China Carbon Credit Platform

Sinopec: The Inaugural Meeting of the Energy and Chemical Industry Chain Carbon Footprint Alliance was held in Beijing

Release Time2 months ago

(July 24)

Inaugural meeting of the Energy and Chemical Industry Chain Carbon Footprint Alliance

held in Beijing

This is the first in my country's energy and chemical field

Alliance focused on carbon footprint

By Sinopec and CNOOC

National Pipeline Network, National Energy Group, China Sinochem

Wanhua Chemical, Zhejiang Petrochemical, etc.

8 companies jointly initiated

Through the sharing and cooperation of technology and experience among members,

Promote the carbon footprint of my country's energy and chemical industry chain

Precise accounting and application

Promote international cooperation and mutual recognition

by 2027

Preliminary establishment of a product carbon footprint management system

Promote the formation of about 20

Carbon footprint accounting rules and standards for key products

Help the industry reduce carbon emissions

Carbon footprint is an indicator used to measure the amount of carbon dioxide emissions directly or indirectly caused by individuals, organizations, products or countries over a certain period of time.

In recent years, some countries have gradually established carbon footprint accounting, evaluation and certification systems for key products. my country attaches great importance to product carbon footprint management. The "Carbon Peak Action Plan before 2030" proposes to "explore and establish carbon footprint standards for key products throughout the life cycle." The 2024 government work report also clearly puts forward the task requirements of "establishing a carbon footprint management system." The "Decision" of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee proposed to "build a carbon emission statistical accounting system, a product carbon labeling certification system, and a product carbon footprint management system." In May this year, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, in conjunction with 14 departments including the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, issued the "Implementation Plan on Establishing a Carbon Footprint Management System."

The relevant person in charge of the Climate Change Response Department of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment said in his speech that the establishment of the Energy and Chemical Industry Chain Carbon Footprint Alliance reflects the energy and chemical industry's courage to take responsibility and take the lead in setting an example. It is important for accelerating the construction of my country's product carbon footprint management system and promoting the industrial chain., Supply chain coordinated emission reduction is of great significance. We hope to continue to strengthen the strength of the alliance, make good use of the alliance platform, actively promote product carbon footprint management, accelerate the move from the traditional high-carbon model to a low-carbon or even zero-carbon model, and contribute the wisdom and strength of energy and chemical companies to the realization of my country's "double carbon" goals.

Wan Tao, deputy general manager of Sinopec, said that in recent years, Sinopec has actively implemented the green and clean development strategy, continued to promote the clean purification of fossil energy, the scale of clean energy, and the low carbonization of production processes, and strived to improve the competitiveness of green, low-carbon and sustainable development. Sinopec will work with all alliance member units to make full use of this platform to strengthen exchanges and cooperation, information sharing and resource integration, promote the formulation, improvement and international mutual recognition of relevant carbon footprint standards, jointly share carbon reduction experiences and results, and accelerate the establishment of a carbon footprint management system for the energy and chemical industry chain with Chinese characteristics and international influence to jointly guide the green and low-carbon development of the industrial chain.

All units of the alliance jointly issued a declaration on the initiative of the Carbon Footprint Alliance in the Energy and Chemical Industry Chain, promising to work to create a high-quality and open technical experience sharing and cooperation platform, improve the management level of carbon footprint, and initially establish product carbon footprint management system by 2027; Actively promote the establishment and improvement of carbon footprint accounting standards for the energy and chemical industry chain to ensure that carbon footprint data is comprehensive, standardized and accurate. By 2027, promote the formation of carbon footprint accounting rules and standards for about 20 key products;

Establish a data cooperation and sharing mechanism among members, unify the data structure, and gradually establish a localized product carbon footprint factor database with industry characteristics; strengthen the application of carbon footprint data, carry out benchmarking of similar products, continuously optimize energy structure and production processes, and accelerate the promotion of low-carbon Technology progress drives the low-carbon transformation of the supply chain; Actively share experience in carbon footprint management, promote best practices, strengthen international exchanges and cooperation, coordinate actions related to carbon footprint, promote international mutual recognition, and demonstrate responsibility in global climate governance.

It is reported that since 2015, Sinopec has taken the lead in launching product carbon footprint accounting research in the industry, and has completed carbon footprint accounting for nearly 100 products from 40 companies; The "Implementation Plan for the Construction of Sinopec Products Carbon Footprint Management System" was issued to promote the formulation of product carbon footprint accounting rules and standards, the construction of a carbon footprint database, and the management of supply chain products carbon footprint. Currently, six pilot companies including Shengli Oilfield and Zhenhai Refining and Chemical have been completed. The construction of product carbon footprint accounting informatization functional modules for pilot enterprises is planned to be extended to all enterprises in the next step to form a carbon footprint database for the main products of the group company.

At the meeting, experts from China National Institute of Standardization, China Quality Certification Center Dual Carbon Research Institute, BASF Greater China, China Automobile Carbon (Beijing) Digital Technology Center Co., Ltd. and other units respectively focused on carbon footprint policies, carbon footprint standards, and promotion of international mutual recognition and carbon footprint practices in energy and chemical-related fields. Thematic reports were made.
