China Carbon Credit Platform

High-speed flexible edge banding machine technology for furniture manufacturing has significant energy-saving and carbon reduction effects

Release Time1 month ago

"Our high-speed flexible edge banding technology has a processing speed of 42m/min. Under the same production capacity, it can save 24% of electricity compared to conventional edge banding machines, save 4000 kilowatt-hours of electricity per year, and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 2.6 tons." Recently, during the "Entering Hongya CNC Joint Theme Interview" event, Che Tiangeng, head of research and development of Hongya CNC edge banding machine project and chief engineer of Guangzhou Jidong Machinery Co., Ltd., introduced.

Edge banding is an important furniture manufacturing technology, which determines the appearance quality, service life and durability of furniture. At present, common edge banding processes in China include EVA edge banding technology, PUR edge banding technology, laser edge banding technology, etc. With the improvement of technical level and environmental protection requirements, the edge banding process is developing in a more environmentally friendly, efficient and intelligent direction.

"The high-speed flexible edge banding machine uses magnetic levitation technology to achieve stable operation without friction driving. It has the characteristics of low noise, high edge sealing, strong adhesion, and good waterproof effect. The edge banding effect will directly affect the airtightness of the edge banding of furniture panels, better isolate and seal the gas, water vapor, etc. in the panels, and improve the health and environmental protection level of the furniture." Che Tiangeng said,"On this basis, we have also optimized and upgraded the dust collection device of the equipment. Compared with traditional processes, the dust collection efficiency during the edge sealing process has been improved to a certain extent."

"The maximum processing speed of the magnetic suspension technology of the high-speed flexible edge banding machine can reach 42m/min. The various parameters and indicators are basically close to or exceed the advanced level in Europe, achieving a breakthrough in the 'stuck neck' technology and breaking the monopoly of foreign high-end edge banding machines on the Chinese market." Li Liangyu, chairman of Guangzhou Jidong Machinery Co., Ltd., said that the successful research and development of this technology will play a positive role in promoting the upgrading of panel furniture production equipment and leading the panel furniture manufacturing industry to develop towards intelligence and high-end.
