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23 deputies to the National People's Congress and members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) talked about hydrogen energy

Release Time6 months ago

It's time for the two sessions of the year again. In 2024, the National People's Congress and the National People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) will be held, and more than 5,000 deputies to the National People's Congress and members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) will gather in Beijing to discuss national affairs.

As an important part of the future national energy system, hydrogen energy has broad prospects for industrial development. According to preliminary statistics, we found that 23 deputies to the National People's Congress and members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) have made suggestions for the development of hydrogen energy during the two sessions this year.

The 23 deputies to the National People's Congress and members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) are summarized as follows: (in no particular order)

Zhang Guoqiang, deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of Sinohytec: seize the opportunity of energy transformation and accelerate the construction of a hydrogen energy industry ecology

At this year's National People's Congress and the National People's Congress, Zhang Guoqiang, deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of Sinohytec, focused on accelerating the construction of the hydrogen energy industry ecology and put forward suggestions.

Zhang Guoqiang said that in recent years, China's hydrogen energy industry has accelerated significantly under the efficient coordination of "government, industry, academia, research and application" capital, but with the development of the hydrogen energy industry in depth, the industrial development is also facing new problems and key stuck points. At present, the overall scale of the hydrogen energy industry is still small, and it is difficult to support the sustainable development of the hydrogen energy industry.

In addition, the application of hydrogen energy in energy storage, power generation, metallurgy, chemical industry and other fields is still in the early stage of market application, and has not yet formed a scale, which is difficult to support the sustainable development of the hydrogen energy industry. Zhang Guoqiang put forward a proposal to accelerate the construction of a hydrogen energy industry ecology. The specific suggestions include three aspects: first, to promote the large-scale application of hydrogen energy and drive the industry to improve quality and reduce costs with scale, second, to create a low-cost green hydrogen guarantee to support the high-quality development of the hydrogen energy industry, and third, to break through the bottleneck of industrial development policies and promote the rapid development of the hydrogen energy industry.

Zhang Guoqiang said that it is recommended to take market application as the traction, orderly promote the demonstration application of hydrogen energy in the field of transportation, expand the application in energy storage, power generation, metallurgy, chemical industry and other fields, and promote the large-scale development of the industry.

At the same time, it is crucial to increase policy support and build a large-scale and low-cost "green hydrogen" supply system. Zhang Guoqiang suggested that the system should build large-scale and low-cost financial support policies for the supply of "green hydrogen", such as promoting hydrogen production from renewable energy through preferential electricity prices and encouraging direct transactions between photovoltaic and wind power entities and surrounding users in areas where renewable energy power generation is not easy to deliver.

In addition, Zhang Guoqiang believes that the carbon market can also be empowered to promote the sustainable development of the hydrogen energy industry. It is recommended to organize research institutions and industry regulatory departments to formulate industry benchmarks and related methodologies for the carbon emission industry of the hydrogen energy industry as soon as possible, and incorporate the emission reduction of "green hydrogen" into the national carbon market, so as to promote its cost reduction and efficiency increase and achieve sustainable development. The development of the hydrogen energy industry is inseparable from technological innovation and support.

Based on this, Zhang Guoqiang suggested that the national level should coordinate the establishment of a hydrogen energy development organization and coordination mechanism and a cross-departmental joint mechanism, solve various major problems in the process of industrial development in a timely manner, study and formulate a unified hydrogen energy management system at the national level, and encourage qualified localities to steadily carry out pilot demonstrations.

Wang Zhongliang, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference: Promote the high-quality development of green hydrogen industry utilization

Wang Zhongliang, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, proposed that in order to ensure that China continues to open up a new runway for green energy, it is urgent to promote the high-quality development of China's green hydrogen utilization. Wang Zhongliang believes that with the continuous acceleration of the construction process of China's modern energy system, hydrogen production from a high proportion of renewable energy systems will be an important part of the large-scale development of the green hydrogen industry, which needs to be included in the green hydrogen standard system as soon as possible, and carbon emission control is the "standard line" of green hydrogen certification.

"Based on the development plan and resource conditions of China's hydrogen energy industry, the relevant national departments should coordinate and promote the formulation of national standards for green hydrogen technology, clarify the certification method and pricing basis of grid-connected hydrogen production and green electricity, and cover the carbon emission requirements of green hydrogen products in the standard in combination with the market scale of China's green electricity conversion products, and cultivate China's green hydrogen product market. In Wang Zhongliang's view, it is necessary to gradually explore alternative applications in the industrial field, continuously improve the economy of hydrogen energy utilization, and expand the application space of clean and low-carbon hydrogen energy in the chemical industry. Expand the scale of hydrogen energy replacement fossil energy application in the industrial field.

At the same time, Wang Zhongliang suggested that the relevant national departments should take into account the exploration and research of hydrogen production technology routes while consolidating the advantages of wind and solar energy hydrogen production, promote the matching of space supply and demand for green hydrogen consumption, and continue to optimize the development mode of nuclear power and the layout of the green hydrogen industry chain. On the other hand, combined with the development characteristics of the road transport industry, we will focus on promoting the application of hydrogen fuel cell medium and heavy-duty vehicles, orderly expand the application space of hydrogen fuel cells and other new energy passenger and cargo vehicle markets, and gradually establish a complementary development model of hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles and lithium battery pure electric vehicles.

Liao Minghong, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference: Accelerate the key technology research of the hydrogen energy industry

Liao Minghong, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and deputy dean of the School of Information of Xiamen University, said, "China's hydrogen energy industry has preliminarily mastered the main technologies and production processes such as hydrogen energy preparation, storage and transportation, hydrogen refueling, fuel cells and system integration, but it is still in the early stage of development, and there are still deficiencies in industrial policy formulation, key technology research, and talent training." ”

In order to solve the above problems, Liao Minghong suggested: first, to formulate a national-level hydrogen energy safety production management policy, second, to accelerate the establishment of a government-guided science and technology innovation fund, third, to speed up the research of key industrial technologies, fourth, to establish and improve the talent training mechanism, and fifth, to introduce relevant incentive measures for hydrogen production and use.

Zhong Baoshen, deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of LONGi Green Energy: It is necessary to strengthen policy support to promote the development of green hydrogen and green hydrogen chemical industry

Zhong Baoshen, deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of LONGi Green Energy, will submit a number of proposals on new energy consumption, high-quality development of the green hydrogen industry, changing the chaos of low-price bidding in the photovoltaic industry, and rural photovoltaic during the two sessions in 2024. Among them, for the green hydrogen industry, Zhong Baoshen believes that green hydrogen, as an important direction of the global new energy industry, is technology-intensive, has a long industrial chain and strong driving force, and developed countries have introduced encouraging policies to support the development of industries in the region. China needs to strengthen policy support for development, seize the high ground, and promote the development of green hydrogen and green hydrogen chemical industry (green methanol, green ammonia, etc.).

In this regard, Zhong Baoshen's proposal gives four suggestions:

First, it is recommended to encourage hydrogen production from renewable energy and support the application of off-grid hydrogen production projects. Second, it is recommended to clarify policy requirements and promote the implementation of multi-green hydrogen and multi-application scenarios. Third, it is recommended to improve the technical standards and system construction, and do a good job in industry access. Fourth, it is proposed to remove the restrictions on green hydrogen composite projects entering chemical parks.

Sichuan and Chongqing CPPCC National Committee members jointly proposed: calling for support for the inclusion of the Chengdu-Chongqing hydrogen corridor area in the national fuel cell vehicle demonstration application city cluster

Sichuan and Chongqing have gathered a large number of hydrogen fuel cell vehicle enterprises, hydrogen fuel cell system enterprises, core parts enterprises and manufacturing, storage, transportation and processing enterprises, with a complete hydrogen fuel cell vehicle industry chain, and the large-scale promotion of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles has broad prospects. However, from the perspective of the actual demand for promoting the high-quality development of the Chengdu-Chongqing hydrogen corridor, there are still problems such as the large-scale application of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and the distance of hydrogen sources from application scenarios.

The committee members suggested the creation of a national fuel cell vehicle demonstration application city agglomeration, and the Chengdu-Chongqing hydrogen corridor area into the demonstration application city agglomeration, support the two places to accelerate the construction of hydrogen energy infrastructure along the intercity trunk line, realize the large-scale operation of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, and provide financial policy support for the promotion and application of vehicles, vehicles, systems, stacks, key components R&D and manufacturing, and hydrogen supply.

The committee members also called for the 11 provinces and cities in the Yangtze River Economic Belt to jointly build a hydrogen corridor in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, accelerate the construction of hydrogen energy trunk highways, build a hydrogen energy supply system, cultivate hydrogen energy industrial clusters, and build a hydrogen energy application pilot demonstration zone with rich application scenarios, perfect infrastructure and industrial agglomeration development, so as to further promote the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt.

Yao Jinlong, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and chairman of Shanxi Meijin Energy: Promote the high-quality development of the hydrogen energy industry

Yao Jinlong pointed out that hydrogen energy is a strategic emerging industry and a key development direction of future industries, and the national and local governments have successively issued relevant policy documents to plan the direction of industrial development. However, the development of the hydrogen energy industry is still in the early stage, and there are still problems in the process of promoting hydrogen energy, such as the fact that hydrogen energy has not been substantially incorporated into the energy system, the development of infrastructure is relatively lagging behind, and the carbon emission reduction methodology system has not been formed.

To this end, Yao Jinlong put forward targeted suggestions from four aspects:

The first is the linkage of departments to improve the supporting measures of policies and regulations.

The second is to broaden the scenario and accelerate the construction of hydrogen energy infrastructure.

The third is to lead by innovation and increase the diversified demonstration application of hydrogen energy.

Fourth, we need to be open and win-win and build a hydrogen energy carbon reduction trading system.

Guo Jianzeng, deputy to the National People's Congress and discipline leader of China Shipbuilding Group: Open up the whole industrial chain and promote the high-quality development of the marine hydrogen energy industry

Accelerating the development of China's marine hydrogen energy industry has always been the topic of greatest concern to Guo Jianzeng, a deputy to the National People's Congress and a discipline leader of China State Shipbuilding Corporation. Last year, he put forward a proposal to accelerate the construction of marine hydrogen energy and open up the whole industrial chain.

"This year, I would also like to make suggestions that are directly related to the development of the marine hydrogen industry. A few days ago, Guo Jianzeng said in an interview with reporters that the "Medium and Long-term Plan for the Development of Hydrogen Energy Industry (2021-2035)" makes it clear that hydrogen energy is an important part of the future national energy system and an important carrier for the green and low-carbon transformation of energy-using terminals.

In Guo Jianzeng's view, marine hydrogen energy is an important field and future potential of the hydrogen energy industry, under the strategic support of China's acceleration of the construction of a marine power, it is of great significance to increase policy support and concentrate superior resources to tackle key problems, which is of great significance for quickly seizing the commanding heights of the development of the marine hydrogen energy industry. The development of the marine hydrogen energy industry is conducive to further promoting the realization of the national "double carbon" goal, solving the problem of grid-connected consumption of offshore renewable energy, coping with the requirements of international green shipping, and realizing the independent and controllable technology and equipment of the whole hydrogen energy industry chain.

Guo Jianzeng said that at present, the United Kingdom, Germany and other countries have focused on the track of marine hydrogen energy industry, focusing on key core technology research and independent development of major equipment to carry out fierce competition, seeking to seize the commanding heights of industrial development. The development of China's marine hydrogen energy industry is still in the exploratory stage, and there are problems such as lack of top-level design, slow development of equipment technology, lack of project experience, unclear business model, and imperfect infrastructure.

In this regard, Guo Jianzeng put forward four suggestions:

First, accelerate the introduction of an overall implementation plan for the development of marine hydrogen energy. Strengthen top-level planning, based on the new development pattern, take into account the deployment of the "14th Five-Year Plan for Renewable Energy Development" and the "Medium and Long-term Plan for the Development of Hydrogen Energy Industry (2021-2035)", implement the strategy of building a marine power, focus on the key links and major issues of the development of the marine hydrogen energy industry, strengthen research on standardized operation and management, infrastructure construction, innovation of key core technologies and equipment, pilot demonstration of diversified applications of the hydrogen energy industry, and construction of national standard system, and establish the development orientation of the marine hydrogen energy industry. technology and industrial development path, improve the construction of supporting systems for marine hydrogen energy, and introduce an overall implementation plan for the development of marine hydrogen energy as soon as possible.

Second, the establishment of a national team for the development of marine hydrogen energy industry. The first is to take China's key central enterprises in relevant fields as the core, unite upstream and downstream enterprises and relevant scientific research institutes to form a marine hydrogen energy industry development consortium, gather advantageous resources, strengthen collaborative research, avoid resource waste and duplicate construction, and jointly promote the rapid development of China's marine hydrogen energy; The talent team of the marine hydrogen energy industry covering the whole process strengthens the ability of independent innovation and undertakes the construction of scientific research projects and engineering projects.

Third, increase special fund support through multiple channels. The first is to increase the support for equipment technology research and demonstration applications, and relevant national departments have introduced special support policies to tackle key common basic technologies, core systems and equipment development of the whole industrial chain of marine hydrogen energy production, storage and application. The second is to set up a market-oriented marine hydrogen economy innovation and development fund, encourage social capital to operate the marine hydrogen energy industry investment fund in a market-oriented manner, and improve the financing risk sharing mechanism of the marine hydrogen energy industry.

Fourth, actively carry out demonstration of marine hydrogen energy application. The first is to steadily carry out pilot demonstrations in typical scenarios of marine hydrogen energy such as offshore wind power hydrogen production, offshore hydrogen transportation, offshore hydrogen refueling, and offshore energy islands in Shandong, Hainan, Guangdong and other qualified areas, and establish a supervision and assessment mechanism during and after the event to ensure that the pilot demonstration work achieves practical results and promote the implementation of replicable and promotable marine hydrogen energy demonstration projects; Demonstration application, fully test and improve the research and development results of key technologies, core systems and equipment materials for offshore hydrogen energy preparation, storage and transportation, promote the formation of a domestic independent, sustainable and scalable development model, and provide a strong guarantee for the development of marine hydrogen energy industry.

Li Guohua, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Pudong New Area People's Congress, said that multiple measures will be taken to strengthen international cooperation on hydrogen energy and enhance global discourse and influence

Li Guohua, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Pudong New Area People's Congress, said in an interview a few days ago that in the context of energy transition and green and low-carbon, the global hydrogen economy boom has emerged, and China and major developed countries have introduced hydrogen energy strategic plans to accelerate energy transformation and upgrading and cultivate new economic growth points. Considering that China's hydrogen energy technology and industrial development are still facing many problems, it is recommended to take multiple measures to strengthen international cooperation on hydrogen energy.

Li Guohua said that with the release of the "Medium and Long-term Plan for the Development of Hydrogen Energy Industry (2021-2035)", China's hydrogen energy development has entered the fast lane and has achieved some world-leading results. However, China's hydrogen energy technology and industrial development still faces many problems, which are manifested as: the efficiency of hydrogen energy industry chain such as hydrogen production, hydrogen storage, and hydrogen transportation needs to be improved, there is still a gap between technology patents in the field of hydrogen energy and developed countries, and key technical problems in the field of hydrogen energy industry need to be broken through.

"The full-chain energy conversion efficiency of hydrogen production by 'photovoltaic + electrolysis' technology below the scale of China is only about 15%, and the corresponding cost is US$12/kg to US$18/kg, which is nearly 10 times the cost of hydrogen production from natural gas reforming. Li Guohua said that in the field of hydrogen energy, many key equipment, tank materials, catalyst materials such as fuel cell ion exchange membranes, electrolyzer new coating materials, etc., rely on imports, which is a "stuck neck" problem. To do this, he recommends:

First, it is necessary to strengthen cooperation with international organizations and actively join them. Encourage more enterprises to join international carbon reduction organizations such as SBT, RE100, and TCFD, and carry out extensive bilateral cooperation with international organizations such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the International Energy Agency, and ASEAN by applying for the establishment of working groups in China and inviting institutions to set up institutions in China, so as to promote the exchange of technology and policies at home and abroad, and continuously enhance the global discourse and influence of hydrogen energy.

The second is to expand regional cooperation with countries and regions that jointly build the "Belt and Road". The vast majority of the Belt and Road countries and regions are typical natural resources and hydrogen energy export zones, with relatively weak infrastructure, and it is urgent to strengthen cooperation with China in the fields of renewable energy hydrogen production bases, hydrogen refueling stations, and hydrogen pipelines. China should grasp the technological and strategic advantages, carry out cooperation in the industry-university-research application of the whole technology chain of hydrogen energy, improve the level of technological development, and establish a hydrogen energy alliance.

Third, based on an international perspective, strengthen technological research and patent technology protection. Based on a global perspective, we will closely track the development trends of hydrogen energy technology patents at home and abroad, and explore potential application technologies and patent gaps in the field of hydrogen energy. Actively carry out international cooperation with developed countries with hydrogen energy technology, strengthen interaction and exchanges, gather global hydrogen energy technology, capital, talents and innovation subjects, and strive to make breakthroughs in the fields of hydrogen energy-related basic materials, key components, and core processes.

Fourth, actively participate in the formulation of international rules and standards. At present, the international community has issued a series of hydrogen energy standards, of which ISO (International Organization for Standardization) alone has 55 related standards. Actively apply for the establishment of subordinate departments or working groups for hydrogen energy standards in relevant international institutions such as the International Organization for Standardization and the International Electrotechnical Organization, carry out the formulation of relevant international rules and standards, absorb authoritative hydrogen energy institutions and leading enterprises at home and abroad, and build a linkage innovation system of technology, patents and standards.

Zheng Yueming, deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of Lianhong Xinke: support the coupling development of the coal chemical industry with green hydrogen and natural gas

"The main component of natural gas is methane, which has the characteristics of more hydrogen and less carbon, and can be well adapted and coupled with coal syngas with more carbon and less hydrogen to synthesize chemical products, improve the efficiency of carbon resource utilization and reduce carbon emissions. This year, Zheng Yueming, a deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of Lianhong Xinke, in addition to continuing to pay attention to the "white pollution" of plastic products, also paid attention to the issue of reducing carbon emissions.

He suggested that the coal chemical industry should be supported to develop in tandem with green hydrogen and natural gas, support the development of green hydrogen technology and project construction, reduce the cost of green hydrogen, and support the coupled development of the coal chemical industry and natural gas according to local conditions, so as to improve the overall green development level of the coal chemical industry.

"Rich in coal, poor in oil and low in gas, the basic characteristics of China's energy endowment. In recent years, China's modern coal chemical industry has developed rapidly, actively exploring the downstream extension of coal as raw material to produce high value-added products, and the industrial scale and technical level have been steadily improved, which has become one of the most important ways to transform coal resources. Zheng Yueming introduced that under the "double carbon" goal, the coal chemical industry actively implements carbon reduction and carbon reduction measures. From a chemical point of view, the element carbon can only be converted, not eliminated. In the process of synthesizing chemicals from coal chemical industry, there are common problems of "more carbon and less hydrogen" and mismatch of carbon-to-hydrogen ratio, resulting in large carbon emissions. For example, in the process of coal-to-methanol, the hydrogen-to-carbon ratio required for methanol syngas is about 2.05 to 2.15, but due to the high carbon monoxide content and low hydrogen content after coal gasification, the syngas must be transformed to adjust the carbon-to-hydrogen ratio, and the excess carbon cannot participate in the reaction, and is finally emitted in the form of carbon dioxide. To reduce carbon emissions, hydrogen needs to be added to the reaction system.

In addition to hydrogen, natural gas is a common and readily available hydrogen-rich feedstock. Zheng Yueming found in the survey that at present, green hydrogen is mostly produced by electrolysis of water, and the energy mainly relies on wind power and photovoltaics, with high preparation costs, limited supply, and production capacity is mainly concentrated in the western region, with strong geographical restrictions. In addition, the overall resources of natural gas in China are insufficient, and the use of natural gas as city gas and industrial fuel is preferred, and the policy restricts natural gas as a chemical raw material.

In view of the above problems, Zheng Yueming suggested: on the one hand, support the coupling development of the coal chemical industry and green hydrogen, support the development of green hydrogen technology and project construction, reduce the cost of green hydrogen, and improve the supply capacity, on the other hand, support the coupling development of the coal chemical industry and natural gas, and improve the overall green development level of the coal chemical industry. In the coal chemical agglomeration areas planned by the state, coal chemical enterprises will be supported to explore carbon reduction methods according to the energy characteristics of the region where they are located and according to local conditions. In non-coal chemical agglomeration areas with sufficient natural gas supply, support existing coal chemical enterprises to adopt coupling technology with natural gas and implement technological transformation to reduce carbon emissions without increasing coal consumption.

Zhang Tianren, deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of Tianneng Holding Group: Promote the expansion of demonstration urban agglomerations and accelerate the process of large-scale application of hydrogen energy

During the two sessions of the National People's Congress in 2024, Zhang Tianren, a deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of Tianneng Holding Group, will submit the "Proposal on Accelerating the Process of Large-scale Application of Hydrogen Energy and Promoting the Development of the Hydrogen Energy Industry" this year.

Among the relevant suggestions to be submitted, Zhang Tianren pointed out that the current factors restricting the development of hydrogen energy include the lack of representativeness of demonstration areas and industrial promotion, the lack of local hydrogen energy industry planning and policies, and the large lag in the formulation of hydrogen energy industry standards.

Zhang Tianren said that at present, the completion of hydrogen energy demonstration and application indicators in the five demonstration urban agglomerations is average, and there are certain shortcomings in the hydrogen resource endowment and operation scenario demand in relevant regions. On the contrary, in some areas with hydrogen resources and application scenarios, it is difficult to form large-scale demonstration applications in non-demonstration urban agglomerations due to the lack of relevant subsidies and high purchase costs.

"With the announcement of the national hydrogen energy medium and long-term development plan, various provinces, cities and localities have successively issued relevant hydrogen energy industry planning and support policies, but throughout the country, hydrogen energy industry planning and subsidy policies have not yet been fully implemented. Especially on the application side, due to the current situation of reverse distribution of hydrogen consumption and production, there is also a certain lag in the implementation of hydrogen energy application planning and policies in most places. Zhang Tianren said, "There is a large lag in the formulation of hydrogen energy industry standards. The technical standards for hydrogen energy are not perfect, and there are few technical standards related to hydrogen quality, storage and transportation, hydrogen production and refueling stations and safety, etc., resulting in a lack of technical standard support for related work in the promotion of demonstration application projects. ”

How to break the constraints on the development of the industry? Zhang Tianren suggested that the expansion of demonstration urban agglomerations should be promoted. On the basis of the existing five demonstration urban agglomerations, we will promote the expansion of demonstration urban agglomerations and accelerate the application and approval of the third batch of demonstration urban agglomerations. "Especially in areas with resource endowments, operation scenarios and the development foundation of the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, we should increase efforts to promote the implementation of the national 'substitution of awards', so as to further accelerate the process of large-scale application of hydrogen energy. ”

Zhang Tianren also suggested that in areas with clear planning and subsidy policies (including demonstration urban agglomerations and other non-demonstration areas with local policies), in accordance with the existing plans and policies, we should make every effort to promote the application of hydrogen energy in various scenarios, and make every effort to ensure that relevant subsidies can be implemented in a timely manner, so as to provide support and guarantee for the development of enterprises and reduce the burden of R&D on enterprises.

For the formulation of relevant standards for the hydrogen energy industry, Zhang Tianren suggested that the national level should accelerate the formulation and release of various national standards around the entire industrial chain, and should also organize relevant experts from leading enterprises in the industry to form corresponding alliances and standard committees to actively formulate and release industry standards, so as to ensure the healthy development of the hydrogen energy industry market and accelerate the development of the hydrogen energy industry.

Li Wenhui, deputy director of the equipment department of Baishan Jidian Energy Development Co., Ltd., a deputy to the National People's Congress and a representative of the National People's Congress, spoke for the new energy industry

"As a representative of the National People's Congress, we must not only speak up for the industry we are engaged in, but also fully understand the actual needs of the people. Li Wenhui, deputy director of the equipment department of the National People's Congress and the State Power Investment Jilin Electric Co., Ltd. Baishan Jidian Energy Development Co., Ltd., said.

In recent years, Jilin Province has accelerated the development of the new energy industry, and made every effort to build major energy industry projects such as "Three Gorges of Onshore Wind and Solar Energy", "Three Gorges of Mountain and Water Storage" and "Hydrogen Jilin", and built a whole chain system of clean energy. By the end of 2023, the installed capacity of new energy in Jilin Province has surpassed that of coal power, becoming the largest power source in the province.

"I am engaged in the energy industry, and I pay more attention to the transformation of cutting-edge energy technology innovation and application. Li Wenhui submitted this year the "Proposal on "Promoting the Revitalization of Northeast China and Accelerating the Construction of an Integrated Energy Base of 'Wind, Solar and Thermal Storage' in Jilin Province", hoping that this proposal can accelerate the energy conservation, emission reduction and structural adjustment of coal power, high-quality development of new energy, hydrogen energy, energy storage, green transportation and other new business formats, and continuously increase the proportion of clean energy.

Zhang Xiyong, deputy to the Beijing Municipal People's Congress: Take advantage of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei to accelerate the promotion of hydrogen fuel cell commercial vehicles

Zhang Xiyong, a deputy to the Beijing Municipal People's Congress and a researcher at the national high-end think tank of the Sustainable Transportation Innovation Center, submitted written proposals, focusing on "promoting the construction of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei hydrogen energy city agglomeration" and "promoting the coordinated development of the chip industry chain in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region".

Zhang Xiyong suggested that relying on the good hydrogen energy industry foundation of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration, strengthen the coordination of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration, give full play to the advantages of hydrogen fuel cell commercial vehicles such as clean, efficient and long driving range, accelerate the promotion of hydrogen fuel cell commercial vehicles from the city to the urban agglomeration, promote the replacement of traditional commercial vehicles with hydrogen fuel cell commercial vehicles, and achieve large-scale application and carbon emission reduction of commercial vehicles in the region.

In terms of improving the localization rate of vehicle-grade chips, Zhang Xiyong suggested that a full-chain industry alliance for vehicle-grade localized chips in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region should be established.

"The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration is one of the earliest regions in China to carry out the R&D and demonstration application of hydrogen energy and fuel cell industry, and after more than 20 years of industrial cultivation and development, the industrial ecosystem has begun to take shape. It has obvious advantages in R&D strength, industrial foundation, policy environment, application scenario building, demonstration and promotion, and can strongly support the development of the hydrogen fuel cell vehicle industry. Zhang Xiyong said that the development of the hydrogen energy industry in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration is not only an important embodiment of the implementation and implementation of the important national strategic deployment, but also an important path to promote the coordinated and in-depth development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration, realize the deep decarbonization of the transportation sector and promote the inevitable requirements of the transformation of the energy structure.

He suggested that we should make full use of the resource endowment and industrial complementary advantages of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration, and make full use of the policy, hydrogen energy guarantee, hydrogen refueling, vehicle scenario application, In 2025, a total of 20,000 hydrogen refueling stations will be promoted, and 180 hydrogen refueling stations will be built, achieving an annual carbon reduction of about 1.3 million tons, and by 2030, a total of 150,000 hydrogen fuel cell commercial vehicles will be promoted, and a total of 1,000 hydrogen refueling stations will be built, achieving an annual carbon reduction of about 10 million tons, and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration will be built into a national hydrogen energy demonstration pilot area.

In addition, Zhang Xiyong pointed out that there is no carbon trading mechanism for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, and it is recommended to establish a hydrogen fuel cell carbon trading mechanism to make up for the high cost of vehicle purchase and use.

Wang Zhenxin, member of the Jilin Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference: Promote the development of the whole hydrogen energy industry chain and accelerate the construction of the "Northern Green Hydrogen Valley"

"Hydrogen has been hailed as the 'ultimate energy source of the 21st century' and has attracted much attention in recent years. Some developed countries have formulated relevant policies and regulations to promote the layout of hydrogen-related industries and put forward the concept of 'hydrogen economy'. Wang Zhenxin, a member of the Jilin Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and a researcher at the Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that in the context of all parties competing to lay out the hydrogen energy industry, Jilin Province should also continue to make efforts in the hydrogen energy industry, consolidate the foundation of the hydrogen energy industry, expand the application scenarios of hydrogen energy, and promote the development of the whole hydrogen energy industry chain.

Member Wang Zhenxin believes that Jilin Province is rich in wind and solar resources, has outstanding advantages in humanities, science and education, and has unique advantages in developing the hydrogen energy industry. However, as a strategic emerging industry, there are still many technical problems and challenges to be solved in the production, storage, transportation and application of hydrogen energy.

"If an energy source cannot be transported safely, efficiently and at low cost, it will not be able to effectively connect the supply side and the demand side, and it will be difficult to achieve large-scale application. In order to make hydrogen energy truly valuable and become the energy of the future, it is necessary to make an overall layout and break through the key technologies in all links of the industrial chain. Member Wang Zhenxin said.

In this regard, Wang Zhenxin proposed that through in-depth cooperation in the fields of hydrogen energy-related production, learning, research and application, corresponding industrial associations should be established to build an innovation platform for production, education, research and application. Intensify technological innovation, carry out technical research in the fields of hydrogen production by water electrolysis and hydrogen fuel cells, and actively formulate relevant technical standards and improve the industrial standard system, so as to provide mature industrial support and trial platform for the promotion and application of new technologies and new products.

Wang Zhenxin also proposed to carry out hydrogen energy-related science education, "hydrogen energy-related science popularization exhibits can be set up in science and technology museums and other popular science places." Let the public realize that on the basis of strong technical support and safe operation and management capabilities, the safety of hydrogen is controllable in accordance with the standard operation and use. ”

Chen Guogui, member of the Liaoning Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference: Build a high-speed corridor for hydrogen energy in Shenyang and build a network of hydrogen refueling stations

Chen Guogui, a member of the Liaoning Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and vice chairman of the Dalian CPPCC, suggested that Liaoning is rich in by-product hydrogen resources, and at this stage, it can first use more economical by-product hydrogen to purify hydrogen, simultaneously build a renewable energy hydrogen production plant, and adopt green hydrogen after the application scenario is fully developed to reach the scale, so as to complete the "zero-carbon" hydrogen energy industry chain. On the issue of hydrogen production plants and basic supporting facilities, he advocated the integration of social resources, innovative cooperation models, and the acceleration of the construction of a hydrogen refueling station network according to the overall planning of the province's hydrogen energy industry.

"Industrial policies and resources can be appropriately tilted towards key private enterprises, and effectively reduce the market scale threshold for the application of major technological research achievements of private enterprises, making it an important force to promote the healthy development of the hydrogen energy industry." Chen Guogui suggested strengthening overall planning, promoting the rapid establishment of the local industrial chain, rapid cost reduction, accelerating the realization of industrialization and commercialization, forming regional advantages, ensuring that the huge Northeast market enters the internal circulation of hydrogen energy industry application and promotion, and boosting the market share, competitiveness and self-confidence of private enterprises in Northeast China.

Dai Di, member of the Standing Committee of the Heilongjiang Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference: Promote the production of hydrogen from power generation and the use of hydrogen for power generation

Dai Di, member of the Standing Committee of the Heilongjiang Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and president of Zhongfa Group, suggested that our province should encourage wind and solar power generation enterprises to generate electricity and use hydrogen to generate electricity; encourage scientific research institutes and enterprises to increase investment in research and development, break through the core technology of hydrogen energy, reduce costs, and improve the competitiveness of the hydrogen energy industry; optimize the layout of the hydrogen energy industry chain, give full play to its advantages, form industrial clusters, and improve the overall industrial level.

At the same time, increase support in tax incentives, financial subsidies, scientific research funds and other policies; encourage enterprises to cooperate with scientific research institutes and universities, establish an innovation system integrating production, education and research, accelerate the transformation of technological achievements, and support enterprises to carry out cutting-edge technology research through the establishment of special funds for technological innovation in the energy storage industry;

Li Chunkui, deputy to the Chongqing Municipal People's Congress: develop the hydrogen industry, strengthen hydrogen kinetic energy, and build a "Western Hydrogen Valley"

Recently, at the two sessions of Chongqing, Li Chunkui, deputy to the Chongqing Municipal People's Congress and secretary of the Jiulongpo District Party Committee, made a report on deepening energy co-protection and mutual assistance and accelerating the construction of Chengdu-Chongqing "hydrogen corridor" and "electricity corridor".

It is pointed out that the "Western Hydrogen Valley" will be built to integrate hydrogen energy science and technology parks, industrial parks, and industrial demonstration and application bases, and strive to gather 30 core enterprises and achieve an output value of 10 billion yuan by 2025.

In terms of action plans: First, focus on strengthening the chain and promote the clustering of the hydrogen energy industry. We will give full play to the leading role of Bosch Hydrogen Power and Synergy Hydrogen Energy, actively introduce a number of supporting enterprises related to fuel cells, and make every effort to attract upstream and downstream enterprises in the hydrogen energy industry chain such as hydrogen production, storage and transportation, and hydrogen energy application, and strive to build a hydrogen energy commercial vehicle production base with national influence and competitiveness.

The second is to focus on forming a trend and promoting the scale of infrastructure. Compile a special plan for comprehensive energy supply service stations, rationally lay out a number of hydrogen refueling and hydrogen production infrastructure, encourage PetroChina and Sinopec to renovate and expand hydrogen refueling facilities, and strive to build 10 hydrogen refueling stations by 2025.

The third is to focus on demonstration and guidance to promote the diversification of application scenarios. Relying on the "Chengdu-Chongqing, Chongqing-Wanzhou" hydrogen corridor, we will strive to open fuel cell bus demonstration routes, continuously expand the demonstration and application of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in the fields of short barge transportation, urban sanitation, and trunk logistics, and plan to create a number of typical application scenarios with foundation, efficient operation and promotion market.

Fourth, focus on the integration of data and reality to promote intelligent production and services. Deepen the integrated development of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, digital twins, and 5G with the hydrogen energy industry, support the construction of a "lighthouse" factory for the hydrogen energy industry, and build a "one network" for data collaboration such as R&D and design, manufacturing, product services, inventory and logistics, etc., and continuously release the surging power of multiplying "hydrogen" and "data", and demonstrate and lead new industrialization to achieve new results.

Jin Yonghong, member of the Wuhan CPPCC: Accelerate the construction of a hydrogen energy city

Jin Yonghong, a member of the Wuhan CPPCC, said that it is necessary to further refine the government-led, market-led, innovation-driven, demonstration and promotion and other support policies; strive to create a national hydrogen energy demonstration base and apply for the third batch of national fuel cell vehicle pilot demonstration cities; improve the hydrogen energy industry development plan, align industrial planning with spatial planning and control regulations, so as to achieve the integration of multiple plans; establish a special hydrogen energy industry development fund to leverage social capital to participate in hydrogen energy project investment.

Lin Hua, deputy to the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress: Accelerate the innovation and development of hydrogen-based energy in Shanghai

Recently, Lin Hua, deputy to the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Shanghai Electric Power Co., Ltd., put forward the "Proposal on Accelerating the Innovation and Development of Hydrogen-based Energy in Shanghai".

The proposal points out: First, in some innovative development demonstration areas, hydrogen-based energy demonstrations will be carried out first, and related industrial supporting projects will be supported to land in non-chemical zones. Moderately relaxing regional restrictions on the construction of hydrogen-based energy projects will help promote the rapid development of the hydrogen-based energy industry. At present, Guangdong, Shandong, Hebei and other places have successively issued relevant policies to allow non-chemical parks to build hydrogen energy projects. It is suggested that Shanghai should appropriately relax the regional restrictions on hydrogen-based energy production projects relying on industrial support, and allow projects with moderate scale and controllable risks to land in non-chemical zones.

The second is to carry out green and low-carbon recycling technology innovation and application demonstration, and realize the deep utilization of urban waste. In his proposal, Lin Hua mentioned the first batch of zero-carbon creation parks in Shanghai in 2023, the "Liming Ecological Park", and the 2023 Pudong New Area District-level Characteristic Industrial Park, "Pudong Development Zero-Carbon Green Valley". He suggested that relying on the carbon dioxide capture facilities of urban wet waste biogas and waste incineration flue gas in the two parks, supporting photovoltaic green hydrogen and green methanol production facilities, Shanghai Zero Carbon Green Valley Resource Deep Utilization Coupling Green Electricity to Green Methanol Integration Project will be built. Through the optimization and innovation of the "zero-carbon green valley model", it will provide a characteristic model for solving the dilemma of urban solid waste disposal and helping to build a new development pattern of energy conservation, carbon reduction and industrial transformation. At the same time, it is recommended to fully revitalize the existing land resources of Liming Ecological Park, carry out the integrated application demonstration of green methanol production by coupling waste and green electricity, create a new model of deep utilization of dual-cycle waste in the "Pudong Development and Zero Carbon Green Valley", and build a "green and low-carbon development demonstration zone".

The third is to clarify the market positioning and policy support for hydrogen-based energy applications. At present, the support policies are mainly focused on the purchase of fuel cell vehicles and subsidies for the construction or operation of hydrogen refueling stations, and the lack of relevant policy support in the production of hydrogen from renewable energy water electrolysis and hydrogen storage and transportation affects the promotion and application of hydrogen-based energy. It is suggested to increase support for the promotion and application of hydrogen-based energy technology, formulate subsidy policies for industrial application, and promote the initial development of industrialization.

Fourth, strengthen the publicity and training of hydrogen-based energy, and improve social awareness and market participation. Publicity and training is an important way to improve the social awareness and market participation of hydrogen-based energy, therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the training and guidance of hydrogen-based energy, improve the awareness and participation of the public, increase the market demand and supply of hydrogen-based energy, and promote rapid development.

Chen Ying, a member of the Shandong Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference: "Hydrogen" is loaded into battle to seize the new track of hydrogen energy industry development

Recently, Chen Ying, a member of the Shandong Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and executive director and general manager of Jinan Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd., made proposals and related suggestions on hydrogen energy.

Chen Ying said that at present, hydrogen energy, as one of the most clean energy sources in the world and a "powerful weapon" to achieve the "double carbon" goal, has attracted much attention. Chen Ying believes that in the past few years, the hydrogen energy industry in Shandong Province has flourished, the "hydrogen into 10,000 homes" science and technology demonstration project has been fully promoted, a number of wind and solar hydrogen storage projects have been planned and constructed, and the key core technologies and equipment of hydrogen energy such as proton exchange membrane, advanced hydrogen production and storage, and fuel cells have been at the forefront of the country, and more than 1,000 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles have been promoted, and more than 30 hydrogen refueling stations have been built, with an annual production capacity of 140,000 tons of surplus by-product hydrogen, and the hydrogen energy industry ecology driven by Jinan, Weifang, Zibo, Qingdao and other regions has initially emerged.

In this case, in the face of increasingly fierce competition, how should Shandong seize new outlets and create new advantages?

In this regard, Chen Ying suggested that Shandong should insist on giving full play to its own advantages and take a unique development route. Strengthen coordination with provinces and cities along the Yellow River to build a "hydrogen energy demonstration city cluster in the Yellow River Basin", and form a coordinated industrial development pattern connecting the upper, middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. In addition, Chen Ying said that we should focus on key technologies, materials and equipment in the production, storage, transportation and use of hydrogen energy, give full play to the advantages of university talents, study and establish hydrogen energy-related majors, and provide a talent base for the development of hydrogen energy industry. Chen Ying also suggested that to accelerate the development of the hydrogen energy industry, the scene application should be put in a key position, and it is recommended to take the implementation of "hydrogen into 10,000 homes" as an opportunity to plan and build hydrogen energy application demonstration areas such as hydrogen transportation, hydrogen distributed energy supply, and hydrogen energy storage in conditional areas, and give hydrogen infrastructure construction approval, hydrogen fuel cell vehicle purchase and operation subsidies, highway fee reduction, right of way opening, clean heating subsidies and other policy preferences.

Wei Aihong, deputy to the Shanxi Provincial People's Congress: Encourage and support the construction of hydrogen energy projects and the development of enterprises

Wei Aihong, deputy to the Shanxi Provincial People's Congress and senior agronomist of Quwo Modern Agricultural Development Center, suggested that on the basis of the implementation of the plan, the relevant provincial departments should refine the relevant supporting policies to encourage and support the construction and development of hydrogen energy projects;

Yan Shengjun, a member of the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference: Accelerate the cultivation of a growing hydrogen energy industry

Yan Shengjun, a member of the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and chairman of China Tianying, suggested that the cultivation of a growing hydrogen energy industry should be accelerated, and enterprises should be guided to strengthen the research of key core technologies, including key technologies for renewable energy hydrogen production, seawater hydrogen production, liquid hydrogen storage and transportation, green hydrogen, green ammonia and green methanol production key technologies, etc.; The deep integration of the talent chain will promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, enhance the independent and controllable ability of the hydrogen energy industry chain, promote the hydrogen energy industry to move towards the middle and high end of the global value chain, and provide support for the green hydrogen equipment manufacturing industry.

Wang Dongmei, member of the Anhui Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference: Encourage cities in the province to actively apply for the national fuel cell vehicle demonstration city cluster

Wang Dongmei, a member of the Anhui Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, said that Anhui Province has lagged behind other provinces and cities in the promotion and application of fuel cell vehicles. The development of the hydrogen energy industry is not only an urgent requirement of environmental constraints and energy transition, but also an endogenous demand for economic development due to its high degree of innovation, long industrial chain, strong driving force and large market space. It is suggested that Anhui Province should introduce policies as soon as possible to encourage cities such as Hefei, Wuhu, and Lu'an to actively apply for national fuel cell vehicle demonstration city clusters.

Li Guangfu, deputy to the Guangdong Provincial People's Congress: Gradually liberalize hydrogen production at the end of non-chemical parks

Li Guangfu, deputy to the Guangdong Provincial People's Congress and director of the Fuel Cell Structural Components Research Office of the Xianhu Laboratory, suggested that Guangdong should refer to the experience of Hebei, Jilin and other provinces to explore the "relaxation" of hazardous chemicals for hydrogen production from renewable energy. For example, relevant laws and regulations have been introduced to treat hydrogen energy as energy management rather than hazardous chemical management, and hydrogen production at the end of non-chemical parks has been gradually liberalized, so as to ensure the supply of hydrogen energy through a multi-channel, safe and low-cost hydrogen supply network system;
