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What topics do the representatives and members of the "nuclear circle" focus on at this year's two sessions?

Release Time6 months ago

The Second Session of the 14 th National People's Congress (NPC) just concluded in Beijing this afternoon, and the Second Session of the 14 th CPPCC National Committee also concluded yesterday. The reporter noted that during the two sessions of the National People's Congress, representatives and members from the nuclear and radiation fields actively made suggestions and suggestions for the high-quality development of the nuclear energy industry in combination with hot topics related to the national economy and people's livelihood, such as green and low-carbon, the development of new quality productivity.

So, what topics did the deputies and members of the "nuclear circle" focus on, and what suggestions did they put forward?

Nuclear power urgently needs a green "ID card"

At the National People's Political Consultative Conference, Yang Changli, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of China General Nuclear Power Group, together with 13 other CPPCC members, submitted the "Proposal on Incorporating Nuclear Power into China's Green Power System" to the General Assembly. Lu Tiezhong, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of China Nuclear Power, submitted the "Proposal on Promoting the Comprehensive Integration of Nuclear Energy into the Green and Low-Carbon Policy System and Promoting High-quality Economic Development".

As the only proof of the environmental attributes of renewable energy in China, the green certificate is the only certificate for determining the production and consumption of renewable electricity. It is an "electronic ID card" for renewable energy, which is used for renewable electricity consumption accounting, renewable energy electricity consumption certification, etc.

"However, in the current green power trading, green certificate trading and carbon emission trading, the green and low-carbon value of nuclear energy has not yet been recognized and clarified, and it is still necessary to further promote the full integration of nuclear energy into China's green and low-carbon policy system in the future, so as to accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation of nuclear energy to promote China's development mode and help the pace of high-quality economic development. Lu Tiezhong said.

To this end, he suggested that in the process of formulating and improving the relevant policy system of "double carbon", the green and low-carbon attributes of nuclear energy should be further clarified, and nuclear energy should be fully incorporated into the green and low-carbon policy system, and the first to issue green power consumption certificates to nuclear power users and green power generation enterprises, so as to provide authoritative proof of green and low-carbon attributes for nuclear power, and at the same time promote the international mutual recognition of nuclear energy as a low-carbon energy consumption through international cooperation, and help export enterprises establish a green image and provide support for carbon tariffs.

Yang Changli said in the interview: "From the perspective of China's national conditions, the task of carbon emission reduction is more arduous, and the inclusion of nuclear power in the green power system is one of the important measures to achieve the coordinated transformation of the energy consumption side and the supply side, which not only provides official proof for the green and low-carbon attributes of nuclear power, realizes the full coverage of non-fossil energy power with green certificates, but also meets the purchase needs of market users, and gives full play to the important role of nuclear power in reducing pollution and carbon emissions in the country." ”

Development of new qualitative productive forces in the field of nuclear energy

This year's government work report proposes to vigorously promote the construction of a modern industrial system and accelerate the development of new quality productive forces. So in the field of nuclear energy, how to develop new quality productivity?

Lu Tiezhong believes that the key is to work hard in scientific and technological innovation, explore the multi-purpose utilization of nuclear energy around the needs of industry and human life and health, and continuously release the potential and value of new quality productivity.

Wen Shugang, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Chairman of China Huaneng Group Co., Ltd., said that high-temperature gas-cooled reactors in the field of nuclear energy are an important area for the formation and development of new quality productivity, and also an important direction for the development of strategic emerging industries.

It is understood that the high-temperature gas-cooled reactor is an internationally recognized advanced reactor type of fourth-generation nuclear power technology. The Huaneng Shidaowan High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor Demonstration Project is the world's first pebble-bed modular high-temperature gas-cooled reactor designed, built, commissioned and operated by China on December 6, 2023, which successfully completed the 168-hour continuous operation test and was officially put into commercial operation.

Han Yongjiang, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, secretary of the party committee and chairman of China Baoyuan, and chairman of Tongfang Co., Ltd., believes that there is a huge space for the development of China's nuclear industry, which is an important part of the new quality productive forces. The nuclear technology application industry has always been an important driving force to promote the upgrading of traditional industries and the cultivation of new industries, representing high-end productivity, and an important landmark industry for a country to develop to a high-level level. He suggested that the overall planning of the development of the nuclear technology application industry should be continuously strengthened, and the systematic, forward-looking and directional development of the industry should be enhanced. We will further strengthen the capacity building and investment in innovation infrastructure, and enhance the level of industrial innovation and development.

Accelerate the diversified application of nuclear energy

When people think of nuclear technology, they often think of nuclear power plants. Today, diversification has also become the survival of nuclear energy. Food preservation, agricultural breeding, public safety, nuclear medicine, scientific exploration...... At this year's two sessions, a number of deputies and committee members also suggested accelerating the diversified use of nuclear energy.

"Accelerate the diversified application of nuclear energy heating, seawater desalination, hydrogen production, etc., promote the use of nuclear power for heating and heating transformation, promote the overall planning of nuclear power construction and urban heating and industrial heating, and promote the integrated development of large-scale heating industries such as nuclear power and chemical industry. At the same time, with the goal of replacing the stock of coal, we will accelerate the demonstration of clean heating and industrial heating for small reactors, and accelerate the construction of a system of regulations and standards suitable for the development of small reactors. Song Hailiang, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of China Energy Construction Group Co., Ltd., said.

At the same time, some representatives of the two sessions will focus on the field of nuclear energy and medical treatment. At present, proton heavy ion tumor treatment technology uses high-energy nuclear radiation beams to carry out "precise blasting" of tumor cells, so that more cancer patients can alleviate the pain caused by the disease.

Zhan Wenlong, a deputy to the National People's Congress and former vice president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, gave an example that China's heavy ion high-efficiency precision radiotherapy technology has achieved radiotherapy for about 25% of malignant tumors that are not suitable for other radiotherapy in clinical treatment. He suggested that heavy ion therapy should be included in the medical insurance step by step, and the proportion of the payment should be included in the medical insurance to broaden the insurance coverage. This will not only help promote the development of high-efficiency heavy ion precision radiotherapy industry, but also provide effective support for the silver economy.

Establish a national "Nuclear Science Day" to seize the new needs of international nuclear power development

This year, the deputies and committee members also continued to call for the establishment of a national "Nuclear Science Day" in the same motion and proposal as previous years, so as to create an environment for the development of the whole society to know and possess nuclear weapons.

On September 27, 1958, represented by the official transfer of China's first experimental heavy water reactor and the first cyclotron, China's nuclear industry gradually developed and expanded, creating the amazing cause of "two bombs and one boat".

Yancai, a deputy to the National People's Congress and a nuclear maintenance welder of China National Nuclear Corporation, suggested that September 27 of each year should be established as the national "Nuclear Science Day", and the establishment of the "Nuclear Science Day" should be used as a starting point to popularize nuclear energy knowledge and bear in mind the original intention of the nuclear industry. Let the public correctly understand, understand, and accept nuclear weapons, educate the vast number of young people to advocate and love science, inherit and carry forward the spirit of the "two bombs and one satellite" and the spirit of the nuclear industry, and cultivate and carry forward the national spirit and the spirit of the times.

Accelerating international cooperation in the field of nuclear energy has also become a starting point for enhancing international influence. The nuclear power industry is located at the top of the global manufacturing industry, with high technology spillovers, investment-driven and clean carbon reduction effects. After the deployment and implementation of large-scale advanced pressurized water reactors and high-temperature gas-cooled reactors, China has formed a complete, independent and controllable modern nuclear power industry chain.

Wang Mingdan, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and general manager of Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design Institute Co., Ltd., believes that China, as the country with the largest number of nuclear power units under construction in the world, can base itself on the advantages of China's nuclear power industry, seize the new needs and opportunities of international nuclear power development, continue to deepen international cooperation by organizing international exchanges and experience sharing, and promote China's advanced nuclear power models such as "Guohe No. 1" to "go global", give full play to China's nuclear power for the construction of the "Belt and Road" and global climate governance, consolidate and upgrade China's nuclear energy, The international influence of nuclear power.
