China Carbon Credit Platform

Looking back on the first anniversary of the National Ecological and Environmental Protection Conference ④ 丨 Institutional guarantees for the construction of a beautiful China are becoming increasingly solid

Release Time1 month ago

In midsummer, flowers bloom like brocade. In Altay, the "north of northern Xinjiang", towering snow-capped mountains rise into the clouds, vast grasslands are covered with green grass, and melodious pastoral songs are floating in the wind. Tourists marvel that "every frame is a wallpaper". In Honghai Bay in Shanwei, Guangdong, the formerly dense aquaculture farm has been transformed into locomotive cultural experience rooms and specialty cafes, and the once-dilapidated streets have become places for Internet celebrities to check in.

Building a beautiful China is an important goal in comprehensively building a modern socialist country. At the National Ecological and Environmental Protection Conference held last year,XiJinpingThe General Secretary emphasized the need to improve the guarantee system for the construction of a beautiful China. It is necessary to coordinate resources in all fields, gather forces from all aspects, and strike a "combination" of rule of law, market, science and technology, and policy to provide basic support and strong guarantee for the construction of a beautiful China.

The legal system has a clear bottom line and a boundary

From May to July every year, it is the migration and breeding season for Tibetan antelopes. Along the Qinghai-Tibet Highway in the Wudaoliang area of Hoh Xil, mountain patrols will patrol continuously and stop passing vehicles when sheep approach to ensure the safe passage of sheep. After several generations of efforts, the once-endangered "highland elves" have been restored to more than 300,000. On September 1, 2023, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Ecological Protection Law will be implemented, providing a solid guarantee for protecting the living creatures and vegetation here.

Ensure good governance with good laws. In recent years, my country has successively formulated and revised a number of ecological and environmental laws. For example, the Yangtze River Protection Law and the Yellow River Protection Law have been implemented one after another to ensure clearer water in the Mother River; the revised Marine Environmental Protection Law has proposed many institutional innovations and Practical measures, etc. At present, my country has basically formed a comprehensive, strict, pragmatic and effective ecological environmental protection legal and regulatory system, promoting ecological and environmental governance on the path of legalization. At the same time, we will strengthen cooperation with public security, procuratorial and legal agencies, implement practical and detailed connections between administrative law enforcement and criminal justice, and proactively "sharpen the sword" against environmental resource violations and crimes, so that the law can truly become a "tiger with teeth."

As an important part of the ecological civilization system, the ecological protection compensation system has been usefully explored in many places across the country, forming a new governance pattern of "cost sharing, benefit sharing, and cooperation and co-governance". Now, with the official implementation of the "Ecological Protection Compensation Regulations", this mechanism has entered the stage of legalization.

Always insisting on using the strictest system and the strictest rule of law to protect the environment is a valuable experience for my country's ecological and environmental protection work to achieve remarkable results. Over the years, the policy "toolbox" for comprehensively promoting the construction of a beautiful China has become increasingly abundant. Comprehensively implement the pollution discharge permit system, strengthen in-process and post-event supervision, and consolidate main responsibilities. Implement zoning management and control of the ecological environment, strictly abide by "hard constraints" such as ecological protection red lines, environmental quality bottom lines, and resource utilization online, and clarify the bottom line and draw boundaries for development. Establish a cross-regional ecological protection collaborative cooperation mechanism in the Qinling Mountains, implement comprehensive discharge standards for water pollutants in the Nansi Lake Basin, promote regional linkage, consultation and governance, and explore a collaborative mechanism for ecological protection. Focusing on the goal of building a beautiful China, a scientific and strict ecological civilization institutional system has been gradually built, working in the same direction and resonating with the same frequency.

Green economy policies have become important support

Green and low-carbon transformation has become a consensus, and green finance is an important support. In order to do this big article well, in April this year, seven departments including the People's Bank of China and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment jointly issued a document to further strengthen financial support for green and low-carbon development, guide economic and social resources to tilt towards green industries, and promote the optimization and upgrading of traditional industries.

Ecological and environmental management projects have strong public welfare characteristics, and funding is the most realistic and common problem. Under such circumstances, the EOD model came into being. This model enhances the value of industrial development through ecological and environmental governance, releases the value of ecological products to related industries, and feeds back ecological and environmental governance with industrial benefits, vividly practicing the concept that clear waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets.

From gradually promoting dual control of energy consumption to dual control of carbon emissions, to continuously optimizing the allocation of financial resources, implementing preferential tax and fee policies to support green and low-carbon development, to strengthening price policy support, and improving the ladder electricity price system for high-energy-consuming industries... my country's The "toolbox" of green and low-carbon policies is increasingly abundant, providing effective support for carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion, and growth. In the process of formulating relevant policies, we insist on highlighting key points and implementing precise policies, establishing a clear orientation of "encouraging advanced and eliminating backward", focusing on enhancing policy accessibility, benefiting more people, and maximizing policy dividends.

On April 24, the closing price of the national carbon market was 100.59 yuan/ton, and the carbon price exceeded the 100 yuan mark for the first time. The core role of carbon trading is to build a carbon emission incentive and restraint mechanism by forming a reasonable carbon price, that is,"carbon emissions must be paid, and carbon emission reduction will be beneficial." At present, carbon emissions have become a factor that enterprises must seriously consider in their development. In the past three years since the national carbon emissions trading market has been in operation, it has been generally healthy and orderly, and transaction prices have steadily increased, which has promoted enterprises to accelerate their green and low-carbon transformation.

As the awareness that environmental resources are "limited, valuable, and paid" has gradually become deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the idea of "revitalizing" emission rights is also being extended based on the pilot work of paid use and trading of emission rights in various places. mortgage loans for emission rights are one of them. At present, emission rights mortgage loans are implemented nationwide, solving the urgent needs of enterprises. Enterprises have gradually realized that under strict emission control, the gold content of emission rights will continue to increase. In order to preserve the "hidden asset" of emission rights, they must work more consciously on optimization, upgrading, and technological improvement.

While giving full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, we must also straighten out the relationship between the government and the market, make good use of "visible hands", and effectively make up for market failures. For example, problems such as low-cost competition in the energy conservation and environmental protection industry and fraud by third-party testing service agencies have not only seriously disrupted the environmental governance market order, but also seriously affected the process of ecological and environmental governance. To this end, relevant departments have accelerated the construction of an environmental protection credit supervision system, and at the same time have "zero tolerance" for fraud and other behaviors by market entities, have made heavy efforts to regulate the environmental governance market, and promote the healthy development of the environmental protection industry and environmental service industry.

Technological means can effectively improve efficiency

In Changzhou, Jiangsu, the diversity of birds is recorded through the AI monitoring system; in Zhangye, Gansu, the ecological environment monitoring network realizes "viewing from the sky, photographing in the air, inspecting on the ground, and managing online", and environmental supervision is more refined... Today, in the field of ecological environmental protection, not only satellite remote sensing, drones, etc. have been widely used, but new technologies such as artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things have also played an increasingly important role.

Science and technology are the primary productive force, and environmental science and technology are a powerful weapon to improve the quality of the ecological environment. In order to improve air quality, Beijing City has carried out three PM sessions2.5Source analysis determined and timely adjusted governance objects and priorities, refined governance measures, and finally created the "Beijing miracle", making blue skies and white clouds the norm.

Looking back on the past, my country has broken through a number of major theoretical issues and core technologies in aspects such as water pollution control and management, analysis of the causes and mechanisms of heavy atmospheric pollution, construction of "sky and ground integration" ecological quality monitoring network, and utilization of bulk industrial solid waste resources. Bottlenecks have effectively exerted the supporting and leading role of scientific and technological innovation in the battle against pollution and the construction of ecological civilization.

As the battle against pollution enters deep waters, facing new deployment requirements such as coordinated promotion of carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion, and growth, as well as deeper contradictions and more difficult "hard bones", it is urgent to adopt ecological and environmental science and technology innovation to solve problems and promote self-reliance in green and low-carbon technologies. Strengthen basic scientific research in key areas, pay close attention to key core technologies, and add the wings of science and technology to high-level protection.

Don't worry that Cangshan Mountain is far away, and you can reach it if you draw water. On the new journey, there are still many difficulties to overcome. We must persist in integrity and innovation, adhere to system integration, and make all measures work in the same direction to provide a solid guarantee for the construction of a beautiful China.
