voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction trading market has been officially launched. The research and assistance team recommended that Baijitan speed up the development of afforestation carbon sink projects and explore a value realization mechanism for ecological products that transform "lucid waters and lush mountains into gold and silver", striving to become the first in the region.CCERTrading items. The Autonomous Region Department of Ecology and Environment will also continue to follow up on assistance and guidance. First, we will cooperate with industry experts inside and outside the region to provide relevant policies and technical guidance in a timely manner in response to problems existing in the project development, application, and transaction process to effectively improve project applicationCCERThe second is to strengthen communication and coordination with emission reduction enterprises in the region, help project development enterprises build a communication platform with enterprises with carbon emission quota gaps, and broaden the channels for consumption of certified voluntary emission reductions; the third is to adhere to the "integrity and innovation, pilot first" development idea has made the Baijitan afforestation carbon sink project the first in the regionCCERListing and trading projects will be refined to form landmark results of carbon sink projects that can be promoted and applied, and will be widely publicized in the region.

This joint theme party day activity further unblocked the communication and assistance channels between the Autonomous Region Department of Ecology and Environment and the Baijitan National Nature Reserve, formed an effective synergy to promote the development of the Baijitan afforestation carbon sink project, and jointly explored the economy of our region, low-carbon, green and high-quality development new path.
