China Carbon Credit Platform

Ningxia's 22 measures have further optimized the EIA and approval services

Release Time4 months ago

Ningxia News Network News(Reporter Yang Zhaolian)The reporter learned from the Ningxia Department of Ecology and Environment on May 9 that the department recently issued the "Several Measures to Further Optimize and Strengthen Environmental Impact Assessment Services to Ensure High-quality Development", proposing to further optimize and strengthen the management of EIA services by strengthening the prevention of the source of EIA, strengthening the linkage of systems, strengthening the EIA service guarantee, strengthening the EIA approval management, strengthening the supervision during and after the event, and strengthening the grassroots service management capacity to further optimize and strengthen the EIA service guarantee management, and promote high-quality economic development with high-level protection.

The "Several Measures" strengthen the linkage of the system, adopt the voluntary application of the industrial park management agency and the recommendation of the local ecological and environmental authorities, select eligible industrial parks, and carry out the pilot project of planning EIA and project EIA linkage. It is clarified that the environmental impact assessment of carbon emissions should be included in the preparation of environmental impact assessment documents for industrial park planning and construction projects in key industries. In the fields of wine, dairy manufacturing, general equipment manufacturing, and special equipment manufacturing, we will carry out a pilot project of "two certificates and approvals" for environmental impact assessment and pollutant discharge permits.

At the same time, strengthen the EIA service guarantee, dynamically update the "three ledgers" of EIA approval services for major projects, implement the tracking service mechanism, intervene in advance, provide precise assistance, open up a green channel for EIA approval of major projects, and improve the efficiency of EIA approval. Simplify the content of the EIA document, on the one hand, connect the planning EIA, simplify the EIA content of the project for construction projects that are included in the park planning and the management of the EIA of special planning such as coal mining areas, water conservancy, hydropower, rail transit, etc., and on the other hand, connect the approval and demonstration of the setting of sewage outlets into the river, and appropriately simplify the relevant EIA analysis content.

In addition, the Department of Ecology and Environment of the Autonomous Region has also formulated two pilot programs: the Pilot Plan for the Linkage of Environmental Impact Assessment of Industrial Park Planning and Environmental Impact Assessment of Construction Projects, and the Pilot Implementation Plan for the Integration of Environmental Impact Assessment and Pollutant Discharge Permits. Focusing on the pilot work in four aspects, including exempting project EIA procedures, 'bundling' approval of construction projects, simplifying the content of EIA documents, and carrying out 'two certificates in one', we will promote the linkage between the environmental impact assessment of industrial park planning and the environmental impact assessment of construction projects, and continue to optimize the business environment and promote the high-quality development of industrial parks. It is clarified that the pilot project of "two certificates in one" for environmental impact assessment and pollutant discharge permit will be carried out in four types of industry projects, including wine, dairy manufacturing, general equipment manufacturing and special equipment manufacturing, stipulating the pilot content, time limit and post-certification management requirements, and compiling the "two certificates in one" declaration guide, EIA document preparation template and declaration filling guidelines, and actively exploring and promoting the convergence and integration of the environmental impact assessment system and the pollutant discharge permit system.
