China Carbon Credit Platform

Shunchang Court leads by "new quality", and ecological justice has a high "research" value

Release Time3 months ago

In order to thoroughly implement the new development concept and better serve and ensure the realization of the national "double carbon" goal, the Shunchang Court of Fujian Province, under the overall guidance and promotion of the Nanping City People's Court, the Shunchang Court of Fujian Province signed the "Memorandum of Cooperation on Establishing a" Judicial + Digital Double Carbon "Collaborative Mechanism." Multiply the "number" and sing the "carbon" tone of the green judicial anthem.

According to the relevant person in charge of Shunchang Court, the joint efforts of "judicial" and "digital dual carbon" mainly present three highlights in ecological judicial innovation.

First, the goal orientation is outstanding, and the service ensures the realization of the "double carbon" goal. Give full play to the important role of the judiciary in serving and ensuring the "double carbon" goal, combine intelligent carbon sink monitoring technical support and data analysis services, continuously establish and improve the "carbon sink monitoring + carbon sink subscription" working mechanism, and continue to expand forestry carbon sink loss compensation Comprehensive restoration model, further strengthen judicial protection of forest resources, promote timely restoration of damaged forest carbon pools, and better serve and ensure the national carbon peak and carbon neutrality goal.

The second is technology-oriented science, and the carbon measurement and calculation methods are accurate and reasonable. The Nanping Carbon Measurement Center of Fujian Province aims at technical gaps in the field of carbon measurement and carries out systematic scientific research in the fields of carbon footprint and carbon monitoring. Based on the national CCER methodology, combined with satellite remote sensing, airborne agency radar and other technologies, it builds a carbon sink data center and establishes an accurate and quantifiable forest carbon sink monitoring indicator system provides a quantifiable basis for forestry carbon sink loss measurement and carbon trading. It is highly operable, replicable and generalizable.

Third, the results are oriented to multiple dimensions, and judicial services extend to other carbon sink areas. Provide judicial services such as legal consultation, risk prediction, and diversified dispute resolution to Nanping Carbon Measurement Center of Fujian Province in the fields of carbon footprints, carbon monitoring, carbon metering, and carbon finance. At the same time, it has jointly carried out the application and expansion of carbon measurement results with Nanping Carbon Measurement Center of Fujian Province, striving to transform the ecological resource advantages of the jurisdiction into green development advantages through carbon accounting and measurement, and promoting the transformation from macro "carbon accounting" to precise "carbon measurement" and practical "carbon evaluation" to provide judicial service guarantees for promoting the healthy development of green and new quality productivity.

Digital dual carbon refers to the comprehensive use of digital technologies such as big data, Internet of Things, and blockchain for carbon accounting and measurement, and promotes the transformation of resource data to carbon data. It serves green and low-carbon development and helps achieve carbon peak. Important support and intellectual guarantee for the goal of neutrality. Carbon metering is a measure to monitor and measure the direct and indirect carbon dioxide emissions from human industrial activities to the earth, and is an important foundation for achieving "measurable, reportable and verifiable" carbon emissions. How much carbon has been emitted, how much has been reduced, and how much carbon has been sequestered? Carbon metering is needed to ensure accurate accounting of carbon emissions. The consistency and accuracy of carbon measurement ensure that carbon is assessable and tradable.

"Carbon measurement may seem remote, but in fact we are exposed to carbon every day. For example,'harvesting' virtual forest energy in an ant forest is a carbon metering process. Taking the elevator less once in daily life and striving to walk to and from work every time means that we contribute to carbon neutrality." Yu Zhouhuan, president of the Ecological Division of Shunchang Court, said.

Next, Shunchang Court will take the signing of the "Memorandum of Cooperation" as an opportunity to promote "quality innovation" with "new quality", continue to promote ecological priority, conservation and intensive, green and low-carbon development, deepen the reform of the collective forest rights system, and further improve ecological products. Value realization mechanism, protect beautiful mountains and rivers with green justice, and serve to ensure the "double carbon" goal.
