China Carbon Credit Platform

The cumulative concentration of PM2.5 in Beijing dropped by 8.1% in the first half of the year, and the number of excellent days increased by 3 days

Release Time2 months ago

Beijing City recently released the overall progress and results of the city's fight against pollution in the first half of 2024. The city's fine particulate matter (PM2.5) The cumulative concentration was 34 micrograms/cubic meter, a year-on-year decrease of 8.1%; the number of excellent days increased by 3 days year-on-year. The quality of the city's water ecological environment has improved year-on-year, the soil environment has remained good, and the quality of the ecosystem has stabilized and improved. Over the past six months, more than 100 critical measures in five major areas, including the battle to defend blue sky, the battle to defend clear water, the battle to defend pure land, actions to deal with climate change, and ecological protection actions, have been steadily advanced, achieving "half of the time and half of the tasks."

adhere to the problem orientation

Make the battle to defend the blue sky a top priority and promote the improvement of air quality in all districts, streets (towns) and districts. Accelerate the implementation of engineering emission reduction measures. Organize and carry out summer VOCs governance, focusing on comprehensive management in three major areas: industry, transportation, and life. "One factory, one policy" in each district has improved the level of refined enterprise governance, and the city's green enterprise ratio has increased to 11.8%. Structural emission reduction measures have been steadily advanced. Formulated and implemented 81 new energy vehicle promotion measures, and introduced the city's car replacement subsidy policy. As of the end of May, the city had promoted a total of 845,000 new energy vehicles, and the proportion of new energy vehicles among new vehicles was 39.7%, showing an accelerating growth trend. Management and emission reduction have achieved remarkable results. Implementing a 100-day special dust control action, the dust load on roads at entrances and exits of construction sites (stations) dropped by 34.1% year-on-year. Inspectors and law enforcement work together. The municipal ecological and environmental protection inspection team completed inspections of Yanqing District and Miyun District to promote the resolution of outstanding ecological and environmental problems. The city's ecological environment and public security departments jointly cracked the first case in Beijing City suspected of falsifying large truck testing data.

Strengthen the overall planning of "Sanshui"

Protect water resources, carry out supplementary delineation of township-level water source protection areas, and promote the delineation of key areas for groundwater pollution prevention and control and the investigation of risk source information. To control the water environment, the upgrading and renovation projects of sewage treatment plants in Daxing District and Miyun District have been fully implemented. Changping District has completed the repair of rural sewage collection pipe networks in Beizhuang Village and Xiazhuang Village. Construction of sewage collection and treatment facilities in all 50 villages in the city has started. Protect water ecology, implement the Interim Measures for Regional Compensation for Water Ecology in Beijing City, use economic means to urge all territories in the basin to implement the main responsibilities of water ecological protection and restoration, and promote the continuous improvement of water ecological health.

Refining the supervision mechanism and fighting the battle to defend the pure land

Lay a solid foundation and issue three local standards to further standardize soil pollution prevention and control. Optimize the soil environmental monitoring network to achieve full coverage of land use types, regions, topography, and soil types. Strengthen risk prevention and control of construction land, prevent and control pollution from industrial sources, and dynamically update the list of soil pollution risk management, control and restoration of construction land. Improve the soil quality of agricultural land, actively promote the implementation of the "fertile soil" project, and complete the review evaluation of agricultural production of 7200 acres of newly added cultivated land.

Continuously explore and innovate to promote climate change

Continue to deepen the use of renewable energy, issue and implement a work plan for expanding the transfer and consumption of green electricity in Beijing City, and serve the green electricity demand in key industries and key areas. Innovating the market mechanism, the National Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction (CCER) Trading Market was settled in Beijing and officially launched trading. The "Beijing City Carbon Emissions Trading Management Measures" was issued and implemented to further standardize carbon emissions trading and related activities. More than 1300 carbon emission units in the city have been included in the national and municipal carbon market management, exploring the use of the carbon market to promote green electricity consumption and encourage the promotion and application of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles through carbon inclusive methods. Deepening pilot demonstrations, Mentougou District, Tongzhou District, and Yanqing District were selected as national pilots for deepening the construction of climate-resilient cities, and 25 units were awarded the 2023 Beijing City Low-Carbon Pilot Outstanding Projects.

Adhere to bottom-line thinking and coordinate and strengthen ecological protection

Protect biodiversity, continue to carry out monitoring, prevention, control and comprehensive management of invasive alien species, protect key biological genetic resources, and strengthen the protection of key forest and grass germplasm resources. Maintain the stability of the ecological spatial pattern, further improve the natural reserve system, and promote the establishment of Yanshan-Saihanba National Park; start the construction of 7 leisure parks, urban forests, and 14 small and micro green spaces and pocket parks. Promote the sustainable development of ecological protection, organize and implement the Beijing City Ecosystem Regulation Service Value (GEP-R) accounting, which has been applied in the ecological protection compensation system.

In the next step, Beijing City will continue to implement the requirements of the National and City-wide Ecological Environmental Protection Conference, adhere to goal orientation, combine the characteristics of seasonal pollution, continue to pay close attention to the implementation of various key tasks in the fight against pollution, and promote continuous improvement of ecological environment quality.
