China Carbon Credit Platform

The reporter visited China's largest coal launch port: why is there no "ash" in the dumper room?

Release Time4 months ago

In early summer, Huanghua Port in Cangzhou City, Hebei Province is full of green. As the largest gold outlet for China's western coal transportation to the east and northern coal transportation to the south, 200 million tons of coal are exported from Huanghua Port every year.

The coal port with such a huge throughput, the port area is clean and tidy, and the trees are shady, which is due to the continuous breakthroughs and innovations in water resource utilization and intrinsic dust suppression technology of Guoneng Huanghua Port Company (hereinafter referred to as Huanghua Port) over the years.

The picture shows the whole picture of Huanghua Port Lotus Garden.

The clever use of "three waters" saves about 20 million yuan in water costs

Huanghua Port is located on the saline-alkali tidal flats where fresh water resources are scarce in Bohai Bay.

"It's harder to feed a tree than to raise a child." This is a phrase that has been passed down from mouth to mouth in Huanghua Port in the past.

Today, you can see the "Two Lakes and Three Wetlands" in the port area, which were transformed from the original garbage dumps and idle wasteland.

Under the comprehensive management of the ecological environment, these lakes and wetlands have both landscape and production functions, and realize the scientific storage and utilization of water resources.

During the rainy season, Li Dong, deputy chief of the ecological environment section of the Huanghua Port Production Support Center, frequently visits the sewage treatment plant in the port area to check the operation status of the equipment.

In particular, after heavy rainstorms, a large amount of rainwater is accumulated in the port area, and if not treated in time, it will cause water accumulation in the port area or rainwater into the sea.

Huanghua Port connects the treated water with the port's production wastewater, coal-containing rainwater, ecological wetlands and other water systems to achieve effective collection, treatment and utilization, and form an intelligent circulation system of the ecological water system.

Not only that, Huanghua Port also eats and squeezes the ballast water that "comes from afar".

Ships coming to the Yangtze River basin will carry a large amount of ballast water, most of which is high-quality fresh water, which will be wasted if it is discharged directly into the sea.

In order to recover ballast water, the port has laid a special pipeline, which is connected to the water outlet of the cargo ship, which is used to extract ballast water, which can obtain 1.3 million to 1.5 million cubic meters of fresh water per year, becoming the main source of water for the "two lakes and three wetlands".

In the invisible underground, Huanghua Port has also laid a pipe network to realize the interconnection of "two lakes and three wetlands".

Previously, coal sewage from coal belts, sprinkling and dust removal overflowed in the port area. In recent years, Huanghua Port has introduced coal sewage into the sewage treatment plant, and the rest is discharged into the wetland for sedimentation, and the coal slime precipitated in the wetland is finally made into briquettes, which produces benefits.

As a result, the port's fresh water recycling capacity has been significantly improved through the recycling of rainwater, sewage, and ballast water.

The skillful use of "three waters" has also made Huanghua Port self-sufficient in fresh water for production, saving about 20 million yuan in water costs in 2023.

Scientific dust suppression, to achieve dust suppression rate of more than 95%.

Why do you want to put so much effort into freshwater, the reporter found the answer in the dumping machine room.

Trains carrying coal come into the workshop from a distance, and the whole car with the rails is turned nearly 160 degrees in 20 seconds, accompanied by dry mist spraying from both sides, unloading the coal and then transporting it to the coal storage site by belt.

Such a "large-scale rollover site" only takes 150 seconds to complete the whole process, and can be turned over up to 320 tons at a time, and the whole process is almost impossible to feel the flying dust.

In the face of problems encountered in the production process such as dust pollution, Huanghua Port has independently developed an intrinsic long-term dust suppression system.

The system was inspired by the discovery that when the surface of the coal reaches a certain moisture content, fine particles can adhere to it, inhibiting the generation of dust.

Specifically, the surface of the dumping machine room adopts a dry mist dust suppression system, and the water and gas are filtered into the dry mist dust suppressor, and the gas and water are converted into a dry mist with a particle diameter of microns and sprayed out.

In this process, the dry fog is fully combined with coal dust, and then settles to achieve the effect of dust suppression. In order to solve the coal dust that rises due to air flow disturbance when the dumper is unloaded, the dust suppression rate reaches more than 95%.

In addition to this, water is also widely used in open storage yards.

On the electronic large screen of the Huanghua Port Production Support Center, the coal type, temperature, and stacking volume of each pile of coal in the three open-air storage yards can be displayed in real time, and when the temperature of the coal exceeds the set value, the intelligent sprinkler device will automatically spray water to cool down the coal pile and reduce dust. And all this water is taken from the "two lakes and three wetlands".

At the same time, there are also 48 silos in the port area to store coal, which can store up to 1.44 million tons of the world's largest coal storage silo group, avoiding dust generated during the stacking and reclaiming operation.

Over the years, the whole-process dust suppression system independently developed by Huanghua Port has solved the problem of dust control in the coal port area, and the dust monitoring data is updated every minute, and the values inside and outside the port area are almost the same.

Recycling to create a near-zero carbon port

With the roar of the machine, pieces of briquettes "walked" off the production line.

This is an innovative measure of Huanghua Port in coal dust control, which collects coal dust and then presses it into briquettes, which not only achieves clean production, but also brings benefits to the enterprise.

Over the years, Huanghua Port has cleaned and recovered miscellaneous coal such as coal dust on the road, coal pollution in the sedimentation tank, and coal spilled in the belt corridor, and sent it to the dust treatment workshop to be washed and compressed into briquettes before returning to the site.

In the specific operation, due to the large moisture of the briquette, if it is directly stacked, it is easy to get wet and sticky when taking the material, so the briquettes need to be tiled and paved in the designated site after returning to the field, and then stacked after the moisture is qualified.

With the opening of this key link, not only the coal resources will be "eaten dry and squeezed clean" but also the coal dust pollution problem in the yard will be avoided, achieving a win-win situation.

In recent years, the two bottlenecks of "dust control" and "coal sewage treatment" have been solved, and Huanghua Port insists on seeking benefits from ecology.

The construction of the ecological water system can save 4 million cubic meters of industrial water for the port every year, and save more than 20 million yuan in procurement costs. Through the establishment of a coal dust recycling and processing workshop, it is pressed into briquettes for export and sales, reducing cargo losses by 28,000 tons for customers every year and creating benefits of more than 1,000 yuan. From the perspective of the enterprise, this is a considerable benefit and income.

In the future, the goal of port construction should be to transform to zero carbon. At present, Huanghua Port is the first in China to achieve full coverage of the comprehensive layout of high and low voltage shore power at the wharf, realizing zero carbon emissions from berthing ships, and supplying shore power to the overall equipment used by ships at the port to replace the fuel auxiliaries on board to meet the electricity demand of electrical equipment such as production operations and living facilities on board, so as to solve the problem of carbon emissions generated by fuel oil.
