China Carbon Credit Platform

This newspaper article: How many "hurdles" does China need to overcome to build a product carbon footprint system?

Release Time6 months ago

Product Carbon Footprint (CFP) is the application of product environmental footprint based on the concept of life cycle in the field of climate change. In the field of environment, life cycle assessment aims to avoid and reduce the transfer of potential environmental load throughout the life cycle by identifying the potential environmental impact of the whole process of a product from raw material acquisition, energy and material production, product manufacturing and use, product end-of-life, and final disposal. With the significant increase in the urgency of climate governance, life cycle assessment has been gradually applied to the field of carbon emission management, becoming an important variable affecting green consumption and trade, and an important tool to promote the progress of climate governance.

Challenges in the construction of product carbon footprint system

Compared with the more mature product environmental footprint, the construction of product carbon footprint system is generally in the initial stage of development, especially in the planning policy, norms and standards, certification mechanism, infrastructure, international convergence and other aspects There are many challenges and shortcomings.

First, the problem of insufficient standards and inconsistency coexists. Although some localities and industry associations have explored and formulated technical standards for product carbon footprint accounting and evaluation, there are great limitations in the scope of application, coverage links, covered products, practical applications, docking and mutual recognition, etc., and national standards and industry standards are insufficient.

Second, the basic support and guarantee system is relatively weak. The research and development of the localized life cycle unit process database, which is more important in product carbon footprint accounting, is lagging behind, and a carbon footprint background database that has been widely recognized at home and abroad has not yet been formed. There are few professional and technical service institutions that can carry out product carbon footprint accounting, evaluation, verification, certification, etc. with high standards, and the supply of professional talents is insufficient.

Third, the long-term incentive and restraint mechanism is not perfect. There is still a gap in the regulatory system and norms such as product carbon footprint evaluation, verification and disclosure, the lack of product carbon footprint labeling and promotion and application mechanisms, the product carbon footprint factor has not been considered in government procurement, and many enterprises have not incorporated carbon footprint into supply chain management.

Fourth, there is a lack of an effective mechanism for international exchanges and dialogues. For example, China's carbon footprint background database is not internationally recognized, and the requirements for the carbon footprint level and threshold of battery products launched by the EU are still in the stage of attention and tracking, and no in-depth dialogue and technical connection have been carried out.

Build a high-quality product carbon footprint system

Product carbon footprint management is an important tool to combat climate change, achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality, and promote green production, consumption and trade. The author believes that the construction of China's product carbon footprint system will be a long-term systematic project, and it is recommended to coordinate short-term and long-term, upstream and downstream, emission reduction and evaluation, evaluation and disclosure, identification and application in accordance with the international and domestic "two-wheel" driving principle, strengthen national overall planning, highlight precise policies, make up for the shortcomings of policies, standards, databases, evaluation and certification, label promotion, international cooperation, etc., and build a high-quality product carbon footprint system.

The first is to vigorously promote the concept of life cycle. There are great differences in the concepts and contents of product carbon footprint management and pollution emission monitoring and investigation, energy consumption measurement and statistics, corporate greenhouse gas emission reporting and verification, regional greenhouse gas inventory compilation, and "dual control" of total carbon emission and intensity. It is necessary to popularize the concept of life cycle, strengthen the popularization of science and case publicity and display of product carbon footprint, enhance the awareness of the whole society, promote the use of product carbon footprint as an important starting point for disseminating brand value, ensuring product compliance, enhancing market competitiveness, and promoting green consumption and trade, promote the application of product carbon footprint labeling, and create a climate-friendly social atmosphere of green manufacturing, green consumption and green trade.

The second is to consider domestic and international needs as a whole. Coordinate and promote the domestic and international "dual circulation" and its integration. On the one hand, closely following China's carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals and the needs of greenhouse gas emission reduction at different stages, in accordance with the requirements of the national unified market construction, further clarify the relevant responsibilities and division of labor of various departments, establish a national technical support institution and expert team, formulate product carbon footprint supervision rules and promotion and application support policies, and accelerate the construction of a standardized standard system covering product carbon footprint data acquisition, data quality control, accounting, evaluation, verification, certification, labeling, information disclosure and other links, so as to avoid local and industry "besieged cities" Low-level repetitive construction. On the other hand, it actively connects the requirements and tendencies of the European Union and other regions, international buyers and overseas consumers on product carbon footprint management, focusing on key products such as power batteries, solar cells, automobiles, electronic products, textiles, etc., and guides and promotes export enterprises to gradually carry out part of the life cycle of intermediate products "from the cradle to the gate" and the "cradle to the grave" of the end products in accordance with regional rules or international standards The carbon footprint accounting and evaluation of the whole life cycle of products will improve the coverage and effectiveness of the accounting and evaluation of export products.

The third is to consolidate the basic support system for carbon footprint. We will build a life cycle unit process database that meets China's actual conditions and connects with international requirements, strengthen the research and development of carbon footprint background databases and accounting models, coordinate the construction of carbon footprint background databases in the fields of key energy varieties and basic raw materials, and build power carbon footprint accounting models in different regions. Incorporate product carbon footprint requirements into the evaluation system for green and low-carbon demonstration creation, green procurement, and green consumption. Promote carbon footprint self-declaration or third-party evaluation and certification, gradually present carbon footprint labels on product packaging or instructions, build a centralized product carbon footprint disclosure platform, and enhance the transparency of carbon footprint information. Fully mobilize the enthusiasm of governments, enterprises, industry organizations, and technical service institutions, support the development and growth of professional institutions and social organizations such as carbon footprint monitoring, accounting, evaluation, verification, certification, information disclosure, and public welfare supervision, and improve the ability and level of professional and technical service institutions to carry out international business.

Fourth, improve the carbon footprint management capabilities of enterprises. Guide and promote enterprises to formulate climate change response strategies in accordance with the concept of life cycle, cultivate a green and low-carbon development culture, put forward low-carbon development and carbon neutrality goals, clarify the greenhouse gas emission control schedule and implementation path, and strengthen the connection with the local and global carbon neutrality goals. In line with the technical requirements for general and industry product carbon footprint accounting and evaluation, strengthen the relevant measurement, monitoring, accounting and recording statistical systems, improve the statistics and management processes of greenhouse gas emission data for ourselves and the supply chain, continuously optimize and improve the emission data management system, and carry out product carbon footprint accounting, evaluation and information disclosure. Coordinate the promotion of management, engineering, technology, structure and collaborative carbon reduction, tap the potential of energy and resource conservation, promote energy conservation and carbon reduction transformation, improve the level of recycling, promote renewable energy, drive suppliers to build a green and low-carbon supply chain, strengthen the carbon footprint management of upstream products and the potential of greenhouse gas emission reduction, enhance the competitiveness of carbon footprint, and shape green influence.

Fifth, strengthen international dialogue and practical cooperation. Enhance China's voice on relevant issues, promote the inclusion of product carbon footprint management in the global climate and economic governance agenda, strengthen exchanges and dialogues between China and relevant countries and regions and relevant international organizations, strengthen cross-border and cross-regional collaborative management of product carbon footprints, and avoid product carbon footprints becoming green trade barriers, thereby impacting the principles of "common but differentiated" and "independent contributions". Adhere to the combination of "bringing in" and "going out", on the basis of ensuring data security, establish an international consultation and connection mechanism for background databases and accounting and evaluation standards, promote the interconnection and mutual recognition of evaluation and certification results and carbon footprint identification, enhance the authenticity, representativeness and public welfare of the life cycle unit process database, and enhance the international recognition of China's database and the international influence of standards and rules. Select export-oriented leading enterprises, typical industries, and key regions, carry out comprehensive pilot projects for product carbon footprint management, explore feasible paths, better integrate into the global green supply chain industrial chain, and effectively respond to green and low-carbon trade barriers.

Author Affilications:XIANG Liu, Sichuan Provincial Institute of Environmental Policy Research and Planning, ZHANG Hao, China Quality Certification Center
