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The total number of letters and visits throughout the year dropped five consecutive times, and public satisfaction rose four consecutive times! What is the secret of Wenling?

Release Time3 months ago

Last year, the total number of letters and visits in Taizhou City, Wenling City, Zhejiang Province dropped five consecutive times, public satisfaction with the ecological environment increased four consecutive times, and high-quality development of the service economy achieved inclusiveness and win-win results. This year, the city's "Two Sessions" once again conveyed its firm determination to deepen the construction of ecological civilization: launch the establishment of a national-level ecological civilization demonstration city, do a good job in improving pollution control in key industries, and promote the provincial-level pilot construction of "Zhejiang Serenity"...

As a strong county in the country, in recent years, Wenling has firmly established the concept of "two mountains", aiming at improving environmental quality, focusing on ensuring environmental security and serving social development, strengthening measures, taking on hard work, and fighting the battle against pollution with high standards., the quality of the ecological environment has steadily improved, and green development has been gradually achieved.

Restore the blue bay to achieve ecological shared prosperity

Wenling is located on the southeast coast of Zhejiang, bordering the sea on three sides, with a sea area of 1445 square kilometers and a coastline of 317 kilometers long. In recent years, Wenling has deeply implemented the concept of "two mountains", unswervingly followed the path of green development, and comprehensively promoted the construction of beautiful bays in the Eastern Bays, Aiwan Bay, and Yueqing Bay (Taizhou Section).

The coastline of Shitang Bay has a variety of coastal sports elements such as mountains, seas, islands, ports, beaches, and sunshine. To this end, the local area has carried out the second phase extension project of the greenway to connect the coastal natural scenery and unique stone house culture to create a high-end Haipai Shiwu B & B Group and China Ocean B & B Industry Demonstration Belt.

There are currently nearly 450 B & Bs of various types in Shitang Town, including 47 high-quality B & Bs, attracting social investment of 580 million yuan and promoting the transfer of more than 5000 fishermen to other jobs. Stone house renovation cases were selected as one of the top ten models for rural revitalization in Zhejiang.

The beautiful natural scenery along the coast and unique stone houses also make Shitang Town a popular check-in place. Shitang Town has successively been awarded the titles of National Characteristic Landscape Tourism Town and Provincial Strong Tourism Town. In 2023, Shitang Town received a total of 1.95 million tourists and achieved tourism revenue of 280 million yuan, a significant increase compared with the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period.

Building a beautiful bay also requires the linkage of land and sea. To this end, Wenling is making every effort to tackle land-based pollution. Strengthening the construction of environmental protection infrastructure, a total of 11 sewage treatment plants have been built in the city, with a treatment scale of 298,400 tons per day. The urban sewage treatment rate has reached more than 96%, and the centralized collection rate of urban domestic sewage has reached more than 76%, basically realizing urban sewage interception. Full coverage.

Actively carry out rectification of the shipbuilding industry. After two rounds of rectification, 39 shipbuilding companies in the city have been eliminated and shut down, and the technological equipment, pollution prevention and environmental management levels of the 14 retained shipbuilding companies have been further improved.

Standardized rectification of sewage outlets entering the sea has been implemented. A total of 13 outlets have been banned and blocked and 73 have been standardized. All 208 outlets that are normally in use have been submitted to the Zheli Blue Sea System for filing, and zero-direct rectification of large-scale aquaculture tail water has been completed.

Songmen Baiyan Mine, Nangangshan Abandoned Mine and Ecological Restoration of Luoxing Mountain Island, Beach Restoration of Shitang Town Coastal Zone, Greenway Construction and Coastal and Beach Landscape Management... In recent years, Wenling has invested a total of 139 million yuan to restore more than 1400 beaches. More than 8000 meters of greenways, 600 meters of plank roads and 4000 meters of high-quality lines have been built. The quality of seawater is stable and improving, and blue seawater has returned to view.

Pollution prevention and control are effective and the ecological environment is improving

"I just took a photo and posted it on my circle of friends. The likes rate are very high." In Jiulong Lake Ecological Wetland Park, Wenling citizen Chen Yufan took his children to slowly walk along the trails. The blue sky, fresh air, lakes and wetlands, lush vegetation, and the beautiful environment made him very happy.

As the urbanization process continues to accelerate, people's beautiful yearning has become a reflection of life. Data shows that the annual average concentration of PM2.5 in Wenling in 2023 will be 21 micrograms/cubic meter; the comprehensive air quality index will be 2.49; and the proportion of days with good air quality (AQI excellent rate) will be 99.7%, ranking tied for first place in all counties (cities, districts) in Taizhou.

The compliance rate of water quality functional areas at county-controlled and above sections was 100%, and the excellent rate was 85.7%. The excellent rate increased by 14.3 percentage points compared with the same period last year, of which the excellent rate of water quality at provincial-controlled and above sections was 66.7%. The safe utilization rate of key construction land is 100%.

The average environmental noise value in urban areas during the day is 55.0 decibels, and the proportion of areas that meet the standards is 99.2%. The average environmental noise in urban areas at night is 46.2 decibels, and the proportion of areas that meet the standards is 97.8%.

For this reason, Wenling has fully launched the establishment of a national-level ecological civilization demonstration city, promoted the construction of the three major areas of ecological civilization volunteer services, the beautiful bays of the Eastern Zhuwan and the ecological culture of the Human Reservoir, continuously broadened the channels for public participation, and steadily improved the ecological environment. Satisfaction, promote the construction of a national action system for ecological and environmental governance.

In terms of gas control, the comprehensive improvement of volatile organic compounds in Wenling continued to accelerate last year. 35 new source replacements were completed, 108 inefficient VOCs treatment facilities were renovated, and 435 companies in the city's finished shoe manufacturing enterprises completed the "one factory, one policy" plan preparation. The ban on straw burning and the supervision of mobile sources continue to increase.

The province's only county-level pilot "Zheli Tranquility" digital application of noise pollution supervision has built a total of 141 monitoring points and is in operation with the city's "Grassroots Intelligent Treatment Comprehensive Application" platform. Its scale system ranks among the top in the province.

In terms of water control, the ecological relocation and environmental management actions of Human Reservoir have been fully launched, the preliminary framework design of the ecological restoration plan has been completed, and the safety level of drinking water sources has been further improved. The construction of the test section of the Jiulong Lake Water Ecological Restoration Project has been completed, with a restored water area of 1300 square meters and an underwater forest coverage rate of more than 60%. Seven new "zero direct sewage discharge zones" have been built, and Shangma Chemical Park has been included in the cultivation list of "zero direct sewage discharge zones" in provincial-level star-rated industrial parks.

In terms of soil management, 71 soil surveys on suspected plots and plots with changed use have been completed to build a solid defense line for the safe use of construction land. Accurately implement classified management of agricultural land and successfully complete the provincial pilot project of dynamic adjustment of soil environmental quality categories. Strengthen groundwater pollution risk management and control, comprehensively complete special groundwater surveys in three landfills, and the Dongbian Farm groundwater national test site upgrade plan passed expert pre-review.

In addition, 41 new city-level "waste cell-free" units have been built. The city's first round of environmental information survey on chemical substances was launched and a basic database for the management of new pollutants was initially established. The ability to refine solid waste management has been significantly enhanced, and 67 units with an annual output of more than 30 tons of waste have fully used Zhejiang Solid Code. The city's hazardous waste collection and disposal network has also been continuously improved. More than 4200 small and micro enterprises have signed hazardous waste collection and transportation agreements, and the first phase of the annual regeneration of 20,000 tons of activated carbon project has been basically completed; the annual disposal of 50,000 tons of fly ash resource utilization project has been included in the comprehensive utilization plan of hazardous waste in Taizhou City, and process comparison and selection have been completed.

Serve economic development and optimize the business environment

In the second half of last year, the "Certification and Environmental Impact Report on the Establishment of Sewage Outlets in the River for Upgrading and Expansion Project of Wenling East South Treatment Plant" submitted by Wenling City Sewage Treatment Co., Ltd. was successfully approved by Wenling Branch of Taizhou City Ecological Environment Bureau. The owner also obtained approval for the establishment of the main project and sewage outlets in the river.

This is the first "multi-evaluation-in-one" approval project in the field of ecological environment in Wenling.

The "multi-evaluation-in-one" reform means that if a project involves licensing matters stipulated in multiple laws and regulations such as land area environmental assessment, ocean environmental assessment, radiation environmental assessment, and the setting of river sewage outlets, each technical document can be incorporated into one technical text. Implement one expert review, one technical evaluation, and one license approval to effectively reduce the number of approvals and reduce the burden on enterprises.

Pan Sheng, member of the Party Leadership Group and Chief Engineer of Wenling Branch of the Taizhou City Ecological Environment Bureau, said that previous construction projects involving environmental assessment, setting of sewage outlets and other matters required separate text reports and separate approval. By exploring and implementing new reform measures of "multi-evaluation in one", enterprises can jointly handle multiple enterprise-related matters at one time, achieving "multi-evaluation in one" in the true sense. "As a result, the preparation time for project text reports has been reduced by 30%, the approval time has been reduced from the original 6 working days to 1 working day, and the expenses required by the company have also been reduced by 30%."

In recent years, the Wenling Branch of the Taizhou City Ecological Environment Bureau has focused on the difficulties in approval matters and has continued to deepen the reform of "decentralization, management and service" in environmental impact assessment management. Through the implementation of innovative measures such as "bundled approval" of construction projects,"modularization of environmental impact assessment" and "integration of multiple assessments", we have stepped forward to serve enterprises, intervened in the preparation of environmental impact assessment texts in advance, provided business and technical guidance to environmental assessment units, proactively communicated with assessment units and experts, and ensured that the project successfully passes the expert review. Technical evaluation and approval will make every effort to promote the early implementation of construction projects.

Focusing on the three major actions of improving service quality, reforming and improving governance efficiency, Wenling continues to promote the green transformation of economic and social development methods. Deepen and expand the dividends of the reform of the EIA approval system, and take the lead in implementing the renewal notification commitment system for emission permit approval in all counties (cities, districts) in Taizhou. Improve the city's total pollutant indicator balance mechanism and emission rights trading mechanism, and transfer a total of 189.75 tons of emission rights, an increase of 57.26 tons compared with the same period of the previous year.

Not only that, Wenling has also further explored the approval reform of "regional environmental assessment + environmental standards","multiple assessments in one" and "bundling", established and improved the fixed pollution source supervision system with the emission permit system as the core, and promoted the construction of the carbon emission trading market., comprehensively carried out carbon emission evaluation pilots for nine new projects in nonferrous metals, papermaking, and building materials, and steadily created a better business environment.

A good business environment also requires tough measures to regulate market order. Wenling Branch of the Taizhou City Ecological Environment Bureau will, as always, strictly implement in-process and post-event supervision of enterprises, create a "two-dozen" working atmosphere, and crack down on ecological and environmental violations in accordance with the law.
