China Carbon Credit Platform

There is still a lot of work to be done to promote green transportation

Release Time6 months ago

This year's "Government Work Report" proposes to vigorously develop a green and low-carbon economy, and promote the green transformation of industrial structure, energy structure, transportation structure, and urban and rural construction. These statements are of great significance to promote the further prosperity and steady development of the transportation industry.

For a long time, relevant departments have optimized and adjusted the transportation structure, further promoted measures such as pollution remediation of vehicles in use, ships and ports, and accelerated the green and low-carbon transformation of the industry. For example, through the promotion of new energy vehicles and clean energy technologies, China's new energy vehicle production and sales will account for more than 60% of the world's total in 2023, ranking first in the world for nine consecutive years, and the country's new energy buses and trams will exceed 540,000, accounting for 77%. In addition, significant results have been achieved in reducing costs and improving quality and efficiency of transportation and logistics, and the proportion of e-commerce express mail no longer secondary packaging in the country exceeds 95%. At the same time, a series of relevant policies have been introduced. In 2022, the Ministry of Transport revised and implemented the Green Transportation Standard System (2022) to vigorously promote the improvement of energy conservation and carbon reduction, pollution prevention and control, ecological environmental protection and restoration, and resource conservation and intensive utilization in the transportation sector. The "Several Opinions on Promoting the Healthy and Sustainable Development of Urban Public Transport" issued in 2023 will further implement the priority development strategy of urban public transport and accelerate the healthy and sustainable development of urban public transport.

However, there are some objective problems that cannot be ignored. For example, the policy support and regulatory system are not perfect, the research and development and application of green technologies are still far from the world-class level, and the public's awareness and participation in green transportation need to be improved. In this regard, the government, enterprises and the public need to work together.

At the policy level, clear targets for reducing carbon emission intensity should be set, and attention should be paid to the optimal allocation, utilization, conservation and protection of transportation resources, and the development of new energy vehicles, public transportation, green logistics and other industries should be promoted. Increase investment in the construction of green transportation infrastructure, such as charging piles and hydrogen refueling stations, to meet the growing demand for green travel. Optimize and improve the green transportation standard system, standardize the performance, safety, and environmental protection of transportation products, and promote the continuous improvement of the quality of standard supply in the transportation field.

At the level of enterprise technological innovation, encourage the research and development and application of green and intelligent technologies in the field of transportation. Promote green technology innovation in this field, accelerate the integrated development of transportation and energy, realize the application of new energy in all scenarios, provide abundant kinetic energy for promoting green and low-carbon development, vigorously promote the application of energy-saving and environmentally friendly materials and process construction methods in transportation infrastructure, and reduce its life cycle carbon emissions. Using big data, blockchain, visualization and intelligent technologies, we will give full play to the potential of multimodal transport, improve the level of infrastructure connectivity, create an efficient and smooth collection and distribution system, significantly reduce transportation costs, and improve logistics efficiency.

At the level of public awareness of environmental protection, through the creation of green travel, strengthen publicity and guidance, create a good atmosphere for public transport travel and green travel, so that the transportation development concept of "slow traffic priority, public transport priority, and green priority" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and establish a social trend of "simple and moderate, green and low-carbon, and intensive travel". By formulating preferential policies for the convenience of the people, we will guide the public to give priority to green ways such as public transportation, walking and bicycles when traveling, reduce the total number of car traffic, and improve the overall green travel level of cities in China.
