China Carbon Credit Platform

Expert interpretation|Actively implement the "Kunmeng Framework" to help build a beautiful China

Release Time5 months ago

In 2022, as the presidency of the 15th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, China led the international community to promote the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (hereinafter referred to as the "Kunmeng Framework"), which clarified the path for global biodiversity governance. As a strong promoter of the Kunmeng Framework, how to implement the key points of the Kunmeng Framework after it is reached, and how to take relevant actions to effectively achieve the goals of the Kunmeng Framework will be an important task for biodiversity conservation in China in the next stage.

In January 2024, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) issued the Strategy and Action Plan for Biodiversity Conservation in China (2023-2030) (hereinafter referred to as the Action Plan), deploying 27 priority actions in four priority areas, and clarifying China's biodiversity conservation strategy, priority areas and priority actions in the new era. This is an important measure to actively implement the Opinions on Further Strengthening Biodiversity Conservation and the Kunmeng Framework issued by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council, which provides guidance for various departments and regions to promote biodiversity conservation, and also provides strong support for the creation of a new situation in global biodiversity governance.

1. Continuing to promote the mainstreaming of biodiversity is the basis for action

Mainstreaming is an important tool for biodiversity conservation. China has always attached great importance to biodiversity conservation, integrated biodiversity conservation into the whole process of ecological civilization construction, coordinated with green development, pollution reduction, carbon reduction, poverty alleviation, etc., continuously improved the system of laws, regulations and policies, encouraged enterprises to participate in conservation, continued to carry out publicity, education and popular science activities, and mobilized the broad participation of the whole society. Based on these actions and measures, the enthusiasm of the whole society for biodiversity conservation has been continuously improved, and the concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" has become the consensus and action of the whole society, and a path of biodiversity conservation with Chinese characteristics has been embarked. However, there are still problems such as biodiversity-related laws and regulations that need to be revised and improved, limited channels for enterprises and the public to participate in conservation, and conservation awareness needs to be improved. The Action Plan released this time sets 6 priority actions and 17 priority projects under the priority areas of biodiversity mainstreaming, and sets priority actions and goals from all angles in terms of policies and regulations, governance system, planning and planning, publicity and education, enterprise participation, and national action, which will greatly improve the level of biodiversity mainstreaming in China.

Second, an effective response to the threat of biodiversity loss is an intrinsic requirement

Biodiversity is related to human well-being and is an important foundation for human survival and development. Biodiversity loss has become one of the greatest threats facing humanity today, potentially jeopardizing global food security, water supplies and livelihoods. Countries urgently need transformative change and urgent action to halt biodiversity loss.

China has continued to promote the construction of a nature reserve system with national parks as the main body, an ex situ conservation network led by the National Botanical Garden, and an integrated protection of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasslands and sands, and has implemented major projects for species conservation and restoration, achieving effective conservation and restoration of biodiversity. However, the scientific and systematic nature of biodiversity conservation and restoration in China needs to be strengthened, the planning and strategy based on original research and local assessment are insufficient, the attention to genetic diversity and ecosystem diversity is less, the research on wildlife population management and the construction and planning of marine protected areas have just started, and the trend of biodiversity loss has not been fundamentally curbed.

The Action Plan set 8 priority actions and 22 priority projects under the priority areas of addressing the threat of biodiversity loss, and are committed to biodiversity conservation and ecosystem diversity from the aspects of ecological space protection, ecosystem restoration, in situ conservation, ex situ conservation, sustainable species management, biosecurity management, environmental quality improvement, and synergy with climate change. The improvement of stability and sustainability has created a path of biodiversity conservation with Chinese characteristics, which will make new contributions to addressing the challenge of global biodiversity loss.

3. Exploring sustainable use of biodiversity and benefit-sharing is a positive incentive

The Convention on Biological Diversity has three main objectives, namely the conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of its components, and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources. In China, biodiversity conservation has become one of the important contents of ecological civilization construction, and sustainable use and benefit-sharing are very important for biodiversity conservation and can provide positive incentives for biodiversity conservation, but there is still a gap between China's relevant work and the requirements of effective balance between the three objectives of the Convention.

The Action Plan released this time fully benchmarks the action objectives of the "Kunmeng Framework", balances the three objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity, sets 6 priority actions and 19 priority projects under the priority areas of sustainable use of biodiversity and benefit-sharing, adheres to the concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", and integrates agriculture, Ecology and towns should be considered as a whole, and the possible paths for realizing the value of ecological products should be explored, and ecological advantages should be transformed into economic advantages, so as to devote ourselves to the realization of China's sustainable development goals.

Fourth, promoting the modernization of biodiversity governance capacity is a condition guarantee

Comprehensive investigation and monitoring is the basis for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, and accurate assessment is the prerequisite for effective management of biodiversity, which can ensure the smooth implementation of conservation actions. Previously, China has carried out large-scale biodiversity monitoring and assessment, the intensity of supervision and law enforcement has been increasing, and international cooperation in the implementation of the Convention has continued to deepen, but there are still problems such as imperfect monitoring system, low level of intelligence and integration of monitoring data, multi-sectoral cooperation and central and local linkage need to be deepened, and the ability to participate in and lead global biodiversity governance needs to be improved urgently.

The Action Plan sets out 7 priority actions and 17 priority projects under the priority areas of biodiversity governance capacity modernization, and is committed to promoting the modernization of governance capacity from multiple aspects such as investigation and monitoring, evaluation, law enforcement supervision, smart governance, scientific research and talent training, investment and financing mechanisms, and international cooperation.

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly stated that the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation should be comprehensively promoted through Chinese- In the future, China's biodiversity conservation work should be guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, help biodiversity conservation with scientific research, implement the "Kunmeng Framework" at the national level, help build a beautiful China, assist in realizing the modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature, contribute Chinese experience and wisdom to global biodiversity governance, and jointly build a community of life on earth.

(The author is a specially invited observer of ecological environment, president of Jiangxi Agricultural University and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wei Fuwen)
