China Carbon Credit Platform

The 2024 China Carbon Market Conference and the 8th Climate Action Ministerial Conference will be held

Release Time1 month ago

On July 29, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment held a regular press conference in July. At the press conference, Pei Xiaofei, spokesperson of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, said that the 2024 China Carbon Market Conference and the 8th Climate Action Ministerial Conference (MoCA) were recently held in Wuhan City, Hubei Province.

The main forum of the 2024 China Carbon Market Conference has the theme of "Deepening exchanges and cooperation in the carbon market to respond to global climate change", and the "National Carbon Market Development Report (2024)" was released at the meeting. The report focuses on the construction of the institutional system of the national carbon emissions trading market, market operation during the second compliance cycle, quota allocation and settlement, data quality management, etc., and relevant progress since the launch of the national voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction trading market, as well as the national carbon market infrastructure construction, development effectiveness, international cooperation, etc., and prospects for the future development of the national carbon market.

With the theme of "Strengthening Global Climate Action and Implementing the Objectives of the Paris Agreement", the Eighth Ministerial Conference on Climate Action (MoCA) comprehensively summarized the outcomes of the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and discussed in depth the main issues of mitigation, adaptation, and support covered by the 29th and 30th Conferences of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and fully exchanged views on strengthening international cooperation and promoting energy transformation. Before the MoCA meeting, the 2024 "Basic Four Countries" Climate Change Ministerial Meeting of Brazil, South Africa, India and China was held, and the "Basic Four Countries Joint Ministerial Statement on Climate Change" was issued.
