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What has Wenzhou done to anchor the goal of "International Wetland City"?

Release Time2 months ago

As a "water town in southern Zhejiang", Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province has a long coastline and unique geographical conditions. It has 223,300 hectares of wetlands of complete types. The area ranks among the top in Zhejiang Province. It is a bird paradise and a kingdom of shellfish and seaweed. Recently, the State Forestry and Grassland Administration sent a letter to the People's Government of Wenzhou City, deciding to formally nominate Wenzhou to the International Convention on Wetlands to participate in the International Wetland City Certification, which marks another step forward for Wenzhou to become an "International Wetland City."

The business card of an international wetland city is an important window to display the achievements of ecological civilization protection. Since launching the establishment of an international wetland city in February 2021, Wenzhou City has benchmarked the "Five Standards" for the establishment of an international wetland city, promoted the construction of the "Five Major Systems", and explored and formed the "Wenzhou Path" for wetland protection and restoration.

Create a coastal wetland urban style and attract all kinds of rare birds

Wenzhou is born and prospered by water, and has "innate" advantages in natural wetlands: the city's wetland protection area is 136,000 hectares, and the wetland protection rate reaches 61.09%. The quality and function of the wetland ecosystem continue to improve.

In 2023, Wenzhou led the country to establish a prefecture-level mangrove research center. The province's first mangrove blue carbon trading was settled in Wenzhou. The practice of "Wenzhou building mangrove forests 'northward bridgehead'" was selected as a typical case of national marine ecological protection and restoration., constantly polish the golden sign of Wenzhou's coastal wetland city.

In September 2023, the expert evaluation team of the State Forestry and Grassland Administration came to Wenzhou to conduct on-site inspections and guide the creation of an international wetland city, and expressed their personal experience of Wenzhou's great importance to wetland protection and the solid results of continuous improvement of the wetland ecosystem. In November of the same year, when the State Forestry and Grassland Administration was investigating wetland work in Wenzhou City, it highly affirmed Wenzhou's planning positioning of "creating a coastal wetland urban style with 'three rivers, clear waters, thousands of miles of coasts, and thousands of acres of water town.'

In February 2023, Nanji Islands were successfully declared as an internationally important wetland, becoming the second world-class wetland in Zhejiang Province after the Xixi Wetland, and the first world-class marine wetland in Zhejiang Province. In October of the same year, the Longgang New America Wetland was successfully declared as an important national wetland. At present, Wenzhou has 1 internationally important wetland, 1 nationally important wetland, and 8 provincial-level important wetlands.

As the saying goes,"The birds decide whether the wetlands are good or not." Through protection and management, the smooth migration route of migratory birds from East Asia to Australia has been effectively ensured in Wenzhou City. In recent years, Wenzhou has seen more than 300 species of rare birds of various types, such as rolled-feathered pelicans, black-billed gulls, yellow-billed egrets, and spoon-billed sandpipers. Sanyang Wetland and Dongtou Nanpan Mountains have been rated as bird watching resorts in Zhejiang Province.

Take multiple measures simultaneously,Fine management,Regarding wetland constructionProvide strong governance effectiveness

Rain and fog shrouded the Sanyang Wetland, and egrets danced and circled above the lake, leaving elegant arcs, adding a different charm to the wetland in the misty rain.

Unique natural resources provide Wenzhou with a good ecological background, but if we want to maintain a good ecology in the process of modernization and urbanization, we cannot rely solely on "talent".

In the early years, due to long-term agricultural development and the impact of human activities, most areas of Sanyang Wetland no longer had wetland characteristics. In order to protect the ecology, Wenzhou promoted the transformation and upgrading of Sanyang Wetland: issued the "Regulations on the Protection and Management of Wenzhou Ecological Park in Zhejiang Province", implemented the three-year plan for the overall expropriation and relocation of old villages in Sanyang Wetland, and included the construction of Sanyang Wetland Park in the city's "two lines and three areas" key projects.

Compared with the survey data in 2003, at present, the number of vascular plants in Sanyang Wetland has increased by more than 500, the number of birds has increased by more than 90, and the biodiversity index has increased by 16 points; the proportion of Class III water in the entire wetland has reached 60%, and the water quality of some waters has reached Class II water standards.

Wetland management and protection is a systematic, complex and long-term project that must be linked by multiple parties and everyone participates. In recent years, Wenzhou has promoted special legislation on wetland protection, and the "Wenzhou City Wetland Protection Measures" will come into effect on August 1, 2023.

In addition, Wenzhou City has established special wetland protection and management agencies at the city and county levels to achieve fine management of wetland protection and construction, and has implemented the "six supervisors" mechanism, namely, the Party Committee and government take the lead in supervising, the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference inspection supervision, the effectiveness of disciplinary inspection organizations, the news media exposure supervision, the public society reporting supervision, and the regular supervision of full-time agencies. It has innovatively created a political consultation platform of "public participation, media supervision, and cadre interaction" and carried out TV consultation activities with the themes of "water control" and" wetland protection. Effectively ensure that problems will not be solved, responsibilities will not be implemented, and tasks will not be completed, so as to provide strong governance effectiveness for the construction of international wetland cities.

Integrate green into urban development,Ecological empowerment breeds new opportunities for development

In recent years, Wenzhou City has implemented the concept of "two mountains" and integrated green into all aspects of urban development. Relying on the governance results and excellent ecology of wetland parks, it has better satisfied the people's yearning for a better life with "beauty in the whole region."

Nanji Islands are one of my country's first national-level marine nature reserves. With the creation of the "International Wetland City", Nanji Islands have gradually enriched and new discoveries have been made. Relying on the good ecological environment, fishermen are engaged in the cultivation of large yellow croakers with all their hands and feet. Large yellow croakers and other aquatic products have also appeared at the national banquet table of the G20 Hangzhou Summit.

The Nanji Islands National Marine Nature Reserve Administration actively explores ecological value transformation paths. The annual island tourism receives more than 80,000 tourists (times), and the total annual tourism revenue exceeds 150 million yuan. The new path of harmony between people and people and common prosperity is becoming more and more smooth. In recent years, Nanji has relied on the national "one village, one product" demonstration villages and towns to vigorously develop eco-tourism, continuously strengthen the construction of tourism supporting facilities, and create a number of "Internet celebrities" such as Rainbow Roads."The project has introduced more than 60 hotels, B & Bs and fishermen's houses, and completed the construction and upgrading of a number of tourism facilities such as Nanji Tourist Center, Marine Landscape Renovation, Science and Education Museum Renovation, and Urban Study Rooms. Tourists 'sense of experience and travel comfort continue to improve.

This is a microcosm of Wenzhou's transformation of the rich resources endowed by nature into promoting the harmonious coexistence of economy and ecology. In recent years, various departments in Wenzhou have joined forces to scientifically guide the layout of health care and leisure, modern agriculture, coastal tourism, night economy and other business formats, and have guided various localities to plan and create the Oujiang "Wenzhou Fashion Bund", the Feiyun River "Yunjiang Water Rhythm Leisure Belt", Nanxi River "The Most Beautiful Peach Blossom Land", the "Ecological Living Room" of Sanyang Wetland, and the "Pearl of the Sea" of Nanji, accelerating the cultivation of new ecological and economic growth points.

At the same time, relevant regions will be guided to organically combine the protection and construction of key wetlands with the construction of the Oujiang Mountains and Waters Poetry Road Cultural Belt, and jointly create eight types of cultural and tourism integrated brands along the route, including Shilu Ancient Villages, Famous Cultural Mountains, and Ocean Parks.

The development dividends released by ecological resources have become increasingly significant. In the next step, Wenzhou will vigorously promote the ecological protection and restoration of wetlands, taking "East Ou Old Place","Dragon Boat Culture" and "City and Wetland Symbiosis" as cultural aesthetics and value orientations, and will incorporate more cultural elements into the texture of Wenzhou's wetland.
