China Carbon Credit Platform

Hebei deepens the reform of the mechanism for realizing the value of carbon-reduction products

Release Time3 months ago

The reporter learned from a press conference recently held by the Information Office of the Hebei Province Government that Hebei Province is actively exploring and exploring the carbon sequestration functions of natural ecosystems, focusing on the development of carbon-reduction product methods, market operation mechanisms, rigid carbon emission constraints and emission reduction incentive systems, and has created the "Hebei Path" for realizing the value of carbon-reduction products and carbon asset reform.

A methodological system for carbon reduction products has been initially formed. Based on the original methodology of carbon reduction products such as forest carbon sequestration, Hebei Province has made efforts from various parties such as ecological carbon sequestration, low-carbon living, and production carbon reduction to initially build an effective, scientific and standardized value of carbon reduction products. Standardized accounting system. Since 2023, Hebei Province has successively issued methodologies for ecological product projects such as marine aquaculture bivalves and Chengde grassland, methodologies for carbon reduction products such as pumped storage power stations and ground source heat pumps, and methodologies for carbon capture, revolving iron, and hydrogen energy heavy trucks. The total number of methodologies has reached 24. The development field has expanded to many fields such as agriculture, transportation, and industry.

There are abundant reserves of carbon-reduction product projects. Hebei Province has organized various regions to make full use of resource endowments, actively use existing methodologies, accelerate the development of carbon-reduction product projects, further enrich project types, expand development areas, and improve development quality. Since 2023, new carbon-reduction product projects such as Huzhaikou State-owned Forest Farm in Zanhuang County, marine aquaculture bivalve shellfish in Changli County, and distributed photovoltaic at Xiongan High-speed Railway Station have been developed. So far, the province has completed the development of 26 carbon reduction product projects, with a total certification scale of nearly 7 million tons.

The scale and field of value realization continue to expand. In 2023, the Hebei Province Department of Ecology and Environment held a centralized signing ceremony for the fourth batch of carbon-reduction products in Chengde. The listed carbon-reduction products have been expanded to grasslands, wetlands, mariculture shellfish, and scenic spots. In many fields, the delisted units include 30 companies in the steel, coking, glass, cement and other industries, achieving a total value conversion of more than 26 million yuan of more than 370,000 tons of carbon-reduction products. So far, Hebei Province has traded a total of more than 1.3 million tons, achieving a value conversion of 73 million yuan.
