China Carbon Credit Platform

Huang Runqiu, Minister of Ecology and Environment, met with European Commission Commissioner for Environment, Ocean and Fisheries, Zinkevicius, and Commissioner for Climate Action, Hoekstra

Release Time3 months ago

On June 18, local time, during the fifth China-EU High-Level Dialogue on Environment and Climate, Huang Runqiu, Minister of Ecology and Environment, met with European Commission Commissioner for Environment, Ocean and Fisheries, Sinkevicius, and Climate Action Commissioner Hookstra in Brussels, Belgium. The two sides conducted in-depth exchanges on promoting the implementation of high-level dialogue consensus and deepening cooperation in the fields of environment and climate.

Huang Runqiu fully affirmed the fruitful results of China-EU environment and climate cooperation and looked forward to both sides further deepening high-level dialogue consensus and strengthening policy exchanges and cooperation. Huang Runqiu pointed out that China will firmly safeguard multilateralism and is willing to work with the European side at the 16th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, the 29th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and international instruments on plastic pollution. Make joint efforts in international processes such as negotiations and make greater contributions to global environmental governance. Huang Runqiu emphasized that the EU's unilateral promotion of the carbon border adjustment mechanism does not comply with the principles and requirements of the Convention such as "Common but differentiated responsibilities". He hoped that the EU would optimize and adjust the policy design and jointly promote the realization of the goals of the Paris Agreement.

The EU appreciates China's leadership in promoting global affairs and multilateral processes such as biodiversity protection and addressing climate change, and expresses its willingness to strengthen practical cooperation with China to jointly address global environmental and climate challenges.

After the meeting, Huang Runqiu and Hookstra signed a memorandum of understanding on strengthening China-EU cooperation in carbon emissions trading.

Zhao Yingmin, Vice Minister of Ecology and Environment, Hoyle, Director General of the Environment of the European Commission, and Van den Berg, Director General of Climate Action, attended the meeting.
