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Carry out reform and opening up in the new era to the end-understanding Xi Jinping's reform approach from the 72 meetings of the Central and Shenzhen Reform Commission (Leading Group)

Release Time2 months ago

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has presided over 72 important meetings, from the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reforms to the Central Commission for Comprehensively Deepening Reforms, leading a magnificent and eventful reform voyage.

This is the call for reform. The 72 meetings of the Central and Shenzhen Reform Commission (Leading Group) anchored the overall goal of comprehensively deepening reforms for top-level design, reviewed and approved more than 600 reform documents, and guided various parties to issue more than 3000 reform plans, demonstrating General Secretary Xi Jinping's reform spirit and the path of continuous development and deepening reform.

Steering direction: "Unswervingly move towards the goal of comprehensively deepening reform"

In summer, China is experiencing a wave of reform.

On June 11, 2024, in Zhongnanhai, Beijing, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over the fifth meeting of the 20th Central Committee for Comprehensive Deepening Reform.

The meeting reviewed and approved the "Opinions on Improving the Modern Enterprise System with Chinese Characteristics","Guiding Opinions on Improving the Income Guarantee Mechanism for Grain Farmers and the Benefit Compensation Mechanism for Major Grain Producing Areas" and "Several Opinions on Building a Globally Competitive Open Environment for Scientific and Technological Innovation" A series of reform documents such as "Opinions" directly point to some key and difficult issues in economic and social development, and promote the precise implementation and implementation of reforms.

Over the past 10 years, General Secretary Xi Jinping has presided over 72 such meetings. General Secretary Xi Jinping is at the helm of the overall design, overall coordination, overall promotion, and supervision of implementation. China's reform ship follows the right route to deeper waters and a wider world.

In November 2013, the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee was held and drew up a blueprint for comprehensively deepening reforms in the new era:

Put forward the overall goal of "improving and developing the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities", outline the "four beams and eight pillars" for comprehensively deepening reforms, clarify the task statement, timetable, and construction drawings, and cover 336 reform measures. All aspects.

At this time, China's economic and social development is crossing a new important juncture: a series of deep-seated contradictions accumulated in the long-term and rapid economic growth are constantly accumulating, and the problem of unbalanced and inadequate development has become increasingly prominent; under the new wave of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, international competition is pressing, and anti-globalization and trade protectionism are emerging... You can imagine the complexity, difficulty and sensitivity of promoting comprehensive deepening reforms.

Be broad and meticulous. The larger and more complex the project, the more precise orientation, careful deployment, and solid implementation are needed.

At the Bilingual Experimental School of Hunan Normal University High School in Tianxin District, Changsha City, Hunan Province, first-year students display their pass cards during a fun pass-through activity (photo taken on January 18, 2024). Photo by Xinhua Agency reporter Chen Zeguo

More than a month after the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, in December 2013, for the first time in the history of the Communist Party of China set up a leading body dedicated to reform work at the Party Central Committee level-the Central Leading Group for Comprehensive Deepening Reform. General Secretary Xi Jinping personally took charge and served as the team leader.

Regarding the responsibilities of this institution, General Secretary Xi Jinping clarified the gist: "It is to implement the various reform measures proposed by the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee."

After the Third Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reforms was changed to the Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reforms. General Secretary Xi Jinping still serves as the director personally. This institution has more comprehensive functions, more complete organization, and more stable operations. It forms a strong center for reform and opening up and gathers the broadest reform forces.

The ship carries thousands of troops and has one person at the helm. In the profound social change of comprehensively deepening reforms, General Secretary Xi Jinping has always shouldered the important task on his shoulders:

Far-reaching planning to provide scientific guidance for the in-depth advancement of reforms; systematic deployment to study and formulate major reform issues; hands-on, carefully review and revise major reform plans, and lead and urge the implementation of each reform to be effective...

Looking back on the road when it came, China's reform and opening up has always been firmly moving forward along the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics under the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee.

Entering a new era, what flag and path for reform? Why, for whom and how? General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out the direction--

In January 2014, at the first meeting of the 18th Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reform, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Unswervingly move towards the goal of comprehensively deepening reform" and "we must firmly grasp the correct direction of reform."

In November 2017, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over the first meeting of the 19th Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reforms, which marked the direction of reform with three "unchangeable":"No matter what is changed or which step is changed, we must adhere to the party's focus on reform. The centralized and unified leadership cannot be changed, the overall goal of improving and developing the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities cannot be changed, and the value orientation of adhering to the people-centered reform cannot be changed."

In April 2023, at the first meeting of the 20th Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that "comprehensive deepening of reform must be regarded as the fundamental driving force for promoting Chinese-style modernization."

Thoughts sublimate in great changes.

With the profound insight, keen judgment, and theoretical creativity of a Marxist politician, thinker, and strategist, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward a series of new ideas, new viewpoints, and new judgments on comprehensively deepening reforms to expand the scope of reform for China in the new era. The general pattern of reform and the general logic of clarifying reform--

Regarding reform and opening up: "Promoting reform and development through opening up is a successful practice of my country's reform and development. Reform and opening up complement each other and promote each other. Reform will inevitably require opening up, and opening up will inevitably require reform ";

Regarding reform and development: "Every step forward in development requires a step forward in reform. The continuous advancement of reform can also provide strong impetus for development" and "promote the deep integration and efficient linkage of reform and development";

Regarding reform and the rule of law: "All major reforms must be based on the law","Comprehensively deepening reforms requires the protection of the rule of law, and comprehensively promoting the rule of law also requires deepening reforms","Promote reforms under the rule of law and improve the rule of law in reform";


Reform entering the deep water area is particularly difficult to break through ideological and conceptual barriers and the barriers of solidification of interests.

The 72 meetings not only pointed out the direction of march, but also sounded the war drum for the expedition--

Focusing on the core issue of properly handling the relationship between the government and the market, we will deepen the reform of the economic system, proceed from practical needs, start from the most urgent matters, and strive to break through blockages and stuck points that restrict high-quality development;

Focusing on the sustainable development of the Chinese nation, deepen reforms in the field of ecological civilization, reform the cadre assessment system, carry out central ecological and environmental protection inspections, and fight the battle to defend the blue sky, clear water and pure land;

With the responsibility of "offending thousands of people and living up to 1.4 billion people", deepen the party's disciplinary inspection and the reform of the national supervision system, promote comprehensive and strict governance of the party, and create a good political ecology for comprehensively deepening reforms;


Over the past 10 years, 72 meetings have deployed a series of major reform matters, built the "four beams and eight pillars" of system construction, and promoted various reforms in internal affairs, foreign affairs, national defense, and party, country and military governance to continuously open up new situations and reach new heights.

"In the 10 years of the new era, the reforms we have promoted are all-round, deep-seated and fundamental, and the achievements we have made are historic, revolutionary and groundbreaking." In April 2023, the concise summary at the first meeting of the 20th Central Committee for Comprehensive Deepening Reforms chaired by General Secretary Xi Jinping once again confirmed this important conclusion--

"The Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was epoch-making and opened a new era of reform, opening up, and socialist modernization. The Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was also epoch-making. It realized the transformation of reform from partial exploration and ice-breaking breakthroughs to systematic integration and comprehensive deepening, creating a new situation in my country's reform and opening up."

A group of young scientific and technological talents from the Beijing Aerospace Flight Control Center celebrated the successful landing of my country's first Mars exploration mission on Mars (Photo taken on May 15, 2021). Photo by Xinhua Agency reporter Jin Liwang

Precise guidance: "Reform and opening up is an unprecedented new undertaking, and we must adhere to the correct methodology"

Reforms are broken and established, and we will get twice the result with half the effort by using their laws.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has based on the practice of reform in the new era, continuously deepened its understanding of the laws of reform, and formed the richest, most comprehensive and most systematic reform methodology since the reform and opening up, providing scientific guidance and action guidelines.

From "strengthening coordination on major cross-regional and cross-department reform matters", to "piloting is an important task of reform and an important method of reform", to "planning and promoting reform with overall concepts and systematic thinking"... In all meetings, A series of effective reform methods are refreshing, and in practice, we ensure that comprehensive deepening of reforms is accurately implemented and implemented.

Adhere to problem-oriented approach, use research to open the way, and use reform to solve problems--

"Reform must insist on starting from specific problems","work hard on whether outstanding problems have been solved","formulate implementation plans and go straight to problems"... The meeting emphasized this important method many times.

"Follow the problem and follow the problem", each meeting after another and each deployment is based on the problem, so that the reform can be targeted and advanced in depth:

In response to issues related to the future of hundreds of millions of students, such as the theory of only scores and the determination of life in one exam, we will study and review the implementation opinions on deepening the reform of the examination and enrollment system, and deploy various localities to launch comprehensive reforms of the college entrance examination to form an examination and enrollment model of classified examinations, comprehensive evaluation, and diversified admissions., the modern education examination and enrollment system with Chinese characteristics has been basically established;

At the "Family Affairs Station" in Zhaofeng Road Community, Quanyechang Street, Heping District, Tianjin City, lawyers are popularizing mediation methods for community neighborhood coordinators (photo taken on December 8, 2023). Photo by Xinhua Agency reporter Sun Fanyue

In order to solve the problem of "difficulty in filing cases" strongly reflected by the people, reform the case acceptance system of the people's courts, change the filing review system to the filing and registration system, improve the working mechanism, strengthen accountability, promote "every case must be filed and every lawsuit must be dealt with", protect the parties 'right to sue and open a convenient door to fairness and justice for the people;

In the auxiliary filling area of the Government Service Center of Erdao District, Changchun City, Jilin Province, citizens fill in matters with the assistance of staff (photo taken on November 23, 2020). Photo by Xinhua Agency reporter Xu Chang

The sword refers to outstanding problems such as difficulty, slowness, multi-head, and back-and-forth among the corporate masses. We will further promote the convenience of approval services, and promote the concept, system, and work style of approval services around administrative approval and public service matters that are directly oriented to the corporate masses and handled according to applications. We will change the temperature of government services and the hearts of the people...

In the process of analyzing and solving problems, the problem-oriented reform methodology becomes more distinctive.

Problems are the voice of the times, and investigation and research are the way to solve problems.

On April 21, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping, who was inspecting Shaanxi, came to the Laoxian Town Health Center in Pingli County.

In front of the "List of Medical Insurance Policies for Urban and Rural Residents in Ankang City", the General Secretary stopped to inspect and asked in detail many details such as reimbursement policies.

Six days later, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over the 13th meeting of the 19th Central Committee for Comprehensive Deepening Reform, which reviewed and approved the "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Reform of the Medical Security Fund Supervision System." The meeting emphasized that "medical insurance funds are the people's 'medical money' and 'life-saving money' and must be managed and used well."

Respect the spirit of initiative and adhere to the combination of top-level design and practical exploration--

In July 2019, the ninth meeting of the 19th Central Committee for Comprehensive Deepening Reforms reviewed and approved the "Opinions on Supporting Shenzhen to Build a Pilot Demonstration Zone for Socialism with Chinese Characteristics." In October of the following year, at the celebration meeting for the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, General Secretary Xi Jinping deployed Shenzhen to implement a comprehensive reform pilot and required Shenzhen to "build a leading demonstration zone for socialism with Chinese characteristics."

Over the past five years, the construction of the pioneer demonstration zone is accelerating in Shenzhen, a hot land for reform, in benchmarking against the "five strategic positioning" of high-quality development highland, rule of law city demonstration, urban civilization model, benchmark for people's livelihood and happiness, and sustainable development pioneer.

Overlooking the Shenzhen Park of the Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone (Photo taken on August 23, 2023, drone photo). Photo by Xinhua Agency reporter Liang Xu

In June 2024, Shenzhen City released a work plan for optimizing the market-oriented, legal and international business environment in 2024, and came up with a new annual "construction plan" to continuously optimize the business environment reform.

Reform must promote positive interaction between top-level design and grassroots exploration.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized many times at meetings that "we must firmly establish an overall view of reform, top-level design must be based on the overall situation, and grassroots exploration must take into account the overall situation.""Give full play to the demonstration, breakthrough, and driving role of pilot projects in overall reform" and "Adhere to top-level design and Coordinate crossing the river by feeling the stones."

The vehicle drove out of the gate of the Heihe area of the China (Heilongjiang) Pilot Free Trade Zone (Photo taken on February 11, 2023, drone photo). Photo by Xinhua Agency reporter Xie Jianfei

Deploy and establish 22 free trade pilot zones to form a pilot pattern covering the east, west, north, south and central; implement pilot projects for the compilation of lists of powers and responsibilities of departments of the State Council; carry out pilot projects for the reform of institutions undertaking administrative functions... one by one to comprehensively deepen reforms, sow improved seeds, intensive cultivation, and promote more institutional innovation results to the whole country.

Pay attention to system integration and insist on planning and promoting with overall concept and systematic thinking--

From the early stage of tamping foundations and erecting columns and beams, to comprehensive advancement and building momentum in the medium term, to strengthening system integration, collaboration and efficiency at the current stage, comprehensively deepening reforms has increasingly emphasized grasping the interrelationship and coupling effects of various reforms, and aiming at goals. Cooperate with each other, promote each other in implementation, and complement each other in effect.

In this regard, the meeting had many incisive expositions: "Focusing on systematicness, integrity and synergy is an inherent requirement for comprehensively deepening reform and an important method to promote reform.""We must accurately grasp the internal connections of reform and improve the integration capabilities of the reform system.""Promote reform must establish systematic thinking and promote the systematic integration of reform measures in qualified places and fields"...

System integration means that we cannot "manage the waters in nine dragons and manage each head" and "treat the head for a headache and treat the foot for a sore foot". Instead, we must promote reforms in all fields and aspects to work in the same direction and achieve the goal of "playing the piano with ten fingers."

Promote the integration of reforms in various fields such as economy, politics, culture, society, ecological civilization, party building, national defense and the military; promote the connection of theoretical innovation, institutional innovation, scientific and technological innovation, cultural innovation and other aspects of innovation; We must coordinate reform plans, reform implementation, and reform effects... It is precisely because of the insistence on overall planning and overall planning that various reforms have "chemical reactions" and continue to release the effectiveness of reform.

People first: "What the people care about and expect, what reform must seize and promote"

Once upon a time, a household registration drew a "gap" between urban and rural areas.

In June 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over the third meeting of the 18th Central Leading Group for Comprehensive Deepening Reform. The "Opinions on Further Promoting the Reform of the Household Registration System" was placed on the discussion desk in Zhongnanhai.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized at the meeting: "An important link in promoting people's urbanization lies in the household registration system. Accelerating the reform of the household registration system is a major measure involving hundreds of millions of agricultural transfers."

Since then, the reform of the household registration system has pressed the "acceleration button": solving problems, wading new roads, unifying the urban and rural household registration system, fully implementing the residence permit system, 140 million agricultural migrant people have settled in cities and towns, and the urbanization rate of the national registered population has reached 48.3%. Gradually break the binary opposition between urban and rural areas and allow more strivers to find a warm home.

"As long as it is conducive to increasing the people's sense of gain, we must resolutely break and resolutely change." The value orientation of reform has always been clear.

When the people call for it, reforms respond.

In public reports of 72 meetings,"people" and "masses" appeared more than 200 and more than 100 respectively. Matters related to the people, big and small, were included on the agenda of the meeting and became the focus and focus of reform.

--Make reform accurately meet the needs of development, the expectations of the grassroots, and the aspirations of the people.

A staff member of the Medical Insurance Office of the First Hospital of Sanming City, Fujian Province (right) explained relevant policies to residents who came to consult on drug reimbursement issues (photo taken on November 18, 2020). Photo by Xinhua Agency reporter Jiang Kehong

"It costs 68 yuan per piece before centralized procurement, and only 20 yuan per piece after price reduction." For Tan Saixi, a Hunan patient who has suffered from diabetes for many years, insulin is a daily necessity. Nowadays, through special centralized procurement, the price of insulin has been reduced, and 70% can be reimbursed through special clinics, which has greatly reduced his burden.

People's livelihood is long, and health is the most important thing.

Wang Yaping, a migrant worker from Anhui Province, displays the activated electronic medical insurance voucher (photo taken on October 20, 2020). Photo by Xinhua Agency reporter Ding Ting

Several meetings have included the issue of deepening medical and health reform on the agenda. What it touches on is not only overall reforms such as deepening the reform of public hospitals and integrating the basic medical insurance system for urban and rural residents, but also specific arrangements such as strengthening the training and team building of pediatric medical personnel, promoting contract services for family doctors, as well as Sanming Medical Reform in Fujian Province and other experience demonstrations.

Seek more benefits for people's livelihood and solve more concerns about people's livelihood. As General Secretary Xi Jinping said,"What the people care about and expect, reform must seize and advance."

Garbage classification, environmental protection, legal aid, elderly care, education burden reduction... Reform documents have been passed one by one, institutional arrangements have been gradually implemented one by one, and reforms related to people's livelihood and well-being have been placed in a more prominent position to better respond to the urgent needs and worries of the people.

Elderly people living in the Mutual Aid Happiness Home in Tuchengzi Town, Kangbao County, Hebei Province relax in the yard (photo taken on October 14, 2023). Photo by Xinhua Agency reporter Mou Yu

--Rely on the support and participation of the people to write a new chapter of reform.

"We must fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all parties. The more arduous the reform task, the more we must rely on the support and participation of the people.""Be good at improving reform policy propositions from the people's practical creation and development requirements"...

In January 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping's words at the first meeting of the 18th Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reform profoundly revealed that hundreds of millions of people are the source of strength and wisdom for comprehensively deepening reforms.

In the magnificent reform process, every breakthrough and progress in understanding, every creation and accumulation in practice, all stem from the hard work and wisdom of the people.

At the end of 2016, Zhejiang proposed "running at most once" and began the process of government service reform. From concept to practice,"running once at most" has become a typical experience reviewed and discussed at the Central Committee for Deepening Reform (Leading Group) meeting, and has been promoted and innovatively developed across the country.

"Where does the right path come from? Come from the masses." General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized this.

In Nayong County, Bijie City, Guizhou Province, located in the hinterland of the Wumeng Mountains, Miao villager Ma Yong (fifth from right) and his wife Huang Guoqin (fifth from left) toast with everyone at the New Year's Eve dinner (photo taken on February 11, 2021). Photo by Xinhua Agency reporter Ou Dongqu

It is required to "respect the practice of grassroots people","mobilize the masses to participate in reform, and guide society to support reform", pointing out that "the greatest vitality of reform and innovation lies at the grassroots level and among the masses." Meetings after meetings have sent clear signals to lead reform to find the right way to unlock the people's power. key.

--Take the people's sense of gain as the evaluation criterion for the effectiveness of reform.

In February 2015, at the 10th meeting of the 18th Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reform, General Secretary Xi Jinping highlighted the issue of "sense of gain" in reform.

The general secretary pointed out that we should properly handle the relationship between the "first mile" and the "last mile" of reform, break through the "middle obstruction", prevent inaction, fully demonstrate the gold content of the reform plan, and give the people a greater sense of gain.

Several meetings since then have given in-depth explanations on this: "Whether to promote economic and social development and whether to bring a real sense of gain to the people should be regarded as the evaluation criterion for the effectiveness of the reform.""We must make it conducive to enhancing the people's gain." The reform of the sense of gain should be put in a more prominent position "...

This is the Qinling Harmony Forest Park built after the demolition of illegal villas in Qinling Mountains in Chang 'an District, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province on July 26, 2019 (drone photo). Photo by Xinhua Agency reporter Liu Xiao

A good ecological environment is the most universally beneficial welfare for people's livelihood.

Since the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan", the average concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in cities at prefecture level and above has dropped by 28.6%, and the proportion of surface water sections with excellent water quality nationwide has increased "eight consecutive times" to 89.4%. Safe use of contaminated cultivated land and key construction land across the country is effectively guaranteed.

Yuzixi Wetland Park in Luzhou, Sichuan Province, taken on June 1, 2023 (drone photo). The "predecessor" of Yuzixi Wetland Park in Luzhou High-tech Zone was Sandao River, Xinhegou and Daqiao River Gully. The three tributaries gathered in Yuzixi Lake and merged into the Yangtze River. The original river basin has poor ecological environment, serious pollution, and garbage can be seen everywhere. It is a typical suburban "smelly ditch". After treatment, the water quality of Yuzixi Lake has been fundamentally improved, and some regional indicators have reached Class I and II water standards. At the same time, the treated Yuzixi Lake has reduced soil erosion and reduced the sediment content directly discharged into the Yangtze River, achieving the goals of saving water resources, soil and water conservation, and restoring ecology. The "stinky ditch" butterfly has become a "online celebrity check-in place". Photo by Xinhua Agency reporter Liu Kun

Behind the report card is a series of powerful reform measures: establishing an environmental protection inspection working mechanism, deepening the battle against pollution, improving the ecological protection compensation mechanism, compiling a negative list of industrial access in key ecological functional areas, and delineating and strictly adhering to the ecological protection red line... Survey shows that people's satisfaction with the ecological environment exceeds 90%.

Party members and volunteers from Changhua Town, Lin 'an District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province salvaged floating objects in Changhua River to keep the river clean and beautiful (Photo taken on March 14, 2023, drone photo). The town strictly implements the river chief system in the Changhua River Basin. River chiefs at all levels often patrol the rivers in charge and effectively implement long-term control. The river environment continues to improve, and the river water quality reaches Class II water standards throughout the year. Photo by Xinhua Agency reporter Xu Yu

There is no end point in ensuring and improving people's livelihood, only a continuous new starting point.

"Better education, more stable jobs, more satisfactory income, more reliable social protection, higher levels of medical and health services, more comfortable living conditions, and a more beautiful environment." General Secretary Xi Jinping responded attentively to the people's expectations.

One thing after another, year after year, the people-centered development idea shines more brightly in the comprehensive deepening of reforms.

Take responsibility and work hard: "Be both a reform promoter and a reform doer, and implement reform with the spirit of nailing"

On February 23, 2016, just after the Lunar Lantern Festival, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over the 21st meeting of the 18th Central Leading Group for Comprehensive Deepening Reform.

This meeting did not arrange to review new reform plans, but listened to reports on the implementation of 10 reforms. In his speech, General Secretary Xi Jinping talked about three "grasping" in succession: "Keep an eye on grasping and grasping repeatedly until the grasping results."

"Take reform as a major political responsibility, strengthen our determination and confidence in reform, enhance our ideological consciousness and action consciousness to promote reform, be both a reform promoter and a reform doer, and implement reform with a nail-nailing spirit." The secretary said resolutely.

Reform is fought overnight, but implementation is difficult.

In 72 meetings, the word "implementation" ran throughout and appeared more than 300 times in public reports. The meeting listened to reports on the implementation of major reforms on many occasions, focusing on understanding the implementation of reform measures, and deploying the steps and order for reform advancement.

Looking back at the process of comprehensively deepening reforms in the new era, implementation is a requirement, an action, and the way to win reform.

Stand up to take responsibility and face up to difficulties-"Real swords and real guns, bold and bold, go into dangerous beaches, move cheese, and chew hard bones."

In February 2014, President Xi Jinping pointed out in an exclusive interview with Russian television in Sochi: "After more than 30 years of reform, China has entered the deep water area. It can be said that the easy and happy reform has been completed, and all the delicious meat has been eaten., what remains are hard to chew."

Rural reform is one of the "hard bones".

In April 2016, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Xiaogang Village, Anhui Province, the main birthplace of rural reform. In the courtyard of the "farmhouse", he leaned over to inspect the contract of the 18 villagers who had pressed their red fingerprints, and he was deeply moved.

Villagers in Haolaishan Township, Wuchuan County, Hohhot City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, display the rural land contract management certificate they received (photo taken on April 12, 2018). Photo by Xinhua Agency reporter Lian Zhen

Four months later, the 27th meeting of the 18th Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reforms reviewed and approved the "Opinions on Improving the Measures for the Separation of Rural Land Ownership Contracting Rights and Management Rights", which directly pointed to the rural land ownership system and the current rural economy. The problem of not adapting to the new situation of social development.

Not only rural reform, but also the reform of the judicial system, the reform of the academician system, and the reform of the salary system for heads of centrally managed enterprises... Reforms that involve deep-seated interest adjustments and have not made progress for many years have continued to make breakthroughs under the promotion of previous conferences.

In Zaolin Community, Zhuangmu Town, Changfeng County, Hefei City, Anhui Province, volunteers guided residents to use smart garbage sorting and recycling equipment (photo taken on September 1, 2023). Photo by Xinhua Agency reporter Cao Li

With both command and expedition, with a targeted poverty alleviation strategy, he led the entire Party and the people of all ethnic groups in the country to win an eight-year battle against poverty; he issued important instructions many times, setting off a storm of rectification of ecological problems in many places such as the Qilian Mountains, and personally inspected the acceptance and rectification effect; In response to outstanding issues such as insufficient power restriction and supervision in the political and legal field, we will promote reform in the political and legal field, and promptly improve the supervision and restriction mechanism for the exercise of power...

General Secretary Xi Jinping took the lead in setting an example and practiced "grasping reforms in our hands, implementing them, and achieving results" with practical actions and "enabling all reforms to take root", leading the comprehensive deepening of reforms to be deeper and more practical.

Track effectiveness and promote implementation-"Ensure that wherever reforms are advanced, inspections will follow up."

In July 2020, in Jinhua, Zhejiang, a meeting to hire "reform inspectors" attracted attention.

The first phase of 35 reform inspectors, composed of business owners, mass representatives, grassroots agents, journalists, etc., officially "took up their posts". They will give full play to their professional strengths, keep a close eye on important areas, key links and key projects, accurately identify problems, and promote the continuous deepening of reforms.

The Central Reform Office has specially established an inspection bureau to supervise and inspect reform plans; Zhejiang has explored the establishment of a special reform inspector (observer) system, Shandong has established a listing and supervision mechanism for key reform tasks, and Hunan has continuously improved the reform inspection coordination mechanism...

Over the past 10 years, the close coordination of inspection work and various tasks in comprehensively deepening reforms has always been an important means for the Party Central Committee to pay close attention to the implementation of reforms.

In September 2014, the fifth meeting of the 18th Central Leading Group for Comprehensive Deepening Reform was held.

"It is necessary to deploy and enrich special inspection forces to carry out inspections on the implementation of major reform plans, so that wherever reforms are advanced, inspections will follow up." General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the meeting, clearly stating that we must attach great importance to the formulation and implementation of reform plans and "strictly control reform supervision."

It is proposed that "we must pay attention to the implementation of inspections, strengthen inspection functions, and improve the inspection mechanism", clarifying that "we must not only supervise tasks, progress, and effectiveness, but also inspect understanding, responsibilities, and style", emphasizing that "we must make greater efforts to do a good job in reform Inspection Work"... Meetings have made clear requirements around reform inspections and promoted various regions and departments to implement reforms.

Consolidate responsibilities and form synergy-"establish a full-process, efficient and verifiable reform implementation mechanism."

"Every river must have a 'river length'." General Secretary Xi Jinping mentioned this good news in his 2017 New Year's message.

The 28th meeting of the 18th Central Leading Group for Comprehensive Deepening Reform held not long ago reviewed and approved the "Opinions on Comprehensive Implementation of the River Chief System." Subsequently, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council issued the opinion.

Pay attention to one level at a time, and implement it layer by layer.

From the initiative of the main responsible comrades of the party and government in various places to use rivers and lakes as their own responsibility fields, to the emergence of a number of "private river chiefs" in enterprises, campuses, and communities... At the end of June 2018, my country fully established a river chief system; half a year later, the lake chief system has been fully established; in 2022, the river and lake chief system will be fully implemented in the South-to-North Water Diversion Project.

The "river chief system" brings about "river governance", which is a vivid example of consolidating responsibilities at all levels, forming joint efforts of all parties, and establishing an implementation mechanism.

Many meetings emphasized: we must follow the laws and characteristics of reform and establish a full-process, efficient and verifiable reform implementation mechanism; promote the implementation of main responsibilities and establish and improve a scientific and reasonable reform evaluation mechanism; we must focus on responsible entities and focus on the "key minority"...

"The main responsible comrades of the party and government are the key to grasping reform. We must put reform in a more prominent position. We must not only personally grasp and take the lead in doing it, but also have the courage to shoulder the heaviest burdens and gnaw the hardest bones, so as to achieve important reforms. Deploy, personally check major plans, personally coordinate key links, and personally supervise implementation." In February 2017, General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the 32nd meeting of the 18th Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reforms.

Compacting responsibilities to clarify "people", dynamic monitoring to accurately "supervise", accountability and effectiveness to be scientifically "evaluated". From the central to local governments, the closed-loop mechanism for the implementation of full-chain reforms has been gradually established and improved.

Accumulating small victories leads to great victories, and accumulating small steps leads to thousands of miles. Today, the reform tasks set by the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee have been generally completed.

Singapore's Lianhe Zaobao once commented that looking around the world, no country can comprehensively advance the reform process in a way that does what it says and seizes the day like China today.

Never stop: "Write a new chapter of reform and opening up on a new journey"

Development will never end, and reform will not stop.

"To achieve the goals and tasks of the new era and new journey, we must regard comprehensively deepening reform as the fundamental driving force for promoting Chinese-style modernization, as an important starting point for stabilizing the overall situation, adapting to the situation, and opening up a new situation. We must keep the right direction, be upright and innovative, and work hard., write a new chapter in reform and opening up on the new journey."

In April 2023, at the first meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensive Deepening Reform held after the conclusion of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly set the tone.

As we embark on a new journey, how China plans a new blueprint for further comprehensively deepening reforms is of worldwide concern. The meeting of the Central and Shenzhen Reform Commission is undoubtedly an important observation window.

Agricultural drones carry out autonomous operations on an unmanned farm in Shuanglou Village, Zhaoqiao Township, Qiaocheng District, Bozhou City, Anhui Province (Photo taken on March 19, 2024, drone photo). Photo by Xinhua Agency reporter Du Yu

Closely following the biggest politics of the new era of "comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization", it is clear that we must persist in using reform and opening up to "solve problems in development and respond to risks and challenges on the way forward";

"It is necessary to scientifically plan major measures to further comprehensively deepen reforms, focus on the institutional and institutional obstacles that hinder the smooth advancement of Chinese-style modernization, and clarify the strategic priorities, priorities, main directions, and promotion methods of reforms";

Adhere to promoting reform and development through opening up, build a new higher-level open economic system, and proactively raise my country's opening up to a new level...

Meetings of the Central and Shenzhen Reform Commission continue to convey new strong voices of reform and declare their firm determination to "reform will not stop and opening up will not stop."

At the same time, the Central and Shenzhen Reform Commission successively issued a series of major reform measures to plan for the future and lay out plans in key areas.

The "Opinions on Strengthening the Training of Talents in Basic Subjects","Several Opinions on Improving the Science and Technology Incentive Mechanism","Opinions on Improving the New National System for Key Core Technology Research under the Conditions of the Socialist Market Economy","Opinions on Strengthening the Main Position of Enterprises in Scientific and Technological Innovation" Opinions ", Opinions on Accelerating the Formation of a Basic System to Support Comprehensive Innovation, and" Several Opinions on Building an Open Environment for Scientific and Technological Innovation with Global Competitiveness "... In line with the new wave of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, a series of new reform measures have promoted the accelerated formation of new productive forces.

The curtain of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has begun, and the tide of further comprehensive deepening of reforms is surging.

"Opening roads across mountains, bridging bridges across rivers, daring to attack stubborn diseases, having the courage to break through the barriers of solidification of interests, and carrying out reform to the end." The spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition is consistent, demonstrating China's extremely firm determination and confidence in reform.

In today's China, the pace of forging ahead is becoming more and more sonorous. The integration of development and reform is surging, gathering the majestic power to promote the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation.

Those who share the same desires win. We must bravely set the forefront of reform, carry forward the spirit of reform, unify the will of the party with the will of the people, combine the actions of the party with the voices of the people, and further comprehensively deepen reform will surely succeed and will surely succeed!

RegionChina,Beijing,Tianjin,Hebei,Inner Mongolia,Jilin,Heilongjiang,Zhejiang,Anhui,Fujian,Shandong,Hunan,Sichuan,Guizhou,Shaanxi