China Carbon Credit Platform

In 2024, the training course on greenhouse gas emission reporting and management of enterprises in the region (phase I) was held in Wuzhong City

Release Time4 months ago

In order to further improve the work of responding to climate change and the construction of the carbon market in our region, and effectively improve the quality of corporate carbon emission data,2024year4month29to30On the day, the Autonomous Region Department of Ecology and Environment held a meeting in Wuzhong City2024Training course on greenhouse gas emission reporting and management of enterprises in the whole region (one phase). The relevant departments, dispatched agencies and directly affiliated institutions of the Autonomous Region Department of Ecology and Environment, the Ecological Environment Bureau of the Municipal and Ningdong Base Management Committee, and the relevant staff of the key emitting units in the power generation, iron and steel, and non-ferrous metal industries in the region130More than one person participated.

This training invited relevant experts from the National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation, Shanghai Environment and Energy Exchange and verification agencies to use a combination of classroom teaching and on-site teaching, focusing on the interpretation of the Interim Regulations on the Administration of Carbon Emission Trading (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations"), and explaining and demonstrating the key points of carbon emission data quality management, the key points of enterprise carbon emission management system, and the national carbon emission trading system. Organize training personnel to go deep into the sampling room, coal laboratory, and sample preparation room of power generation enterprises to observe the intelligent fuel control system, sample preparation process, testing process, and collection and storage of monthly shrinkage samples of power plants, and exchange and discuss key points such as cross-contamination prevention of coal samples and sample particle size assurance.

Through the training, all localities have a deeper understanding and awareness of the "Regulations", further consolidate the main responsibilities of carbon emission trading of all parties, effectively improve the ability of the competent department of ecology and environment to supervise the quality of carbon emission data and the quality management ability of carbon emission data of key emitting enterprises, and lay a solid foundation for the construction of the carbon market in the autonomous region and the verification of carbon emission reports of enterprises in key industries. In the next step, the Department of Ecology and Environment of the Autonomous Region will continue to do a good job in the construction of the carbon market in accordance with the national work plan, strengthen the supervision of greenhouse gas data quality of enterprises in key industries, guide enterprises to establish internal management systems, improve emission management ledger data, comprehensively improve data quality, and continuously improve the ability to respond to climate change.
