China Carbon Credit Platform

British Think Tank: Eighty percent of the world's carbon emissions come from 57 companies

Release Time5 months ago

  Recently, the British non-profit think tank Influence Since 2016, 80% of global CO2 emissions have come from 57 fossil fuel and cement producers, according to a report released by MAP. The top three emitters in the world are Saudi Aramco, Gazprom and Coal India. Saudi Aramco declined to comment. Coal Corporation of India and Gazprom also did not respond.

  According to the report, after 2015, when most countries signed the Paris Agreement, an international framework for countermeasures against global warming, and pledged to take measures to combat climate change, most companies have expanded fossil fuel production. Since then, many governments and businesses have set stricter emissions targets and rapidly increased their use of renewable energy. On the other hand, the production and combustion of fossil fuels have also expanded, leading to an increase in emissions.

  Statistics from the International Energy Agency (IEA) show that global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions hit a record high last year. As a result, the report aims to show that a relatively small number of people are responsible for most of the carbon emissions, the agency said. The agency's database was created by combining self-reported corporate data on coal, oil, and gas production with data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the American Mining Association, and other industries.
