China Carbon Credit Platform

China's new energy development benefits the world

Release Time4 months ago

Recently, some US politicians and media have thrown out remarks to smear China, such as "China's excess capacity of new energy has hit the world market" and "China's overcapacity has disrupted global prices and production patterns, harming the interests of American enterprises and workers".

Actions speak louder than words. China's foreign trade in new energy continues to expand, becoming an important force in stabilizing the global clean energy industry chain and supply chain. As the world's largest clean energy market and equipment manufacturing country, China has continued to increase cooperation in technological innovation and further promote trade cooperation in the clean energy industry, which has not only enriched global supply, but also contributed to the reduction of global renewable energy costs and accelerated the process of global green energy transformation.

China's new energy development has helped solve the problem of energy consumption in many countries. At present, China has cooperated with more than 100 countries and regions in green energy projects. Clean, efficient and high-quality green energy projects and new energy products have effectively solved the problems of difficult and expensive electricity consumption in relevant countries and regions, and contributed to the eradication of energy poverty and the implementation of the United Nations global development goal of "sustainable energy for all". With the continuous development of large-capacity wind power units, high-efficiency crystalline silicon cells for photovoltaic power generation, and perovskite cells, China is promoting a further reduction in the cost of wind and solar power generation, creating more opportunities for the rapid deployment of renewable energy in developing countries.

China's new energy development has created a significant emission reduction effect for the world. According to the International Energy Agency, in 2022, China's renewable energy power generation directly reduced carbon emissions by about 2.26 billion tons, and exported wind power and photovoltaic products reduced carbon emissions by about 570 million tons for other countries, with a total emission reduction of 2.84 billion tons, an increase of 2.2 times compared with 2012. It is estimated that China contributes 41% to the global carbon reduction of renewable power generation, which is equivalent to 2.5 times, 4.1 times, 7.0 times and 8.6 times that of the United States, Canada, India and Germany, respectively. China's new energy development is a remarkable achievement in leading the global energy restructuring and promoting the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals.

China's new energy development continues to lead the global energy revolution. For a long time, China has been promoting new energy technology innovation, and many core technologies have been pioneered or put into large-scale use by Chinese enterprises. In the field of wind power, China is at the international leading level in the research and development of large-capacity units, the application of long blades and high towers, and has made breakthroughs in the fields of high-power wind turbines, ultra-low wind speed fans, and deep-sea wind power technology; in the field of equipment manufacturing, China has built the world's largest, most complete and competitive new energy industry chain and supply chain, and cultivated a number of world-class energy equipment manufacturing enterprises.

In the face of such a report card, only malicious detractors would say that this is achieved by peddling excess capacity and backward production capacity to the world.

Justice is at ease in the hearts of the people, and China's efforts can be seen in the world. At the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference, the participants highly recognized China's low-carbon energy transition concept and clean energy development achievements, and believed that the solutions provided by China provide an important direction for the global energy transition, and provide important, pragmatic and feasible solutions for all countries in the world, especially developing countries, to promote energy transition, accelerate economic development and improve the ecological environment, which is of great significance to global energy transition and climate governance.

Climate change is a common challenge facing all mankind, and the logical starting point for the development of new energy sources is the climate issue. Compared with the Paris Agreement's 1.5 degrees Celsius temperature target, the current green products are not excessive, but far from enough. The only effective way to solve the climate problem is through global cooperation, and trade protectionism will not help. In the historical process of addressing climate change, only fair competition can lead to technological progress, and only division of labor and cooperation can achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.
