China Carbon Credit Platform

Jiangsu Environmental Protection Group continues to promote carbon reduction and pollution reduction, and actively strives to be a pioneer in green development

Release Time3 months ago

As the only environmental protection industry enterprise among the provincial state-owned enterprises in the province, Jiangsu Environmental Protection Group has always actively responded to the task deployment of the national, provincial party committee and provincial government in the field of climate change and green and low-carbon development, relying on the overall layout of the group's "three institutes and two centers", set up a "double carbon" work class, focusing on the four aspects of "carbon consulting, carbon monitoring, carbon technology, and carbon finance", fully supporting the formulation of policies in the low-carbon field, taking high-quality development as the overall requirement, and continuing to promote the innovation and development of green and low-carbon technology. Accelerate the construction of low-carbon industry development sectors.

Demonstration and leadership, and actively explore new businesses in the field of carbon consulting

The Group closely follows the actual needs of the market for pollution reduction and carbon reduction, continuously develops carbon consulting business, actively responds to the requirements of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission for carbon peaking and ESG work, takes the lead in playing a supporting role in the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality work of provincial state-owned enterprises, actively carries out the preparation of carbon peaking plans for itself and other provincial state-owned enterprises such as Xuzhou Mining Group, and carries out ESG report preparation business for state-owned listed enterprises such as Hongye Futures and Jiangsu Shuntian. Relying on the Haimen Port New Area to develop a carbon asset management service platform, the Group realizes the analysis of the energy consumption distribution and total carbon emissions of the park, forms a carbon emission accounting model for the steel industry, and returns and displays the data of Haimen District in the provincial carbon sink remote sensing monitoring heat map.

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Precise assistance, multi-faceted deepening of carbon monitoring pilot construction

The Group actively deployed the carbon monitoring business segment to provide strong support for the deepening of the pilot work of carbon monitoring and assessment in Jiangsu Province. Serve Nanjing and Suzhou, two key cities for carbon monitoring, to carry out pilot monitoring of greenhouse gases in urban ambient air. It undertook the construction of carbon flux observation fields in farmland and forest ecosystems in Taizhou and Suzhou, obtained continuous and automatic observation data of ecological parameters such as atmosphere, vegetation and soil, and comprehensively grasped the characteristics of carbon flux changes in terrestrial ecosystems at different temporal and spatial scales and the relationship between different environmental factors.

Strengthen support and continue to drive the development and innovation of carbon technology

The Group actively builds a highland of ecological environment and green and low-carbon innovative technologies and talents in the province, continuously strengthens the construction of existing low-carbon platforms such as the "Jiangsu Province Key Industry Pollution and Carbon Reduction Collaborative Control Engineering Research Center" and the "Jiangsu Province Air Pollution and Greenhouse Gas Collaborative Control Innovation Center", and continuously strengthens the research in cutting-edge fields such as CCER methodology, product carbon footprint, and CCUS technology based on coal-based waste.

Under the guidance of the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, and the Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, the Group, together with the support of provincial state-owned enterprises, joint universities, scientific research institutes, financial institutions and other parties, jointly established the "Jiangsu Ecological Environment Scientific Research Alliance" to jointly organize and carry out the research and development of cutting-edge and key core technologies and the transformation of achievements around the needs of ecological environmental protection and pollution reduction and carbon reduction in the development of the industry. The Group has strengthened cooperation and exchanges with advantageous units such as the Beijing Green Exchange, the Provincial Strategy and Development Research Center, and Nanjing University, jointly carried out "dual carbon" capacity building and special training, and jointly promoted the multi-field, all-round and in-depth development of "dual carbon" work.

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Government, banks and enterprises work together to actively promote the layout of carbon finance business

The Group, together with government management departments and financial institutions, will jointly explore the path and method of carbon financial instruments to support ecological and environmental protection projects, and promote the further improvement of the cooperation mechanism. In the field of carbon finance business, the Group actively explores the construction of the national carbon market, the construction of the voluntary emission reduction trading market, the development of green financial products, the "dual carbon" training and other business areas, and signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Beijing Green Exchange to combine the advantages of both parties to deepen business cooperation in the field of carbon finance.


Green development and build a low-carbon demonstration park

The Group has always adhered to green and low-carbon development as a fundamental policy to solve ecological and environmental problems, invested in the construction of two surface treatment recycling industry technology research and demonstration center construction projects in Zhongwu Xinbei and Zhongwu Wujin, deeply integrated the construction of environmental infrastructure and industrial development, introduced international and domestic high-end surface treatment enterprises and production lines, built an international high-end surface treatment demonstration concentration area, and built a new pattern of echoing and mutual support between the north and south of Changzhou's surface treatment industry, so as to empower the construction of Changzhou as a "new energy capital".

The two electroplating parks, "one south and one north", integrate the low-carbon concept into the whole process of planning, construction, investment, management and operation of the park, integrate the advantages of Changzhou's automotive core parts and intelligent manufacturing industry, and focus on new energy, aerospace, high-speed rail, automobiles, electronics, artificial intelligence and other fields. Establish new standards for industry equipment, adopt intelligent workshop and digital factory technology, and promote the digital and intelligent upgrading of the electroplating industry. Innovate and build a "three-in-one" wastewater treatment and recycling of tailwater reuse, zero direct discharge and ecology, design waste gas collection and treatment with high standards, build a multi-dimensional "three-dimensional" system of solid and hazardous waste management, strengthen the management of the whole life cycle of pollutants, greatly improve the efficiency of resource utilization, and lead the new trend of green development in the industry.

Jiangsu Environmental Protection Group will continue to increase scientific and technological innovation, strengthen technical exchanges with various units, realize the integration of advantageous resources, integrate the goals of green and low-carbon development and climate change into the long-term development strategy of the enterprise, accelerate the cultivation and development of green and low-carbon new quality productivity, and contribute the wisdom and strength of state-owned enterprises to the province's low-carbon environmental protection cause.
